Heavens database

Chapter 91 Dividing the spoils

Chapter 91 Dividing the spoils
Flying battleship, command room.

"What's going on? What about those people? Why did the white light disappear after a flash? Are they using space devices?"

The black stewed egg roared loudly to the inspectors below.

"Reporting Director, we have not detected any energy similar to space wormholes."

Said a pair of black marinated eggs under his command.

"Then blockade New York and conduct a thorough search. It's too dangerous for such people not to be controlled."

Black Braised Egg continued to give orders.

"Yes, Chief."

The subordinates obediently obeyed the order of the black stewed egg, and immediately took action.

"There's also Orochimaru, who disappeared like this. It seems that we need to find some time later and have a good talk with Tony. He must know the origin of these people, but he is hiding it."

Black Braised Egg thought in his heart with a gloomy face.

No matter what Ferry thinks, Tony has already returned home, entered the database, and started the spoils meeting with others.


call out!
With a flash of white light, Tony, dressed in a coquettish attire, came to the database.

Everyone who participated in the New York War, except Zero, had already been chatting on the sofa, waiting for Tony's arrival.

"Tony is also here, so this time the prize distribution meeting can officially begin."

When Orochimaru saw Tony coming, he thought that he could finally distribute the spoils, so he spoke first.


Lan Ran agreed.

"no problem!"

Men Yashi said.

"Hey! Mr. Tony, but when you hear the loot distribution, I must have my share!"

Tony came to sit down on the sofa where everyone gathered, and said excitedly.

"Uncle Tony, you didn't do it this time. If you put in a little effort on the task, you want to get a dividend."

Bulma looked at Tony, with a familiar look, and said unhappily.

"Don't say that! I also contributed again, and I told everyone about my order of black stewed eggs."

Tony retorted.

"Do you think we're afraid of them?"

This time Men Yashi also spoke, he is a master who is not afraid of anything, how could he show weakness in front of others.

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to fighting the Hulk once."

Broly also said excitedly, it was a pity that he was not able to fight the Hulk this time, an unbreakable sandbag would allow him to practice for a long time.


Tony has no way to refute, because what they said is correct, the strength of the Avengers is really far inferior to them.

Broly has strength and can toughen the Hulk; Thor may not be the opponent of the ever-changing knight Monyashi; Orochimaru, a professional ninja, must not be the opponent of Black Widow; Hawkeye, the archer + swordsman, Whether it is Aizen or Bulma, they can easily defeat him in the two aspects he is best at.

"Everyone, don't quarrel."

Broly spoke persuasively.

"Broly is right, they are all on their own, there is nothing to quarrel about, everyone here can get something."

Orochimaru said at the right time, he couldn't wait to study the two corpses with special blood.

"Let's see what's there first, and then make a decision!"

Aizen suggested.


"no problem!"

"I have no opinion."


Everyone agreed with Aizen's proposal, and then took out their own space capsules, and took out all the corpses and belongings of those people.

Of the five corpses, two had special bloodlines, and the other three were much stronger than ordinary people.There are some flesh and blood on the corpse, mainly from the traversers with the system.There are five space rings and some equipment.All kinds of medicines and sundries.Alien corpses and some technology.

"How about giving me the two corpses with special blood and the ten Chitauri corpses? I don't need the others."

After counting the spoils of this operation, Orochimaru Orochimaru spoke first.

"Oshewan, you check the memory in their brains. Then share it, I have no objection."

Aizen stated his condition.

"Of course."

Orochimaru nodded, agreeing.

"Then there is no problem!" 4
Orochimaru agreed with Aizen's suggestion, and others agreed with the conditions proposed by Orochimaru.

"In this case, I want the sniper's sniper rifle, two pistols and the space ring."

After Orochimaru made a request, Bulma said boldly.

"I object. You must at least keep a pistol."

After hearing the conditions put forward by Bulma, Tony immediately objected.

"Well, this time I agree with Tony, the two pistols are exactly the same, Bulma, you really shouldn't, you want both."

Aizen said to Bulma.

"Cut, all right!"

Bulma glanced at Tony unhappily, and compromised.

"I want a space ring, the biggest one."

Broly continued.

"Well, I want a space ring too. The biggest one is for Broly, and I just want the second biggest one. After all, my harvest this time is quite good."

After Broly finished speaking, Men Yashi continued.

Orochimaru said casually, "I have no objection."

"I have no objection." Aizen also agreed.

"no problem!"


. . . . . .

In the end, after the discussion between the six people, everyone got their favorite items, and the remaining items were listed on the trading platform, and the points sold were shared equally among the six.

This time the action can be said to have come to a perfect conclusion.


Zero returned to the world of Legend of the Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty, because the time flow rate of the Marvel movie world is the same, so in the eyes of those Jianghu people, Zero has lost his whereabouts for several days.

However, this is also very normal, because from the phenomenon created before, Zero was seriously injured, and at the same time was being hunted down, hiding and losing track, which is nothing more than normal.

However, there are still many people who have been active in the rivers and lakes to inquire about news.Especially pharmacies, farm huts, etc., places where medicinal materials can be obtained.

"After disappearing for so many days, it's time to go out and show your face."

Zero smiled faintly.

Then, Zero found a mountain path and walked straight along it.

After walking about fifty miles, a small village appeared in front of Zero.

In the village, many peasants in coarse linen sat on the edge of the field, chatting while drinking tea.Or rest under the gazebo.

In the field, there are a lot of weeds emerging, and it takes a lot of effort to remove them.

The size of the village is small, and the stranger Zero was discovered as soon as he entered the village.

The people in the village found Zero Queen and entertained him very warmly.

(End of this chapter)

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