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Chapter 12 Tony Escapes Successfully

Chapter 12 Tony Escapes Successfully
Ling: "Tsk tsk, it's like chopping melons and vegetables."

Orochimaru: "The performance of this set of battle armor is already comparable to that of ordinary Chunin. In some aspects such as strength, it has also reached the level of an elite Jonin. If the armor is perfected, it may reach the shadow level."

Men Yashi: "I have to say, this armor has reached the level of the Leo cavalry, it is really not easy."

Zero: "However, Tony's combat level is really not very high."

Orochimaru: "Boss, please forgive him. After all, he has never experienced war since he was a child. It is normal for his level to be limited."

Men Yashi: "I agree with this, who do you think is like you, fighting for more than 20 years."

Zero: "It hurts my heart! Brother. Do you think I am willing to do this?"

. . . . . .

The three people who watched the live broadcast were talking about the battle armor and Tony's fighting skills.

Tony Stark: "Haha! They finally came out, but they are fully armed, which makes me a little scared!"

Tony was excited when he saw the sun again after a month.However, the opponent's grenades, rocket launchers, howitzers, and tanks all gathered in front of him, which really shocked Tony.

Zero: "Stop pretending, Tony. With their firepower, unless you act like an idiot and don't move at all, let them attack non-stop for half an hour, or they won't be able to break through your defense at all."

Tony Stark: "Boss, it's meaningless if you expose me like this."

Zero: "Personally, I think it's quite interesting."

Tony Stark: "..."

Orochimaru: "Hehe!"

Kadoya Shi: "Haha! Zero's sinister character is clearly revealed."

Although he wanted to argue with his boss, the terrorist had no such intention.After they saw that Tony had completely walked out of the cave, they unleashed all their firepower on Tony.

"Call me."

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The impact of a series of bullets, shells, and explosions was too much for Tony to bear.

"Fake, with such a dense barrage, people with trypophobia will definitely be scared to death."

Facing the fierce attack, Tony could only temporarily hide in the cave.

Zero: "Tony, you should have a way! Otherwise, you will lose face."

Tony Stark: "Of course, wait a minute."

Tony combined a cylinder hanging behind him with the energy cannon on his arm, which looked like an extended version of the energy cannon.

Zero: "What is this? Laser, enhanced energy cannon?"

Tony Stark: "Unexpectedly, the boss guessed it right. This is a laser device. Use the energy cannon as an energy transmission port, inject energy into the device, and then release it. It can maintain a laser for five seconds."

Zero: "Oh, please start your performance."

Tony Stark: "Hey! It's Tony's performance time."

Tony locked the laser device with energy storage on tanks, rocket launchers and other heavy firepower.

The laser flashed across the locked items one by one.

bang bang bang bang~~~




. . .

The sound of explosions and the screams of terrorists were endless, and at the same time the barrage stopped suddenly.


Tony removed the laser device, rushed out, raised his arms, and attacked the terrorists in the chaos indiscriminately.

"who are you."

A leader with a tattoo on his head asked as he retreated.

"Well! I, I am the one who sent you to meet Satan."

Tony replied while killing the terrorists.

"Fak, kill him. This is holy war, God bless us."

The tattooed leader verbally encourages his companions to drag Tony down while he flees.

Because there were too many people, Tony didn't care about those who escaped, so he could only use the principle of proximity to kill all who could be killed.

Zero: "Hey! Tony, be careful, don't break the car, or you won't be able to go."

Tony Stark: "Thanks for the reminder."

After 10 minutes of fighting, there was no one alive in this base except Tony.

Tony Stark: "Phew! It's finally cleaned up."

Tony looked at the broken limbs everywhere and said with emotion.

Orochimaru: "This is war, Tony, you don't have to be like this. Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself. You did nothing wrong."

Kadashi: "That's right."

Tony Stark: "I'm fine, I just don't get used to it for a while, and it will be fine after a while. Now, destroy all the weapons first, so as not to be used for war again."

Tony gathered all the weapons, including Stark Industries, and destroyed them all.

Then the view was broadcast live, activated the signal device that had been prepared long ago, and drove the jeep away from the battlefield.


Two hours later, the exchange group.

Tony Stark: "Escaped successfully. [Image]"

Tony sent photos of himself and his friend Rhodes at the US military base to the communication group to report that they were safe.

Orochimaru: "Congratulations!"

Little master: "Congratulations on your safe return home, Mr. Tony."

Zero: "Congratulations, Tony, how do you plan to deal with Obaday when you go back?"

Tony Stark: "I plan to do the same as in the original book, first turn off the weapons department, mobile phone his criminal evidence, and then lure the snake out of the hole, let him take the initiative to attack. Finally, justifiably kill him."

Zero: "Hmm! That's a good idea."

Orochimaru: "It's really good, but some details need to be carefully considered. I'll have a private chat with you later. @Tony Stark."

Tony Stark: "Thank you then."

Orochimaru: "You're welcome."

Zero: "With Orochimaru to help you, you don't have to worry about Tony. Let's go down first, goodbye!"


"Hey, what's the result of the investigation?"

Zero picked up the phone and asked.It turned out that the phone rang just now before leaving the communication group.

"I've found it. I've mailed the address to you. It will be delivered to you tomorrow at the latest."

"Okay, after receiving the goods, I will transfer the money to your account. I plan to continue a business with you. I don't know if you are interested."

"I wonder if you can talk about the business content first."

"Okay, I want you to collect the illegal evidence of Big Happy Boss, and let him be sentenced to death. If the quality is not enough, use quantity to make up for it. Of course, the reward will not disappoint you, I can give you 500 million first , I will give you 1000 million after it is done."

"Em...Okay, our detective agency will take over this business."

"Cheer up, I will send you the remuneration and deposit first tomorrow, and I will wait for your good news."

"No problem! Your satisfaction is guaranteed."


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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