Heavens database

Chapter 92 Surrounding

Chapter 92 Surrounding
"Hey! Young man, are you from outside? Come on, let's have a drink of tea and take a break. It's hot out here!"

A middle-aged man with a dark complexion, a burly figure, and a simple face, took an empty tea bowl, poured tea, and handed it to Ling.

"Thank you! After walking fifty miles, I'm thirsty."

Zero took the tea bowl and drank the tea in one go.

"Hehe! Little brother, do you want more?"

The middle-aged man saw the whole bowl of tea and drank it all in one gulp, showing a simple and honest smile, and asked.

"Alright, sorry to trouble you."

Zero said with a smile.

"No trouble, no trouble."

The middle-aged man said while adding water to Zero.

"Thank you!"

Zero took another breath and drank a whole bowl of tea.

"Brother, do you know if there are any vacant rooms in your village? I believe I will stay here for a night."

After finishing his tea, Zero asked the middle-aged man.

"Hey! It just so happens that there is a vacant room in my house, you can live in it, I will take you there now!"

The middle-aged man stroked the back of his head and smiled innocently.

"That's really great. But, you still have to do farm work, I'll just wait for you here."

Zero refused.

"It doesn't matter. My house is not far from here. It won't take much time to take you there and come back."

The middle-aged man explained.

"OK then!"

So, Zero followed the middle-aged man and left Tanabe.


"Six, is that the man?"

Among the people resting in the gazebo, one of them, who was obviously stronger than the others, asked the middle-aged man who had just returned and received Ling.

"Boss, I've confirmed again and again that he looks exactly like the person on the reward order, and his complexion looks a little pale, and he doesn't move quickly. He is obviously seriously injured. This is the same as what the intelligence said. Yes, very similar."

The six sons spoke out what they saw and what they speculated.

"Well, I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. Liuzi, Ergouzi, and Xiaojin called the brothers and prepared the guys. We will arrest them later."

The elder Wang Huosheng said to the people around him.

"It's the boss." 3
Liu Zi, Er Gou Zi, and Xiao Jin replied in unison.


An hour later.

Wang Huosheng led the whole village to surround the house where Ling lived, three circles inside and three groups outside.

It turned out that everyone in this small village had been driven away by them, and they occupied the village as a temporary base, and then searched for zero traces around the village as the center.

"You, you, you, the three of you go up and blow smoke into it."

Wang Huosheng casually ordered three people whose names he couldn't even name to come out to carry out the task.

The three people named did not expect that such a dangerous task would fall on themselves.However, they did not hesitate for long, and began to act according to the order.

If you don't follow the order, there is a real possibility that you will be used as cannon fodder in the future, which is no different from letting them die.

And if it succeeds, it will not only save your life, but even improve your status.

Therefore, as low-level personnel, they have already seen through the rules of this world. If they want to survive well, they must follow the orders of their bosses, even if he asks you to take risks.

The three of them picked up the misty smoke, and approached the windows and doors of the house with one hand and one foot, slowing down.

When they were one meter away from the house, there was a sudden sound of a flute in the house.

The melody played by the flute has a beautiful melody, a melodious low tone, and a golden sound, which makes people mesmerized.Many people present, people who don't understand music, can hear the extraordinaryness of the music.

As time passed, more and more people outside the door had dizzy pupils and blurred consciousness, so they could only stand there blankly.


The wooden door of the room was pushed open, and Zero walked out from inside.

Looking at the more than 100 people outside, everyone is holding a knife, gun, sword, halberd, etc., and three people stand out with bamboo round straws in their hands.

Zero laughed lightly.

"This group of idiots, do you really think that everyone is as stupid as they are? Can a farmer let weeds grow in the farmland? Obviously not. A village with only men and no women or children is obviously abnormal. Yes, in this chaotic era of rising rebels, when a stranger suddenly arrives in a small closed village, the first thing to do is to be on guard, not welcome. These are all common sense!"

Seeing that he said a lot, but no one responded, Zero was not angry.

"Then, one by one, tell the secret scripts that you have practiced."

Zero then ordered.

"Yes" 1××
It turned out that the sound of the flute just now was a lullaby for soul searching. Through the music, the effect of controlling others was achieved.

Although, the effect of doing this is not as good as directly using the Soul Search Dafa, but it is better than being invisible, and it can make people fall into the trap when they are hard to guard against.


After collecting the exercise cheats of more than 100 people in the book, Ling asked those people to return to their original positions, and he also returned to the room.


Zero snapped his fingers, and everyone outside the room woke up like a dream.I came back to my senses in an instant, and I didn't think of the memory of being hypnotized before.

"Strange, what happened to me just now? It seems to have a strange dream."

Wang Huosheng thought suspiciously.

However, looking at everything around him as usual, he regarded this phenomenon as an illusion.

Afterwards, according to his instructions, the subordinates blew all three pipes of smoke into the room.

"Boss, are you going in now?"

Liu Zi asked Wang Huosheng.

"No, wait for a while, it will take a while for the smoke to take effect."

Wang Huosheng denied it.


Five minutes later, the three people who were in charge of blowing the smoke inspected the situation in the room, and then signaled safety to Wang Huosheng and the others.


Wang Huosheng took the lead and headed towards the room.

"Open the door."




"what sound?"

Er Gouzi asked suspiciously when he heard the sound of the door opening mixed with other voices.

"do not know."

"What about people?"

After the door was fully opened, Wang Huosheng found that there was no one in the room.

"Boss, what do you think that is?"

The six sons had good eyesight, and hit the floor in the center of the room, where there was a ball with some mesh lines on the surface.

"Well, I don't and I don't know."

Wang Huosheng didn't recognize the thing in front of him.

If a modern person sees it, he will definitely shout "Damn it!", because this thing is a grenade with the fuse removed.

At this moment, the grenade suddenly released a large amount of shit-yellow gas.

"Wow, what is this, it's so uncomfortable!"

"Ah! This is... is..."

(End of this chapter)

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