My body can be digitized

Chapter 109 Young Dragon

Chapter 109 Young Dragon
Arthur Weasley was very depressed and had to work overtime on Sunday.However, due to the shortage of staff in the Department of Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Substances, and another old employee Parkinson, there are only two people in the Department of Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Substances.

He, the director, had to lead by example.

The dumpster injury incident in Tan Suston Village had been reported a long time ago, but he hadn't had time to deal with it, so he happened to come here today to solve it.

He Apparated from outside the village, and was going to find the injured Muggle Kenny Evans first to find out about the situation.However, shortly after he entered the village, several houses suddenly caught fire one after another!

not good!Arthur Weasley's reaction was extremely quick, and he immediately drew out his wand to be on alert.The next moment, a black figure rushed towards him.

"Werewolf!" A red light erupted from his wand. The werewolf paused, as if he had been wounded, but the next moment he roared angrily and arched his body.He waved his wand, and was about to cast a powerful spell to end the animal in front of him, when he suddenly felt the danger, his body flashed, and a green light passed dangerously close to his body.He turned back hastily.

"Dark wizard!" Seeing the figure in the robe and hood, he raised his alertness to the highest level. "Still... Death Eaters!"

Two figures in black robes flashed out from behind a house on fire again. Arthur Weasley was terrified, knowing that he couldn't be willing to fight, but in such an environment where the spells were indiscriminately and the magic power was chaotic, apparition was obviously asking for a dead end. He decisively ran out of the village.

"As long as you escape into the mountains and take advantage of the cover of the trees, it will be easy to escape!" He thought to himself, keeping his feet on his feet, and flexibly dodging the magic spell shot from behind. "Tell Dumbledore about the Death Eaters as soon as possible!"

His combat prowess was obviously good, although he was embarrassed, he managed to run to the foot of the hill.He breathed a sigh of relief, and then prepared to flash into the woods to Apparate.but--

"Dizzy!" Five or six immature voices sounded at the same time as a mature male voice. He was knocked out horizontally and fell heavily to the ground.The last thing he saw was the stern faces of Lucius Malfoy and the five boys and girls, as well as the huge werewolf figure that flew towards them.



After returning from Yorkshire, neither Su Ziqiong nor Malfoy said anything, but quietly returned to the common room of their respective colleges.None of the classmates I met on the road realized that they had just participated in a murder.

As a member of the nobility, one must be able to be cruel to anyone.Su Ziqiong had this feeling long ago.What's more, Ron didn't have a good relationship with him, so Arthur Weasley's death didn't have any effect on him.Everyone has his own standpoint, his own value and interest orientation, he may sigh for the death of an excellent wizard like Arthur, but that's all.

He quickly adjusted his mentality, and when he stepped into the Ravenclaw common room, he had once again put on a warm smile on his face, returning to the Andre Gunter.

vertical day.

Hogwarts announced a message.

Arthur Weasley, director of the Department of Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Substances, died suddenly. He was suspected to have been killed by a werewolf and a dark wizard. Dumbledore is currently sending people to investigate.

After the news of Arthur Weasley's death was truly confirmed, Su Ziqiong felt much more at ease.Since Dumbledore attributed the murders to werewolves and dark wizards, they were still safe.Whether or not Dumbledore had suspicions in his mind, they couldn't be implicated openly.Most importantly, Arthur Weasley was one of Dumbledore's most important supporters and helpers in the Ministry of Magic. His death meant that the White Wizard's arm was severed.

It's not that Su Ziqiong looks down on Wizard White, it's just because of the system's tasks.


Just yesterday, the system that had been silent for a long time reappeared.

Moreover, he immediately embarked on a side mission - to assassinate Arthur Weasley!
To be honest, this is indeed a very tricky task, and Arthur Weasley has nothing against him.

But since the main task has been issued, he must complete it.

What's more, the rewards are extremely rich.

It is a magic purification potion, a long-lost magic potion. It can not only purify and compress the magic energy in the wizard's body to more than 90.00%, but also directly help witchcraft rise to a small level without any side effects.

This is what Su Ziqiong values ​​most.

And with the magic power purification potion, Su Ziqiong's magic level has entered a jaw-dropping level - an intermediate magician.

You know, at Hogwarts, some teachers are nothing more than senior magicians.

And Su Ziqiong is just a freshman who has not graduated from the first grade.



Time passed day by day, and Hogwarts ushered in Easter again.

But after all, the exam is very close, and the teachers assigned a lot of homework one by one, lest the students would not pass the final exam, which led to this group of little eagles still doing non-stop even during the holidays. Lots and lots of homework.

Except Su Ziqiong.

He stayed by the fire in the common room all day, flipping through the senior study notes from the Ravenclaw library-very interesting, almost every note can find a few interesting little magic Or potion formulas, all of which were researched by Snape himself.

This made him more and more curious about the Half-Blood Prince's potion book, planning to fish it out of the underground classroom whenever he had the chance.

"Andre, Gryffindor is looking for someone."

Stuart Ackley walked into the common room and greeted him loudly. "Hermione Granger has something to ask for you."

"Thank you!"

Su Ziqiong smiled slightly.

Hermione was waiting anxiously outside when he walked out of the common room.Seeing him coming out, she couldn't help but pull him up and drag him into a corner.

"Andre, can I ask you for a favor?" Her face was full of pleading, and her eyes showed unconcealable worry, "I know you have a very good relationship with Malfoy, so I can only ask is you!"

Hermione sobbed slightly, "We really can't help it, it's like this, Hagrid raised a dragon..."

"A dragon? Hermione!"

Andre frowned slightly: "Do you know what you're talking about? Not to mention that Hagrid's hut is very big, but it's not big enough to hold a dragon—and even if it can hold it, Isn't she afraid that the dragon will burn his hut? Dragons can breathe fire!"

"But it's true, Andre." Hermione said anxiously, "It's a baby dragon, just hatched from an egg."

(End of this chapter)

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