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Chapter 108 I am a Death Eater

Chapter 108 I am a Death Eater

The party lasted for a whole day, and everyone began to say goodbye one after another.



"Well, the only copy "Detailed Principles of Transfiguration Potions" sent by Draco, the hand-copied "A Brief Introduction to Magical Creatures in Eastern Europe" sent by Pansy, and the unpublished manuscript "Herbs and Potions--Mixed Disciplines" sent by Daphne Prospects" and the exotic "Magic Region Research" sent by Astoria are all rare and good books!"

At Hogwarts, Su Ziqiong is known as a "polymath". Friends all know that his favorite is books, and most of them will choose this as a Christmas gift.And with the accumulation and financial resources of Malfoy and other noble families, it is not difficult to choose a few rare books as gifts.It was several years in a row that he had received books as Christmas presents from Malfoy and the others.

Today, it was postponed for a day.

After all, Christmas is spent at the Malfoys' house.

"Good morning, Andre. Merry Christmas! Are you opening the presents already?"

At some point, the Gunters appeared in the living room.

"Yes, Merry Christmas, my dear parents."

Su Ziqiong laughed.

"Oh, these seem to be different, not just books."

Su Ziqiong began to unwrap Harry's presents.Harry sent a packet of sizzles and Ron a Richard Cannons jersey - his favorite team.Hermione sent out a large bag of sugar-free snacks - as the child of a dentist, I am afraid that this is what Hermione is best at making.It would be even more unrealistic to expect her to deliver sugary treats like chocolates than to expect Hermione not to speak in class.

Most of Ravenclaw’s classmates also gave him some books or small gifts made by himself. For example, Felius gave him a model of Nimbus 2000, which can shuttle back and forth in the air and play the Ravenclaw house at the same time. Song and "Victory March".

Unexpectedly, the gift of Sister Delacour was suppressed at the bottom, indicating that the gift arrived very early.

It is a set of beautifully made ten-column bowling utensils.


Su Ziqiong patted her forehead, as if she saw the mischievous smiles of Furong and Gabrielle when they were wrapping presents at their home in Paris.

These packages were removed, and the last two remained unopened.This means that these two packages were delivered first.One of them contains a vault key given by the Gunters, which indicates that starting this year, all the funds and operating income in it will belong to him.

To be honest, Su Ziqiong likes this.

With this considerable amount of money, he can finally formally form his own team.



The Christmas holidays pass quickly.

On this day, school officially begins.


Ravenclaw College.

The enthusiasm brought by Quidditch was quickly overshadowed by the endless books and homework. Except for Su Ziqiong, no Ravenclaw could remain calm and calm under the pressure of the final exam in less than three months. Even autumn is the same.She practiced Charms and Transfiguration more and more, or went to the library to do her homework, and even her enthusiasm for Quidditch practice decreased.

At one point, the object of her practice of spells and transfiguration was no longer Su Ziqiong, but a senior senior.

For some reason, Su Ziqiong always feels that Qiu is breathing for him to see, otherwise, why can he see them every time, even if he takes a rest in the back mountain where few people usually walk, he can see them in front of his eyes when he opens his eyes. dangling.

"It's time!"

this day.

Strangely, Su Ziqiong didn't go to the magic training room, but went to the underground common room where the Slytherin house was located.


Right there.

Bringing together Malfoy, Pansy and Daphne Greengrass.

They left the castle through a secret passage, came to Hogsmeade, and then, led by Su Ziqiong and the other two adult wizards who had been waiting there, apparated the remaining three to the village of Tan Suston in Yorkshire A hill next to it.

He wants to meet someone.

Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father.

A pureblood Death Eater with deep hidden loyalty.

"Children, you are finally here."

Lucius Malfoy seemed to have been waiting for a long time. After seeing Su Ziqiong and the others, he clapped his hands and attracted their attention.

Beside him, there was a figure standing, it was a middle-aged man, what surprised Su Ziqiong was that in such a icy cold wind, the man was still naked from the upper body.

"This is...the smell of wild beasts!"

Su Ziqiong's nose moved slightly, a little surprised.

"I called you here so that you can get in touch with some of the things the family has been doing over the years. Now it's time for you to understand something."

at this time.

Lucius' voice sounded suddenly, as if he had cast a spell of amplification.

While speaking, he suddenly walked straight to Su Ziqiong's side.

"Dear nephew, I really didn't expect that you would actually come. Originally, Steve didn't know how to explain it to you. After all, your lord has an inseparable relationship with the Gunter family. You know, your Even if my father wants to shirk it, he can’t shirk it, this is fate!”

"The reason why I came here is because I know this very well, Uncle Lucius, don't worry!"

Su Ziqiong put away the thoughts in his heart and smiled slightly.

"What a good boy!"

Lucius also smiled slightly, then turned to look at the crowd, and got straight to the point.

"You should know Arthur Weasley. This is Dumbledore's most loyal lackey, but he has the identity of a pure-blood family. This makes us very distressed. The time for your lord's recovery is getting closer , we must solve this hidden danger for adults, after all, Weasley knows too much!!!"

"This is Fenrir Greyback, the leader of the werewolves, and a loyal friend of several of our families. This time, Mr. Greyback will assist us in completing the task, and I called you here to give you a good treatment in advance. The last practical lesson!"

Speaking, Lucius pointed to the strong man beside him.


Su Ziqiong murmured to himself.

"Hello, Mr. Greyback."

Although he was a little surprised when Lucius had a relationship with a werewolf, but when necessary, there must be etiquette.

Su Ziqiong and Malfoy put their hands on their chests and bowed to salute, while Pansy and the Greengrass sisters bowed their knees to salute, and Greyback hurriedly returned the salute.

"Later, we'll be here to form the last line of defense against Weasley's escape," Greyback emphasized. "Some family members will cooperate with Mr. Lucius' subordinates in the village. If they can't keep Weasley, it will be our turn, and..."

Saying that, Greyback looked at everyone: "If it is not necessary, you can hide aside, after all, Weasley's strength is not weak!"

(End of this chapter)

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