Chapter 399


"Wang, Commander Tong Ji made such a big mistake this time, I don't think he is capable enough to be the commander of the legion."

"My lord, Commander Tong Ji has made two big mistakes, the alien invaders six years ago, and the UFO yesterday. Judging from the two incidents, it has yet to be determined. The duty of the defense force is to protect the king’s safety from infringement. I suggest that other senior candidates be temporarily replaced, so that Commander Tong Ji can study in depth. After he completes his studies, he will take over as commander. job."


. . . . . .

The matter of Qi Fei's mother and daughter caused many people to bombard Tong Ji at the routine court meeting. If he hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid it would really be cold.

"Haha, you guys are standing and talking without back pain! I believe that even if there are 7 people replaced, there is still no way to stop the opponent. This is the entire battle record at that time. I have sent it to you. Please read it. After that, think carefully about whether you have the ability to intercept it."

Tong Ji played the actual situation of the battle on the spot, and let those who refuted him find a way to intercept it.

Of course, since they were able to impeach Tong Ji, of course they had their own intelligence network, and they already knew about the combat records given by Tong Ji.

But now it is different to add data to the battle records and then play them out. Just looking at the battle records, few people will actively think about the actual situation.But it is different with the data in this way, and it can be understood more intuitively.

"What, you can strengthen the power of nuclear weapons, but only receive slight damage?!"

"This, this, which civilization is this, and what is their purpose?"

. . . . . .

The military officers present were better. After all, they had experienced battles and learned about them in advance.

However, those civil servants are different. The power of nuclear strikes, they have never been on the battlefield, they must be terrified to death, they are not super soldiers.

What's more, they must be excited about an aircraft that can withstand nuclear strikes and has nothing to do with birds. Who wouldn't want to have such a technology? This is an excellent tool for life-saving and escape.

"Everyone has also seen that a nuclear strike only leaves a trace on the opponent's shell. Even if anti-matter weapons are used, the opponent may not have other means of defense, and may not be able to take down the opponent. So, if you have any ideas, Please tell me that I will learn with humility."

Tong Ki said with a sarcasm to those who just impeached him.

"Even so, you can't shirk your responsibility. Letting the other party appear outside the City of Angels is also a problem for Commander Tong Ji. Otherwise, the other party will not be allowed to pass and leave quickly."

Although some people were speechless by Tong Ji's rebuttal, there were still some people who were very eloquent and continued to fire their mouths.

"Okay, okay! Don't argue. You can't blame Tong Ji entirely for this. The way the other party appeared is really weird. After the intruder happened, the detectors for the defense army and the guard army were given priority. The most advanced detectors. Under such circumstances, none of them detected the other party, which only shows that the other party's technological level is higher than ours."

Hua Ye was not in the mood at all when he saw these grown men noisy. In order to go back to accompany his little beauty as soon as possible, he couldn't help but speak out.

"Besides, the civilization of that guy six years ago has not been found yet, and now such a mysterious aircraft appears, it is obvious that the purpose of the other party is definitely not friendly communication. Our goal now is to find the other party with all our strength, and make the other party understand us. Minimize the harmfulness, instead of fighting internally here, we must be united with the outside world. Let’s end this matter here, but Tong Ji, I don’t want similar things to happen again, understand?”

"I know, king."

Tong Ji clenched his right fist on his left chest, bowed 120 degrees, and responded with a sincere tone.



"Very good things are ready."

Looking at his modified true individual combat spaceship, Liu Junfeng nodded in satisfaction.

"It's almost time to calculate, let's cook first, and then leave after eating."

Looking at the time, Liu Junfeng realized that the meal time was almost here, and Hexi probably would be here soon.

Liu Junfeng walked to the kitchen, ready to cook a good meal, and treat it as a breakup meal.

"Well, what should I do? By the way, I haven't cooked sea king meat for her. This time, I will use sea king meat to cook her a seafood feast."

After deciding what dishes to make, Liu Junfeng exchanged some Neptune meat through the system.

This time, I didn't do it myself, and used alchemy to refine it. After all, it was a farewell meal.

It is a bit unreasonable to refine it with raw materials. Although he is poor, he is not really shameless.

Not long after, a tantalizing aroma came out of the restaurant, and it hit your nostrils and couldn't be stopped.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

He Xi, who came over to grab a meal, was immediately confused by the smell of the food, and followed the smell towards the restaurant.

After entering the restaurant, the first thing you see is a few dishes covered by a cover on the dining table, as well as Liu Junfeng who is cooking in the kitchen.

Then, he sat blankly on the chair, propped his chin with both hands, and looked at Liu Junfeng who was cooking.

"I don't know what kind of dishes he will make again. It's so delicious. It's never been like this before."

He Xi thought while watching.

While Hexi was obsessed, Liu Junfeng had already finished the last dish and came to the dining table.

"Hey, Hexi, don't be in a daze, you can eat now."

After Liu Junfeng arrived, he found that Hexi was still in a daze and cute, so he couldn't help reminding him.


Liu Junfeng woke himself up, which startled Hexi.

"Is it ready? That's great, I've been waiting for a long time."

In order to cover up his impolite appearance, He Xi said hastily.

"Really? I'm really sorry to keep you waiting, let's start, you're welcome."

Liu Junfeng responded to Hexi with a smile, wanting to laugh seeing her embarrassed appearance.

He Xi removed the cover, and a light was released from it, accompanied by an unbearable temptation.

"This, this, how come the dishes are glowing? Did you add something weird?"

Although Hexi said so, he still couldn't bear the temptation released by the dishes.At the same time, I was a little scared, for fear that there might be something wrong with this dish.

"Hehe! Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with this dish. If you don't believe me, I can eat it first."

Liu Junfeng said with a smile.


to be continued! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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