My body can be digitized

Chapter 11 Ghost Hit the Wall

Chapter 11 Ghost Hit the Wall

Su Ziqiong really worked hard this time.

At this moment, he only had one thought, and that was to jump directly from the window not far away.


Su Ziqiong was panting violently. Logically speaking, he was not too far away from the window, at most more than 100 meters away, but even this distance was less than 200 meters, which made his legs feel full. It was like an iron pillar. If his desire for survival hadn't been overwhelming, he would have fallen face-to-face to the ground at this moment.

"It's definitely that evil spirit that's causing trouble, I'm not tired at all now, everything is an illusion, everything is an illusion!"

Su Ziqiong's eyes were bloodshot, and he kept muttering, his face had already become a little crazy.

"Bang bang bang..."

In the line of sight, the bright light became more and more dazzling, and it became bigger and bigger.

at last.

After taking the last step, the bright window finally caught his eyes.

"Hahaha, I will be able to escape immediately!"

Su Ziqiong's eyes were as wide as a bull's eye, and the bloodshot became more and more dense. He smashed the glass of the window with a punch, and the shattered glass shards shot out in all directions. Many of them even scratched his skin.

The dazzling red blood oozes out like money, but Su Ziqiong can't control that much at the moment.

He had to jump, had to jump.


With a roar, half of his legs had already stepped out of the window.

Black, the outside turned out to be as black as if you couldn't see your fingers, like ink that was accidentally pushed down.


Suddenly, right at this moment.

Su Ziqiong's movements suddenly stopped, and then quickly retracted.


He was trembling all over, his face was pale, and his face was full of palpitations.

"His grandma's, almost jumped off!!!"

Su Ziqiong patted his heart hard, and said with lingering fear.

Fortunately, his brain reacted quickly at that time, and he came back to his senses.

If it was so dark outside, how could the windows be so bright!

It's obvious that he was deluded just now!

"If you have a seed, don't play tricks!"

Su Ziqiong became angry and shouted all around.

Accompanied by his yelling, the brightly lit window suddenly disappeared and turned into a concrete wall.

The endless darkness completely enveloped Su Ziqiong again.


This is not finished.

In the air, there were even faint bursts of strange sounds.

next moment.

From in front of Su Ziqiong.

A group of fog suddenly rose slowly.

The fog was so strange that you could see it clearly even in the thick darkness.

And at the same time that the fog disappeared.

A bloody figure broke into his eyes in an instant.

What a terrifying figure that is, there is no skin on his body, at first glance, all he sees is blood red, this disgusting guy exposed to the air is either muscles or blood vessels, even though it is night, it can still be blurred Seeing the blood vessels in his body wriggling slowly, anyone who saw this would feel like vomiting.

"Big brother? Big brother! Did you come to the wrong place? You have to find your real enemy!"

first timing.

Su Ziqiong decisively chose to beg for mercy.

No matter how you look at this skinless monster in front of you, it's terrifying, and it's not something he can deal with!
Backing to the wall, Su Ziqiong, who felt that there was no way out, swallowed, and mustered up the courage to speak.

The skinned ghost didn't answer, and approached Su Ziqiong bit by bit, and Su Ziqiong felt the chill around him become heavier.

"Damn, are you really not giving me any way to live?"


The ghost chose to ignore him directly.

"I will fight for you!"

Su Ziqiong completely broke out.

The rabbit bites people when it's in a hurry, and he even hits a ghost in a hurry! ! !
"The Devil's Palm!"

Su Ziqiong directly used this "magic skill" that once saved her life.

However, the moment he took action, the terrifying ghost in front of him suddenly turned into mist and disappeared into the darkness.

Su Ziqiong opened his eyes abruptly.

Back to the very beginning scene again.

He... has been standing at the corner of the fourteenth floor, without moving a step.

"Ghost hitting the wall!"

This word popped out of Su Ziqiong's mind.

The so-called "ghost hitting the wall" means that when walking at night or in the countryside, you can't tell the direction, have a vague self-perception, and don't know where to go, so you keep turning in circles.When telling others about this kind of experience, it is difficult for others to understand, so it is called "ghost hitting the wall". Scientifically explained, it is actually a state of hazy consciousness of people.

Ghosts hitting walls are usually specific places, such as cemeteries, and it often happens in places with heavy yin.

Su Ziqiong once heard his friend talk about a fire that he personally experienced.

That day, a friend went to the hospital to visit a patient, and it was already late when he came back, but the car broke down on the road.I got out of the car and saw that it was only four miles away from home, and my friend took a shortcut to drive home.

My friend said that it felt like I hadn't gone far, and a wall blocked the way.At that time, he didn't think much, and continued to walk along the wall.Tired, my friend sat down and smoked a cigarette.However, commonly used lighters can't catch fire anyway.

Not right!

My friend thought, could it be that I encountered a "ghost hitting the wall"?It's only four miles away, how come it took so long? —When will a wall be built on the road?

The friend knew in his heart that it would be futile to leave again.Simply, lie down and rest on the spot!It wasn't until the lights of cars on the road came over that he suddenly realized that he was in an old cemetery...

The next day, my friend went to the cemetery to observe, and found a very conspicuous path for him to walk in the cemetery—an irregular circle.

A friend told him, what should I do if this happens?
First of all, don’t be afraid!
Remember not to panic, because the ghost will judge your psychology based on your heartbeat reflection, the more panic you are, the happier he is!
The first point, if you can't get out after walking several times, then stand still and don't move, because ghosts will create illusions, if the ghost has a grudge against you, it will lead you to the road or... this Sometimes you just pretend to be calm and say, "If you can't go out, then I won't go." If you have a lighter by your side at that time, just light it and walk around it, and then go again. Generally, you should be able to go out!

The second point, if it is a more powerful ghost, remember not to be impatient, just silently say "go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go" while you recite and walk!
(End of this chapter)

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