My body can be digitized

Chapter 45 BJ District 3 Traffic Committee Reminds You

Chapter 45 BJ Third District Traffic Committee Reminds You

Xin Min opened his mouth in shock, unable to speak for a long time.

The same is true for Su Ziqiong.

Even though I am used to seeing those super-large underground shopping malls in the real world, it is still difficult to hide the shock in my heart at this moment.

Below, countless armored vehicles rumbled.

Above, a passenger plane hums away.

In the air, it seems that countless huge iron drums are beating non-stop, playing a piece of music that shakes the soul alternately.

"Please pay attention to reversing, please pay attention to reversing!!!"

Of course, the premise is that there is no interruption by this sentence.

In the narrow passage, the crowd lined up in two lines and moved forward slowly. After walking for about 10 minutes, the crowd suddenly stopped.

"Every group of ten people, take one elevator, no more, no less!!!!"

From the broadcaster in the corner, bursts of electronic and mechanical synthesized sounds continued to be heard.

Su Ziqiong and Xin Min walked in the second team, and when the elevator was full of ten people, it started moving automatically.

"Brush brush..."

"Brush brush..."

In the ear, the sound of the chain going up and down lasted for more than ten minutes before it gradually weakened.

"It's already on the surface."

In the elevator, someone shouted something.


Xin Min raised his head slightly and glanced at Su Ziqiong.

"Just follow them."

Su Ziqiong said after thinking for a moment.


With his voice, the elevator door was slowly opened.

In an instant.

A dazzling light suddenly struck.

Su Ziqiong subconsciously frowned, not only him, but everyone in the elevator.

"This is the light of the sun!"

someone explained.

"After turning into a red giant, the sun will complete its full journey in less than a few hundred years. Similarly, during this period of time, the sun will release nearly ten times as much heat wave as before. , Therefore, even though we are far away from the sun now, we can still feel its brilliance, the only difference is that the radiance does not contain a trace of heat!!!”

The man didn't say much, there were a few new faces in the elevator, and what he said was purely for the newcomers.

"You two come with us one by one, our mission this time is to escort Tinder!"

Just as they were leaving the elevator, several men in black combat uniforms suddenly walked up to Su Ziqiong and the others.

"Sorry, we have a mission!"

Without even thinking about it, Su Ziqiong simply refused.

"Sorry, now is a special moment, no matter what task you were in before, now, you must accept our custody!"

Among several men in black combat uniforms, a man who looked a little thin stepped forward.

"Hi, my name is Wang Lei!"

The man's voice was calm and powerful, clanging.

"It turned out to be him!"

Su Ziqiong was slightly taken aback, and information about the man quickly popped up in his mind.

Wang Lei, male, a soldier of the United Earth Government, the captain of 171-11, has a strong sense of mission. His job is to lead the rescue team to transport fire and repair the planetary propulsion engine, but encountered many thrilling difficulties on the way , In order to successfully transport the fire to the destination, his brothers all died in sevens and eighties.

Of course, what caught Su Ziqiong's attention the most was not Wang Lei's personal resume, but the fact that he would meet Liu Qi later on.

At this moment, Su Ziqiong was a little hesitant.

He originally planned to act alone, but for Su Ziqiong, it is undoubtedly a matter of getting twice the result with half the effort.

"Okay, I promise you!"

After thinking for a while, Su Ziqiong finally agreed to Wang Lei's request.

Although he knows the specific process of the storyline, he is not Liu Qi after all, and he does not have an astronaut father who is willing to sacrifice for it. In fact, it is very simple in the final analysis.

No matter what the purpose was, he had to take advantage of Liu Qi's power.

"Hello, welcome to team 171-11."

Wang Lei's voice sounded dull and powerful, interrupting Su Ziqiong's thoughts.


Su Ziqiong straightened her body slightly and returned a military salute.

Not because of anything else, just because of the other person.

*********, this is a people's soldier who has put the interests of mankind first from the bottom of his heart, and he will do whatever it takes to do this.

This is not pedantic, not everyone can be so great.


In the endless ocean of snow.

Wang Lei led the way, followed by Su Ziqiong and Xin Min.

Xin Min's expression was a little dazed, she hadn't realized until now why she suddenly accepted the order of the stranger in front of her.

Humph, it’s all the boss’s fault.

Xin Min was sulking alone, and looked at Su Ziqiong from time to time, which was extremely resentful.

But it's a pity.

At this moment, Su Ziqiong had already turned his attention to the surrounding things.

The sky is dark blue, and the sun's rays are as dazzling as daytime. Covering your eyes with your hands, you can faintly see the orange core in the middle of the sun.

From a distance, a huge crimson sphere can be seen.

Looking against the light, you can see countless dust mustards raised in the air, and the dust is poured into the boundless sea of ​​snow around it, stirring up tiny halos; while the light leaking from the cracks is screened Mottled shadows, light or dark shadows, dark or shallow circles imprinted on the ground.The frosty breath in the air circulated in an instant.

The raging snowflakes kept falling from the sky, the biting cold wind blew by one after another, and the air swelled with cold and dry everywhere.

Even though he was wearing a security suit to protect him from the cold, there was still a constant surge of coldness.

"When a star goes through its long young and middle age, the main sequence star stage, and enters its old age, it will first become a red giant star. A red giant star is the shortest period of time that a star burns to the later stage. In the most unstable stage, the surface temperature of the star during the red giant star period is relatively low, but it is extremely bright. The sun you see now has become a super giant red giant star because of the super-intensive combustion of the core, the moon, Mercury, Venus , Mars has been completely swallowed by it, it is estimated that the next one... will be Jupiter!!!"

Wang Lei's voice sounded, a little hoarse and heavy... with a trace of grief.

Su Ziqiong froze for a moment, but did not reply to his words, not knowing what he was thinking.

Wang Lei didn't say anything, and concentrated on leading the way ahead.

"BJ Third District Traffic Committee reminds you that there are tens of thousands of roads, and safety is the first. If driving is not standardized, loved ones will cry!"

In the jet-black armored vehicle, there was a crisp sound of ignition of the engine, and then the hot-searched voice sounded.

Inside the armored vehicle, Su Ziqiong's eyes were slightly closed.

He is recharging his batteries and making the best preparations for the upcoming battle.

The armored vehicle started quickly and galloped away, but just after driving for less than a hundred meters, a male voice rang through the communicator inside the vehicle.

"The coalition government has mobilized at the highest level and notified the global combat readiness forces. Affected by Jupiter's gravity, a total of 770 engines have shut down around the world. In order to avoid collisions between the ground and the wood, all ministries have set off urgently according to the No. 36 plan. They must be restarted within 35 hours. All failed engines, this rescue operation is related to the life and death of [-] billion people, the priority of the target is above everything, regardless of the cost, repeat, the priority of the target is above all, regardless of the cost!!!”

The voice was steady and powerful, like thunder.

"It's time to come!"

At this moment, Su Ziqiong's slightly closed eyes opened suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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