My body can be digitized

Chapter 57 pondering

Chapter 57 pondering
For human beings, some disasters can be avoided, but some disasters can only be endured passively.

In the beginning, it was a disaster that no one cared about. It was just a wildfire, a drought, the extinction of a species, and the disappearance of a city. Until the end, this disaster was closely related to everyone.

The sun ages rapidly and begins to expand. In 100 years, it will engulf the earth and bring devastating disasters. In 300 years, the solar system will cease to exist.In the face of this catastrophe, mankind has shown unprecedented unity.In order to allow more people to survive, the coalition government decided to transform the earth into a "spaceship" to escape from the solar system and head to its new home 4.2 light-years away, the star Proxima Centauri.This long and ambitious plan is called the "Wandering Earth Project".

The program is divided into five phases:

In the first stage, human beings will spend all they have to build 10000 "planetary engines" on the surface of the earth to provide power for the earth to fly out of the solar system.At the same time, facing the deteriorating living environment, the coalition government has built a dungeon under each engine, which will be the only shelter for human beings before the earth arrives at their new home.

In the second stage, the steering engine camera around the equator is turned on, driving the earth to stop its self-rotation.And this will cause a monstrous tsunami to sweep across the world, and the global population will drop by nearly half.

In the third stage, the earth will use the sun and Jupiter to complete the final accelerated sprint and officially embark on a journey of wandering.

In the fourth stage, after the earth leaves the solar system, the planetary engine will be turned on at full power, and it will take 500 years to accelerate to 1300/700th of the sun, and maintain it for [-] years, then turn the direction of the engine, and then take [-] years to decelerate.

In the fifth stage, the earth enters the neighboring galaxy and becomes its new planet.

At the same time, the coalition government established the pilot International Space Station to navigate and provide early warning for the earth.The MOSS intelligent program with the goal of saving human kindling controls the entire pilot International Space Station.

As the top wisdom crystallization of aerospace technology in the world, whether it is the Navigator International Space Station or the MOSS intelligent program, countless human efforts have been poured into it. The sad thing is that human beings have not even left the solar system, so they have to kill themselves first. .

Tragic and helpless, but this has to be done. After all, it is no longer a matter of personal life and death. This is the most critical moment for the whole world and all human beings to see each other. He rushed forward desperately.

This is not righteousness, and it will not be imposed on others. It is just a responsibility.

If possible, Su Ziqiong does not want to sacrifice the International Space Station Navigator.

Thinking of the Navigator International Space Station, Liu Peiqiang popped up in Su Ziqiong's mind.

There is no doubt that as a hero, he is absolutely well-deserved, but as a father, he is somewhat ashamed.

As we all know, the relationship between Liu Peiqiang and Liu Qi is father and son, but Liu Qi has never called him, let alone recognized him!

Everyone knows the first reason. Before moving into the dungeon, Liu Peiqiang’s wife was seriously ill. Starting from the overall situation, Liu Peiqiang endured the pain and exchanged two tickets for Liu Qi and Han Ziang. Have the opportunity to move into the dungeon.

But Liu Qi believed that Liu Peiqiang abandoned his mother, which indirectly caused her death.

As for the second reason, it is also explained in the movie that Liu Peiqiang was going to work in the space station, so he would leave Liu Qi. In order to prevent Liu Qi from worrying and missing him, he told Liu Qi to look up and see the stars, so he could see his father.

But it was this lie that deceived Liu Qi for 17 years.

After the earth stopped spinning, Liu Qi's hemisphere was equipped with [-] engines. These [-] engines had to push the earth, so they had to face the side of the sun so that they could leave the solar system.

It is equivalent to the fact that Liu Qi's hemisphere has been in the eternal day for many years, and there is no night at all, so it is a matter of course that you can't see the stars.

Suddenly, another figure popped up in Su Ziqiong's mind—the old horse.

Speaking of Liu Peiqiang, I have to say that the old horse who has the best relationship with him, when Liu Peiqiang suspected that Moss had rebelled, it was the old horse who helped Liu Peiqiang stop Moss, and Lao Ma died because of this, but Moss did not actually rebel.

The plan of "Wandering Earth" is to let the earth escape from the solar system before the sun explodes and save all human beings.There are two main functions of the space station. The first point is to be the pioneer of the earth and guide the earth.

The second point is that the space station itself is a huge memory that retains the genes and data of species on earth.The United Nations has selected several outstanding astronauts from around the world to work on the space station. The daily operations of the space station are controlled by AI intelligent moss, so the astronauts' work is relatively easy.

No one expected that the earth would be captured by Jupiter due to changes in gravity. It is difficult for human beings to recover from the tragedy of the collision between the earth and Jupiter. The United Nations decided to abandon the earth and let the astronauts on the space station continue the blood of the earth people. Moss followed the instructions Deviated from the route, but was misunderstood by Liu Peiqiang as a defection.

Therefore, Liu Peiqiang and Lao Ma began to compete with Moss for control of the space station. In order to stop Moss, Liu Peiqiang and Lao Ma had to venture out of the cabin and enter the main control room from the outside. Lao Ma had an accident during this process.

Moss is directly responsible for Lao Ma's death, while Liu Peiqiang is indirectly responsible. Moss woke up Lao Ma to let him stop Liu Peiqiang, but he didn't expect Lao Ma to be loyal and willing to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.The original intention of Liu Peiqiang and Lao Ma's action was to prevent Moss from defecting, but it turned out that Moss was not a traitor.

The moss did not rebel, so it is meaningless for Liu Peiqiang to do such a big thing. From this point of view, the old horse sacrificed too much. The remaining significance is to save Liu Peiqiang's life.

"Should I ask Liu Qi to call Liu Peiqiang and tell him that MOSS did not betray?"

Su Ziqiong couldn't help thinking, but shook his head immediately after a moment.

This idea is too unrealistic, unless he frightens Liu Qi and beats him obediently.

But this ass is even more unrealistic. No matter how he feels, he thinks that kid Liu Qi is not afraid of death.

If it wasn't for the basic settings given to him by the system, he really planned to hug Liu Qi's thigh.

They think of a way, they do things, and he himself is responsible for eating, sleeping and beating Doudou, wouldn't it be beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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