Chapter 398

Tong Ji is having a headache now. The UFO flew over the periphery of the City of Angels, and before that, there was no movement or momentum, as if it appeared out of thin air.

In fact, it appeared as soon as it appeared, as long as it didn't damage the City of Angels and captured the opponent, there wouldn't be too much of a problem.At most, he would be punished. If he could get something useful from the captured spaceship, he would be able to make up for his mistakes and even be rewarded by Hua Ye.

But there is no way, as I thought.Not to mention the extremely fast speed of the aircraft, the defense is so strong that people are enviable and jealous. Even he, the commander of the legion, has never seen such an aircraft.

Also because of the abnormal performance and defensive power of the aircraft, he lost the opportunity to capture the aircraft and make amends.

Such a mistake must be used by the commanders of other legions to attack him and get him to death.

Even if he can't be pulled from the position of commander in chief of the defense force, it will definitely make him take off a layer of skin.

"What the hell, why did such a thing happen again? It was like this six years ago, and it is still like this now? Our defense has been upgraded. Even the Anbu Legion, which is good at sneaking, can't break through. Why now That’s it? Fuck! ψ(*`ー)ψ”

Tong Ji is suffering from a headache now, there must be no way to hide this matter, and it will be a matter of time before Hua Ye finds out.

"Instead of doing this, I will take the first step and plead guilty to King Hua Ye. Taking advantage of fewer people, the price I should pay can be less."

Tong Ji had nothing to think about, but he thought of a way to admit his mistake actively, hoping to get a light punishment.

I have to say that Tong Ji is really a little smart. He took the initiative to find Hua Ye, added, deleted, and modified the truth a little. The three-inch tongue is not rotten, move it with emotion and understand it with reason.

Hua Ye was really persuaded by Tong Ji, saying that although Tong Ji did not do his job well, he was at fault first.However, there is no way to embarrass him. Even other legions may not be able to intercept it. He can understand, but there is still a price to pay.

In the end, under Hua Ye's straightforward instructions, Tong Ji needed five angelic and virgin beauties to make up for this mistake, and the time limit was one month.

"No problem, Wang, I will not finish the work by the appointed time."

Tong Ji didn't expect his plan to go so smoothly, five beauties in a mere area were easy for him.

"Very good, I'm looking forward to it, you go down and get busy first!"

Hua Ye waved his hand, signaling Tong Ji to leave.

"As you order, king."

After Tong Ji left, Hua Ye put away his lewd, vulgar, lewd and lascivious face in a rare way, and became serious.

"Tsk, the troubles are really one after another. Not long ago, I reported to the space-level civilization under the governance --- Rosen, who is secretly developing god-making technology, and now another unidentified aircraft is passing by the City of Angels. Really him? Annoyed."

Hua Ye doesn't just know how to enjoy himself. The premise of his enjoyment is that the angelic civilization will not be shaken and has absolute deterrence and strength.Therefore, he is not stupid, and of course he is not very smart, and he is also lazy and doesn't like to think.

"It's annoying, it's annoying, I'd better go to my little beauty, Happy, and leave these troublesome matters to those ministers."

Even if you use your brain rarely, if you can't persist for 1 minute, you will give up thinking, and if you can't persist for 3 minutes, you are a fast man, and it is a real hammer.


"System, project my personal board."

Liu Junfeng said to the system in his heart.

"Okay, no problem, host."

After the system responded to Liu Junfeng, a light blue light screen appeared in front of his eyes.

Name: Liu Junfeng
Identity: Incarnation

Cultivation level: the early stage of the fifth level (True Martial Realm)
Physique: (Oshewan version) anti-matter circulation body, D family physique.

Bloodline: [-]/[-] giant bloodline

Special ability: dark fruit ability, space fruit ability

Qualification: Medium

"The strength and cultivation base are not as good as the second-generation super fighter, but the speed far exceeds the opponent's dynamic vision, but the opponent still has the strength to protect itself."

Liu Junfeng looked at his personal board, and began to analyze the gap, strengths and weaknesses between himself and the second-generation super fighter.

The reason for this is because Liu Junfeng intends to leave the angel civilization.

A few hours ago, Qi Fei's mother and daughter left the City of Angels smoothly, and Liu Junfeng had absolute confidence in leaving the City of Angels.

Although, in the next period of time, Angel's defense work will definitely become more and more strict, but his spaceship is not vegetarian.

The spaceship he prepared for himself not only had thickened outer compressed vibrating plates, but also the thrusters, acceleration devices, and internal devices. They were all upgraded versions of the spacecraft of Qi Fei and his daughter, and they were upgraded by two or three generations. .

Liu Junfeng even prepared a big firework for those angels who dare to stop him.

"The equipment and so on are almost ready, and the next step is to make the "fireworks"."

At the same time, Liu Junfeng looked at the completed things on hand.Get ready to make what's left, what's not ready yet.

Speaking of which, he hadn't mentioned his idea of ​​leaving to Hexi, and every time he wanted to talk to the other party, he just couldn't say it.

This annoyed Liu Junfeng so much that he even thought of leaving a message and leaving.

Liu Junfeng guessed that it might be because he was afraid of the sad emotion when parting.

Two days ago, Hexi was like this when he parted with his little friend.After the breakup, he was depressed. Although Hexi seemed to be in a better mood after his own comfort, judging from the feedback from the domineering look, Hexi still hasn't come out of the sad atmosphere.

Moreover, after the matter of Qi Fei's mother and daughter, Liu Junfeng estimated that Tong Ji or others would make a big move. The most important thing now is to hurry up and finish the finishing work well.

Clean up the relationship between myself and Hexi, so as not to be found out by others, then Hexi will be really troublesome.

"Forget it, it seems that when the time comes, I'll just leave a message for Hexi. For a lonely person like me, I'm really not good at dealing with things like parting."

After thinking and thinking, Liu Junfeng decided to leave silently by himself, which would be beneficial to everyone.

"Yo Xi, I have to get the "fireworks" ready quickly, otherwise the big gift that someone gave me will come back too late, and it has been delayed for six years."

When Liu Junfeng said this, he raised his lips and revealed a smile.


to be continued! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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