My body can be digitized

Chapter 10 Escape

Chapter 10 Escape

"This ghost has a pitiful life. Not only did he lose his job, he was cheated on countless times. In the end, he couldn't even save his own life!"

Su Ziqiong was a little sad.

But now there is no room for him to slowly appreciate it.

There was no other reason, after the figure paused for a moment, it had already killed him.

This figure is completely composed of mist, and the facial features are very blurred. You can only vaguely see the outline, as if separated by a thick layer of silk veil.

But there is one place that can be seen clearly.

That is the face of the other party.

Blood vessels as thick as a little finger gushed out of his face crazily, swaying desperately in the air like a thin snake, piercing the man's cheeks constantly, looking from a distance, the man's face was completely changed, there was no good place at all, It's like an enlarged version of a hornet's nest.

Su Ziqiong, who was watching, got goosebumps all over his body.

What's miraculous is that the punctured blood hole on the man's face will recover in an instant, but almost at the same time, new blood vessels will pierce the man's recovered skin and spurt out.

This... is like a vicious circle, and the man has to endure this pain forever.

"It's really cruel!"

Su Ziqiong couldn't help feeling chills from the bottom of his heart.

"To be or not to be, this is a question worthy of consideration; to endure the tyrannical poisonous arrows of fate silently, or to stand up against the endless suffering of the world, and to sweep away all that in the struggle, which of these two acts is more important?" noble?"

Of course, Su Ziqiong chose to run away without thinking about it.


Panting heavily, he ran all the way downstairs. Just as he escaped to the twelfth floor, he suddenly saw a student walking up slowly from downstairs.

This student, Su Ziqiong, had never seen it before. He couldn't help but pause when he saw it, but then ran down the stairs again.

But just as he was passing by that student, that student turned his head suspiciously and asked Su Ziqiong, "What's wrong with that man on your back? Do you need help?"

"The person on the back?"

These words almost scared Su Ziqiong out of his wits. He subconsciously touched his back, but what he touched...was a cold corpse!


Without even thinking about it, Su Ziqiong dropped the corpse on her back.

Not the man made of mist.

It was a corpse he had never seen before.

Su Ziqiong, who was busy running for his life, had no idea when the body ran onto his back.

He screamed and fled downstairs, but what made Su Ziqiong look desperate was that the apartment building seemed to have no end, no matter how he ran, there was no hope of leaving.

When he couldn't run anymore and stopped breathing heavily as if from exhaustion, while he was resting, a little light suddenly appeared in front of him, and he saw that the staircase door he had been looking for before was actually not far away. ahead.

This is the corridor leading to the twelfth floor.

But for a distance of more than ten meters, he really felt like he had run for more than half an hour.

The constant feeling of fatigue throughout his body convinced him of this.

Su Ziqiong didn't care about rest anymore and ran towards the exit with all his strength. However, when he thought he had escaped, he found that he was back on the fourteenth floor!

What appeared in front of his eyes was the monster that hurt his face just looking at him.

At this moment, the monster was only less than ten centimeters away from him.


Su Ziqiong was so frightened that he yelled.



At some point, the lights on the roof suddenly began to flicker, as if having a convulsion.

"If you are wronged, you have a debtor. Don't look for me. If you want to look for it, look for Brother Jiu. It's all because of him!"

Su Ziqiong raised his hands high, and took advantage of the monster's inattention and rushed out again.

Walking quickly along the corridor towards the stairway ahead, Su Ziqiong suddenly felt a feeling of being spied on.


at this time.

At the top of the stairs, there was a crisp sound, and the light bulb at the top of the corridor flickered violently for a few times, and then suddenly fell into endless darkness.

From the seventeenth floor to the bottom of the apartment building, the lights disappear in a spiral pattern.


Su Ziqiong's eyes subconsciously looked towards the corridor shrouded in darkness. In the darkness, a vague figure was vaguely visible, and heavy footsteps kept coming.

He took a breath of cold air, feeling a little confused in his heart, and without thinking, he ran towards a room on the side.


Su Ziqiong was directly bounced back.

"Damn, this lock is so fucking strong!"

He cursed angrily, and hearing the rapid and heavy footsteps coming from not far away, he roared, and then with all his strength, he slammed into the door next to him again.


A loud crashing sound was constantly amplified in the middle of the night. Su Ziqiong felt that his bones were about to fall apart, but the door only trembled slightly, and even the glass didn't seem to shatter.


Su Ziqiong kicked towards the wooden door again, but this time it was the same as before.

Because the footsteps coming from above were getting closer and closer, Su Ziqiong didn't care about breaking the door again, so he could only bite the bullet and escape along the corridor of the corridor.

Black, black that can't be seen.

Quiet, you can even hear the heartbeat.

In this environment, I am afraid that anyone will be confused about the direction, and it is no different from a blind man.

The back road was cut off, Su Ziqiong could only grit his teeth and continue to escape in the dark.

Fortunately, there was a faint light ahead.

Su Ziqiong gritted her teeth, and planned to go upstairs from another slightly lit staircase in front, to see if she could escape outside through the window of the corridor.

As for this being the twelfth floor, whether he would fall or not, that was no longer his consideration.

Now, he just wanted to escape, at all costs, to escape.

However, just as he stepped up the steps on his side, he saw a human-shaped shadow suddenly appearing on the flickering steps above.

The shadow squirmed left and right on the steps, making a hissing and rubbing sound, which made Su Ziqiong's hair stand on end.

Behind him is the darkness where you can't reach your fingers, and in front of you is that terrifying figure. Su Ziqiong didn't hesitate, but took big strides resolutely. past above.

However, just when one of his feet had landed, a black claw suddenly protruded from the figure. If caught, Su Ziqiong would definitely die.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, exerted strength in his waist and abdomen, kicked one foot extremely quickly, and fell out in a panic, his head came into intimate contact with the corner wall.

Regardless of being dizzy, Su Ziqiong staggered up again, not even daring to look at the figure again, and he ran desperately towards the bright light ahead again.

(End of this chapter)

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