Heavens database

Chapter 64 Exchange Cheats

Chapter 64 Exchange Cheats
After Ling had absorbed all of Ma Mingzhong's internal energy, he cut off his twelve regular meridians and eight extra meridians, and then knocked him unconscious until he hit the side of the road.

Zero did this because he didn't want to kill, and secondly, he wanted to see if he could bring him some surprises.

After doing these things, Zero walked towards the small manor, shouting at the same time.

"Chuixue at Xiaximen, I have admired Master Shilong for a long time, could the master come out and have a look?"

When Ling arrived at the gate of the manor, a middle-aged Taoist in Taoist robes was already waiting at the gate.

"Old man Shi Long, I have met Your Excellency."

Shi Long looked at this young man in his twenties with a blank expression on his face, but he was extremely surprised, because he felt a deep sense of powerlessness from this man in front of him, as if no matter what he did, he couldn't do anything. Shaking the young man in front of him.

"Hi! Shi Long. I think you should know why I came to you."

With a gentle and friendly smile on Ling's face, he said to Shi Long in a calm tone.

"Is it the formula of longevity?"

Under the oppression of Zero's momentum, Shi Long said it inadvertently.

"That's right! But, I won't let you hand it over to me for nothing. I will give you a set of exercises that can also break the void, and this exercise does not require high qualifications."

Shattering the Void is actually a breakthrough in strength, the range that this world can bear, and above this world, there is a connected high-level world, which can be realized.And the limit that this world can bear is the third-tier grandmaster. Once the strength is promoted to the fourth-tier grandmaster, he will shatter the void and ascend to the upper realm.

Of course, zero and their legal personnel are exceptions.

If it is an independent world, and someone exceeds the scope of the world's control, then that person will have to bear the test of the thunder tribulation descended from the Dao. After the world is upgraded, everything will be fine; Will get hurt because of it, harder to level up.

"Shatter the Void!!"

Zero's affirmative answer made Shi Long angry and helpless, he was not strong enough to keep the treasure, and he could not blame others, even though he was unwilling in his heart, it could only turn into a sigh and despair.However, the second half of Zero's sentence gave him hope in despair.

Of course, Shi Long is not afraid of Ling's deceiving him, because his strength has reached such a point, there is no need for these false things, what he wants, he can just use his strength to get it.He could kill himself first, and then slowly search for it.

"Is this true?"

Shi Long looked at Zero with incredulous eyes for confirmation.

"Of course it's true, do you think I need to lie to you?"

Zero nodded to Shilong for confirmation.

"Okay, the old man is willing to exchange."

Shi Long got the answer he wanted, and immediately agreed.

Although the formula of longevity is a Taoist treasure, it is said that it was written by Guang Chengzi, the teacher of the Yellow Emperor in ancient times, with oracle bone inscriptions.However, its degree of difficulty is too high, and it is almost impossible to practice it. Now it can be exchanged for another skill that can 100% break the void. Only a fool would not change it.

"Are we talking here?"

Zero gestured to the current environment with his eyes.

"It's the old man who neglected you. Mr. Ximen, please come inside."

Shi Long also knew that it was his fault, so he quickly led Ling into the manor.


In the living room of the manor, Ling and Shilong sat opposite each other at the two ends of a round table, with a cup of tea placed in front of them.

"In order to show my sincerity, I will first show the exercises used in exchange."

Zero took out a cheat book bound with thread from his pocket, and pushed it in front of Shilong.

"Sun and Moon Divine Art?"

Shi Long picked up the cheat book, looked at the name on the cover and muttered to himself in confusion.

However, seeing Zero drinking tea, he looked at ease.Shi Long opened the secret book and read it, but he didn't know it, and he was shocked when he saw it, because the content of the secret book really collapsed his many years of martial arts concepts.

Because the Sun and Moon Divine Art cultivates not the aura of heaven and earth, but the essence of the sun and moon.This is completely different from traditional martial arts, but more like the ancient demon cultivators.

However, after reading the whole article, I found that the exercises are very logical and highly feasible, and the requirements for qualifications are really not very high. As long as you have perseverance and time, you can completely shatter the void.

"This technique is really amazing. There is actually such a technique in the world, but why haven't I heard of it before? This is a technique that surpasses the formula of longevity!"

Shi Long closed the cheat book and said to himself.

"Young Master Ximen, how did you get this exercise. Of course, you can tell me if you don't want to answer."

Shi Long asked Zero curiously.

"There is nothing bad to say. I found this exercise from an ancient tomb in the pre-Qin period, and the tomb owner's funeral objects."

Zero made up nonsense without blushing or panting.

"The pre-Qin period is really long ago!"

Shi Long said with emotion, such a formidable skill did not expect to come from the pre-Qin period.In an instant, Shi Long seemed to know the exercises, and there was no reason for them to be handed down.

It is probably because the inside of this exercise is completely different from the traditional concept of martial arts, and after this kind of exercise is spread, the world will be in chaos, so it can only be stored in the tomb.

"Young Master Ximen, this is the formula of longevity."

After feeling a lot of emotion, Shi Long handed the Longevity Formula made of black gold thread from his arms to Zero.

The zero longevity formula is in the hand, the material is soft and smooth, but it is extremely tough.

"Tsk tsk, the material alone is extraordinary!"

Zero muttered inside.

Turning over the formula of longevity, there are seven human figures on it, none of which are facing each other, and are guided by various symbols such as red dots and arrows, which seem to be describing a certain method of cultivation.

There are oracle bone inscriptions next to each picture, but they are esoteric and difficult to understand.The book is also densely covered with annotations by sages who have read the book, but these annotations are more confusing than the original text.

"Is there a mistake? The person who got this book before won't know it. Why are you writing notes on the side? Isn't this entrapping the next person? Is it intentional?"

Because of Zero's systematic care, Zero can understand the [-] glyphs in the book, but it is precisely because of this that the side notes are harmful.The dense annotations next to it did not play the role of explanation at all, and some annotations even ran counter to the meaning of the original text.

It's not a trap for the next user, is it?
"What? Mr. Ximen, you said that the annotations of the sages next to you are scribbled?"

However, Shi Long on the side was very surprised when he heard Ling's words, because he also wanted to find the method of cultivation through the annotations of the sages.

Thinking about it now, I was really scared for a while, because what I fear most when practicing martial arts is going crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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