Chapter 58 Rat
Imagination is beautiful, but reality is always skinny.

Su Ziqiong is destined to be only one person.

Since there is no way to hug the protagonist's thigh, he made his thigh thicker than the protagonist's!

Shaking his head slightly, and violently throwing these unrealistic thoughts out of his mind, Su Ziqiong decided to rest assured and wait for the first brother to arrive.



Time passed quietly.

an hour.

In the snow all over the sky.

A small armored vehicle about the size of a van, gray and black in body, hurried over.

After a while.

Accompanied by a harsh brake sound.

From the car, a figure quickly stepped down.

It's none other than Brother Yi who came from afar.

"Brother Heng!"

As soon as he came over, the first brother quickly handed over a cigarette.

"I don't smoke!"

Su Ziqiong shook her head.

"Here's one, it's a new product that just arrived, produced before the catastrophe, one is worth several gold bricks!"

Brother Yi smiled.

"I really don't smoke!"

Su Ziqiong grinned, a little startled.

"How many packs of these cigarettes do you have?"

"Let me see?"

Brother Yi was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously touched his pocket. "There are two boxes in total, and one box has been broken!"

"Two boxes, then give me one box."

"You don't smoke, don't you?"

The first brother cried and said: "If you don't smoke, you can ask for more. If you want to return it, you can just ask for a box."

"I don't smoke." Su Ziqiong nodded: "But I can keep it!"

"Do you want to collect cigarettes too?"

Brother Yi frowned. He had heard of wine collectors and antique collectors, but he had never heard of cigarette collectors.

This shit is too greedy, I want it as soon as I come up
One in two, what's the difference between this and a robber.

I would rather die than let go!

To the former, the hobbies are really different.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Brother Yi honestly took out a box from the pocket of his security suit.

He only had two boxes of such cigarettes in total. He originally planned to just give him one or two cigarettes as a courtesy, but he didn't expect that the one in front of him would be such a greedy master.

Su Ziqiong had a good conversation with brother one, at least...he thought so.

Otherwise, why would the first brother give him a pack of cigarettes?

Of course, these can be put aside for the time being.

Now that the time, place and people are right, it’s time to set off.

However, what Su Ziqiong didn't know was.

Just a few hundred miles away from them

In front of the only one leading to Sulawesi.

I don't know when.

This place is actually full of densely packed combat vehicles and tanks.

In the air, there are even dozens of armed helicopters hovering non-stop.

Vaguely, one could continuously see black soldiers slipping out of the corners among these combat vehicles.

They were all loaded with guns and live ammunition, their expressions were extremely solemn, and there was a chill atmosphere everywhere.


next moment.

Before these soldiers could react, the snow track under these combat vehicles suddenly collapsed.

In an instant.

A large number of tanks, armored vehicles, and infantry fighting vehicles fell into the deep pit.

But this appears to be just the beginning.

Followed by.

Before the soldiers could react from this mutation, countless tiny scarlet eyes appeared from the deep pit...

It turned out to be a group of black mice.

However, compared to normal mice, they are larger in size, like cats, with red eyes and a faint cold glow, as if they have mutated.

This incalculable tide of rats rioted. Countless mutated rats screamed and poured out from the underground passages of the pit, converging into a black and red ocean and rushing towards the warriors!

"Shoot, shoot!"

An officer roared, drew his gun and shot at the rat tide.

However, just after he killed two mutated mice, more mutated mice rushed over!A mutated mouse jumped up and bit the officer's wrist, and another mutated mouse rushed forward and bit the officer's calf...

The officer fell to the ground and let out a terrible cry.Then, more mutant mice swarmed up and overwhelmed him.

"Shoot, shoot them all!"

"Command headquarters, this is the No. [-] combat unit! We have encountered an enemy, and the enemy is a rat wave! Repeat, the enemy is a mutant rat wave..."

"I can't stop it, there are too many rat swarms!"

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

The number of these mutated rats was simply too large. Even if they were spread out, and each group dealt with one army, the number of each group of rats would be tens of millions.

When more and more mutated rats poured out from the underground passage, the deep pit was instantly filled.

Those fighters who fell into the deep pit with the vehicle were bitten and devoured by countless mutated rats, even their bones were chewed to pieces before they even finished firing a round of bullets!
Only soldiers hiding among infantry vehicles, armored vehicles and tanks were temporarily spared.

However, they can't last long.

The rat wave spread.

After devouring all the fighters who fell into the pit, the tens of millions of mutated rats rushed out of the pit, rushing towards the following fighters and convoy!

“Bring the spray train over here!!!”

"Maximum horsepower, ready, fire!!!"

In the crowd, someone commanded loudly.


With the man's voice.

next moment.

Long flames spewed out with long tongues, like dragons, and sprayed fiercely towards the rats below...

The huge tongue of flame swallowed clouds and fog, and crazily sprayed towards the collapsed road pit...




The temperature of the flame is as high as thousands of degrees Celsius, which is enough to melt steel.

Not to mention a flesh-and-blood rat.

Almost instantly.

These long flame tongues like dragons surrounded the mutated mice.

"Prick, prick..."

"Prick, prick..."

The flames fiercely covered the deep pit, emitting a burning smell similar to barbecue.

The only difference is.

This smell is extremely pungent, like a disgusting smell of carrion.


The fierce flames burned fiercely, and finally suppressed the originally raging wave of mutant rats.


Right now.

The danger is steep.

The ground that was already calm suddenly shook violently again at this moment.

This is not finished.

With the violent shaking of the ground.

The group of mutant rats that had been suppressed by the flames suddenly went berserk.

The flames, which reached thousands of degrees, were somewhat uncontrollable.


next moment.

From that violently shaking center.

Huge black shadows tore through the ground and quickly climbed up.

"That is……"

The army commander's eyes suddenly widened, his face turned extremely pale, and he was covered in cold sweat.

that shadow...

It turned out to be a mutant mouse with a size of five or six meters.

More precisely, it should be the mutant rat king.


The pupils of these gigantic mutated mice were red, and their bodies were covered with blood-red muscle tissue, filled with a steel-like luster, extremely terrifying.

"Quick, attack them, quick..."

The army commander shouted and danced.


However, these giant mutated mice rushed over without blinking their eyes...

The steel-like exposed skin actually broke through the flame tongue...

(End of this chapter)

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