My body can be digitized

Chapter 44 Re-Chapter Surface (4)

Chapter 44 Return to the Surface ([-])

He is distraught now.

He didn't know how to face Xin Min, but he couldn't let him go.

It's better to take it with you and explain it to the other party slowly in the future.

Brother Yi moved very quickly, without any tricks, and honestly brought the chip and security suit over.

Two transparent chips and two sets of fiery red security suits.

The security suit was very heavy. Su Ziqiong weighed it with his hands. The combined weight of these two sets of security suits must weigh at least fifty catties.

"This is the most advanced security suit I have here. Although it is slightly insufficient compared with those responsible for maintaining the planetary engines on the surface, it is not much worse!"

Brother Yi's expression was very painful: "I don't have many sets, please remember to return them to me."

"Unexpectedly, the rich and powerful brother will also be deducted sometimes."

Su Ziqiong smiled. "Don't worry, for the sake of your honesty, I will definitely return it to you after you use it up!"

"Then you have to keep your word!"

Although he didn't believe what Su Ziqiong said, he had to believe it at this moment.

Now at least there is an unreliable promise, which is better than nothing.

"rest assured!!!"

Su Ziqiong cast a big smile and made an ok gesture.

Although, no matter how you look at it, it is fake.

The first brother could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

If he could use one word to describe his inner feelings at this moment, it would probably be - we don’t dare to ask, we don’t dare to say!

As for how to use the pass chip in hand, Xin Min knows without asking others.

This seems to be the consensus of all engine dwellers.

Every year when the United Nations recruits troops, it will focus on this point in detail.

There is only one channel of the Changjiang planetary engine leading to the surface.

Located at the end of the underground city.

In fact, to be honest, the whole underground city is not too big.

The total length is only about five or six miles. Before the solar system cataclysm, it was at best the size of a village.

However, although the area is narrow, the manpower, material resources, and financial resources consumed in it are comparable to the fiscal revenue of a province before the catastrophe.

Among them, the dense black lines all over the alley and the exhaust equipment that can be seen everywhere are proof.

The underground city is located at a depth of 3250 miles underground, which is [-] meters in meters.

It is a full 3250 meters. Generation after generation, human beings have huddled in it to resist the harsh and cold winter of the endless sun on the surface.

But humans are always tenacious.

Countless histories have proven the strength of human civilization.

And even at a depth of several thousand meters underground, human beings can still entertain themselves.

Just like now.

Amid the strong smell of fireworks, the New Year has arrived.

In the twists and turns of the alley, the crowds become denser as you go to the end, and the narrow passage is filled with wet clothes hanging on hangers.

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year!"

"New Year's Eve!"

There was a lot of noise all around, like a busy city, and almost all the vacant places nearby were covered with big spring characters.

At the same time, there is a long sentence printed on the neon light tower not far away:
The past years seem to be vividly remembered, and the new year has come.Regardless of whether the past time is sad or joyful, when the cycle of the year comes to an end, regardless of success or failure, it is already history.

At this moment, the bell of the new year has sounded, and the horn of the expedition has sounded from the city to the countryside, from the factory to the school, and from all directions of the planetary engine.

Aggressive suspicions will not reappear, and the spring breeze blows through the dreamy bay of concern. Although it is still chilly, it is enough to warm the heart surrounded by love.The home page of the New Year is filled with shy thoughts, and may the sea of ​​hearts in the coming year be full of poetic vitality! ! !
In the vast history of hundreds of years since Huaguo launched the "Wandering Earth" project, the Spring Festival is still the most important festival.

In addition to being lively, it is more about placing the hope of mankind.

This is the most special day in Huaguo. Every New Year, the original system of distribution according to work and distribution of materials according to contribution will be broken.

The country will set up various stalls selling New Year's goods at the end of each planetary engine dungeon.

Even, occasionally, you can see all kinds of fireworks.

This is a festival that should be celebrated by the whole world, but Su Ziqiong seldom feels festive and relieved.

He knows the plot.

The rebellious Liu Qi has already planned to take his sister Han Duoduo to the surface of the earth to celebrate a special New Year. Soon, what will greet the earth is estimated to be the gravity of Jupiter, which exceeds the gravity of the earth by more than 50 times! ! !

After going on for more than ten minutes, the lively atmosphere before a spacious semicircle seemed to fade away a lot in an instant.

Looking at the past, there are neat rows of youths wearing bright red security uniforms, most of them are men, and only a few women.

And in front of this group of youths was a thick iron gate about two meters in length.

It's just that the iron gate has not been opened yet.

All the young people are staying here quietly, their expressions are extremely solemn, as if they are about to face some kind of scourge.

In the air, the atmosphere was slightly depressing and heavy.

No one made any noise, only the sound of walking and heavy breathing.

No need for Xin Min to tell, Su Ziqiong could guess where this place was.

"Ding, please show your pass!"

Without intentionally jumping in line, Su Ziqiong found a row with the least number of people, and began to wait quietly for the iron gate in front of him to open.

Fortunately, he didn't make him wait for a long time. About 3 minutes later, there were bursts of mechanically synthesized electronic sounds from inside the iron gate.

The team moved very fast, and in less than a dozen seconds, it was Su Ziqiong's turn.

Without any hesitation, he quickly took out the access chip.

There is a ten-inch LCD monitor above the iron door, and below the LCD monitor is a laser scanner five to six centimeters long and several millimeters thick.

"Ding: Welcome back Captain Li of the First Marine Corps!"

After a while, a big green symbol appeared on the screen of the LCD monitor.

Su Ziqiong walked in quickly, followed by Xin Min
"The in-vehicle communication system must be kept on and follow the disaster avoidance command at any time."

After entering the iron gate, there is a long steel passage, and only three people are allowed to advance in parallel at most.

The passage was very long and extremely narrow, but after walking for half a minute, Su Ziqiong's vision suddenly brightened.

Wherever he looked, there was an incomparably vast space.

At this moment, they were on an iron bridge that ended. Underneath, there were neatly arranged snow armored vehicles. High in the sky, there was an extremely huge passenger plane, and the deafening roar of engines was everywhere, which was extremely spectacular.

(End of this chapter)

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