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Chapter 65 The Story Begins

Chapter 65 The Story Begins

Martial arts training is like a scientific experiment, it is very rigorous, and any small mistake will lead to very serious problems.

Ling said that the explanation on the longevity formula was wrong, Shi Long believed it, because he had obtained the longevity formula for so many years.Although he didn't pay any attention to the real content of the formula of longevity, he still understood the meaning of the explanation above.The above comments were well-founded, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Now, after being told by Zero, he can almost be sure that the annotations on the formula of longevity are really the same as what Zero said, and they are just made up by the sages in order to highlight themselves.

"Of course it is true. I know the oracle bone inscriptions, so I can understand the whole book of Longevity. Otherwise, why would I say that."

Zero shrugged and said, as if to say that I am so awesome.

"I see! Thank you Mr. Ximen for your answer. Since Mr. Ximen can understand the formula of longevity, I don't know if he can explain the mystery of it for me. I don't have any other intentions, I just want to know what I have been studying all these years."

Shi Long sincerely asked Zero for explanation.

"Okay, anyway, it's not a big deal. "Longevity Jue" is the Taoism's most powerful beauty-preserving and health-preserving skill. After practicing it, it will keep your face forever, and you will live as long as a tortoise, so it is named Longevity Jue.

First of all, the practitioner cannot have a little bit of internal strength, and secondly, the practitioner needs to practice with no intention.

People who practice martial arts get this book, because they already have internal force in their bodies, and the two skills are in conflict, so they can't practice it.People who do not practice martial arts get this book because they know that this book is extraordinary, and even if they work hard deliberately, they will not be able to achieve their unintentional intentions.

In addition, the entry point of practicing "Longevity Formula" is to absorb the aura of heaven and earth through the acupuncture points, and to replenish oneself.Directly cultivate the innate true energy.During this process, cultivators will experience all sorts of situations that look like madness.Ordinary people will definitely regard it as madness and dare not continue to practice.

The seven pictures in "The Secret of Longevity" respectively correspond to metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, and involve the mysteries of the universe.

Practicing the "Secret of Longevity" can directly absorb the essence of all things in the world as one's own innate qi, quickly achieve the unity of heaven and man, and shatter the void.

The benefits of practicing the "Longevity Formula" are quick recovery of blood, and quick recovery after injury.

Cultivating a picture alone can cultivate the innate qi of the corresponding attribute, but if you want to shatter the void, you need to think of other methods.

"Secret of Immortality" mainly trains essence and transforms Qi, so it has a certain impact on the practitioner's fertility and may make the practitioner infertile.However, I feel that "The Secret of Immortality" should be practiced together with a certain exercise. Only in this way can this shortcoming of the "Secret of Immortality" be made up for.

If you ask me why I think so, I can only say that people in ancient times were very precious, and no one would deliberately create a practice that would kill people from descendants. "

Zero simple but detailed, let Shi Long understand the mystery of "Longevity Formula".

"It turned out to be like this. This is the reason why no one has succeeded in practicing the "Longevity Formula" for so many years!"

After Shi Long listened to Zero's explanation, his face suddenly realized.Now he finally knows the secret of the formula of longevity, but he will not regret the exchange with Zero, because the "Sun and Moon Divine Art" is more mysterious than the "Spell of Longevity", and the difficulty and restrictions of getting started are also lower.For a person with mediocre talent like myself, the "Secret of Longevity" is just a hot golden potato, and it is naturally the best to exchange for something more valuable.

"By the way, I plan to stay in Yangzhou City temporarily. I don't know if there are any spare rooms in Master Shilong's manor. Can I lend it to you?"

Now the plot has not yet started, the world has not started to become chaotic, it is not good to fish in troubled waters, Zero intends to wait until the plot starts, and then take action.

"Hehe! Of course, Mr. Ximen can condescend to live here and let the little house flourish."

When Shi Long heard that Ling was going to stay, he agreed without thinking about it.It is better to have a strong person sitting in the town, and to practice new exercises by yourself, there is something you don't know, and there are people you can ask.And I only need to pay for the place to stay, which is too cheap.

"Then nag."

"I'll take you to see it first."

"it is good!"


In this way, Zero settled down smoothly.

In the following days, I would eat breakfast, practice, eat lunch, practice, eat dinner, and practice until dawn.

This went on and on, and occasionally Shi Long would ask some questions that he didn't understand in terms of cultivation.Ling has just started practicing for more than a year, how could he understand everything, so he will answer everything he doesn't understand through the system.

When the summer just arrived, Shi Long went out once, and brought two people with him when he came back.

One of them, although young, has grown as tall as an adult man, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, a very flattering appearance, long and elf eyes, a high nose and bridge, broad forehead, and a ray of sunshine hanging from the corner of his mouth. Smile, just because of malnutrition, relatively thin.

The other one was half an inch shorter than him, with broad shoulders and thick arms, and was quite stout.Although he is no more handsome than the other person, he has a big face and big ears, and his profile has a strong and masculine look. His expression is nonchalant, which is very attractive. His eyes are deep and agile, and he is by no means inferior to the former, making people feel that this son is destined to have a bright future. Not in the pool.

However, both of them have one thing in common, that is, their clothes are ragged, mended and filthy.

I still remember how they introduced themselves at that time.

"My name is Kou Zhong, and his name is Xu Ziling. The two of us are the famous Yangzhou Shuanglong in Yangzhou City."

Kou Zhong looked at Zero and said proudly.

"Young Master Zhong, speak well."

Xu Ziling next to him slapped Kou Zhong on the back of the head and reprimanded him.Then, awkwardly introducing himself to Zero.

"Senior, hello. My name is Xu Ziling, and his name is Kou Zhong."

"Oh, hello! My name is Ximen Chuuxue."

After Zero simply told the names of the two, he ignored them.He turned his head and asked Shi Long.

"Brother Shilong, what's going on with these two people?"

"It's like this. Today I went to Yangzhou City to do business. But I found that there were a large number of officers and soldiers in and outside the city, and the inspection of customs clearance was much stricter. At first I didn't pay much attention to it, but later I found out that among the local officers and soldiers, there were a few wearing clothes. The big man in the uniform of the imperial guards. Moreover, they were secretly watching him. The old man suddenly felt that something was wrong. He thought that going out through the city gate might expose him. It was also impenetrable. In the end, it was these two little brothers who took the old man away from the culvert. That's why they brought them back."

Shi Long succinctly stated the cause and effect of the incident.

(End of this chapter)

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