Heavens database

Chapter 11 Tony's Counterattack

Chapter 11 Tony's Counterattack

After meeting with Stephen Zhou, Zero continued his salted fish life, swimming in water and walking around, and a week passed quickly.

Today, Tony showed off the first armor he made in the group, and also announced that he would come to the live broadcast to fight back and make the terrorists bear the price of kidnapping him.

Tony Stark: "Hey! Let's see how handsome this armor is. [Picture], [Picture], [Picture], [Picture]."

Orochimaru: "Oh, is this your new weapon? It feels a bit like armor."

Xiao Dangjia: "I'm just a chef and don't know much about this aspect."

Zero: "You are really a battle armor, why do I feel a little familiar, like a mixture of your Mark series and Faiz, and it is full of contradictions."

Zero looked at the picture of the battle armor, the basement membrane battle suit, matched with the outer armor of the Mark series, it looked very awkward.

Kato Yashi: "It's very similar to Faiz, and the material is exactly the same, but the combat effectiveness is not clear. And the appearance is ugly."

Tony Stark: "Boss, boss, there's nothing we can do about it! This is Unit [-], and I also want to go back early to get rid of Obadiah. You can make do with the appearance. The boss doesn't wear it anyway." , just as a collectible."

Tony said that he also had difficulties. Someone in the company wanted to usurp the throne. He was very pressed for time, so the appearance of the armor he made imitated the Faiz series, but the inner parts were his own unique technology.

Holographic screens, combat auxiliary programs, energy cannons, miniature ark reactors, etc., are all carefully manufactured by Tony.

Zero: "You're right. So, are you going to call back now?"

Tony Stark: "That's right! I'm going to put on this armor and eliminate all those terrorists and weapons. I will start a live broadcast later. If you are free, you can come and watch."

Mon Yashi: "Alright, anyway, I have nothing to do."

Orochimaru: "Me too, I want to see how powerful Tony's new weapon is."

Little boss: "I'll forget it. I won the championship in the dumpling competition a month ago, and I have obtained the qualification for the super chef exam. The exam will start tomorrow, and I have to prepare."

Tony Stark: "That's a pity, but I wish you good luck in the exam. What about you, boss? Are you coming?"

Little Master: "Thank you!"

Zero: "Okay! Anyway, this time is quite boring."

Tony Stark: "OK, give me 3 minutes to get dressed."

Zero: "By the way, Uncle Snake, how is your research going?"

While waiting, Zero asked Orochimaru about his research progress. With new materials, he wondered if there would be any new developments in his research.

Orochimaru: "Boss, are you also interested in this aspect?"

Zero: "I just want to know what impact the knowledge and materials in the database have on your research?"

Orochimaru: "Oh, so that's the case. I exchanged the Orphnoch factor in the mall, and fused it with the intercolumn cells, and found that the cells have mutated, the energy quality of the cells has become higher, and the erosiveness has also become lower. Now, the experiment of living body transplantation has started, I believe that it will not be long before Mu Dun will appear again."

Even if Zero didn't see Orochimaru face to face, he could feel his excitement, excitement and enthusiasm.However, Zero doesn't care too much, is Orochimaru, who is not fanatical about experiments, still Orochimaru?
Zero: "Oh, the progress is pretty good! Have you ever thought about the next step, merging the blood of the Uchiha clan with the intercolumnar cells and the Orphnoch factor to create a brand new blood."

Orochimaru: "Since I saw my original future and knew the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, I have this plan, but now I still give some benefits to the high-level Konoha, so that they can continue Support my research.”

Zero: "I look forward to your ability to create a new bloodline."

Orochimaru: "Thank you for the compliment!"

Tony Stark: "Hey! Everyone, are you ready? I'm going to start a live broadcast."

Door Yashi: "I've been waiting for you, hurry up."

Orochimaru: "I have already prepared."

Zero: "The whole communication group is waiting for you as the protagonist. Hurry up!"

Tony Stark: "OK!"

"Hey, Tony Stark starts the live broadcast room."

"Drip, Zero entered the Tony Stark live broadcast room."

"Drip, Orochimaru entered the Tony Stark live broadcast room."

"Hey, Kado Yaji enters Tony Stark's live broadcast room."

The moment Tony opened the live broadcast room, everyone except Xiaodangjia entered the live broadcast room.

After entering the live broadcast room, the first thing I saw was Tony in armor.

Tony Stark: "Everyone is here, then the live broadcast will officially begin."

Suddenly, the scene in front of everyone's eyes changed, and they came to a dark cave.

There were five people in the cave with guns beside them. They gathered together and talked.

Tony, who was wearing a battle armor, suddenly appeared in front of them, which made them stunned.But this stupefaction was the last moment of their lives.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
Tony used energy cannons mounted on both arms to fire at five people, each shot accurately ending the terrorist's life.

Zero: "Well, the attack power and speed are fatal to ordinary people, but they are still a little bit worse for superhumans."

Kado Yaji: "Yeah! It's pretty good that the power and speed of Unit [-] can reach this level. It will be improved in the future and it can reach a good height."

Orochimaru: "In fact, it is not easy for Tony to achieve this level in a month, and I think Tony did not adjust the power of the energy cannon to the maximum."

Tony Stark: "Orochimaru is right. Because I haven't solved the problem of energy yet, the power of my energy cannon is only [-]% of its maximum power."

While chatting with the people in the communication group, Tony was walking into the cave. As long as he met anyone with an offensive weapon, he would shoot them to death.

Moreover, these terrorists were obviously well-trained, and they quickly gathered their manpower to launch a counterattack against Tony, who suddenly appeared.

Grenades, howitzers, bullets and other conventional thermal weapons were constantly approaching Tony.However, the defensive power of the armor far exceeded their expectations. The bullets bounced off when they touched the armor. Weapons such as grenades and howitzers could only stop Tony for a while.

And Tony is not a fool, if he doesn't dodge the attack, no amount of people is useless in front of Tony who has high attack and high defense. It took Tony 5 minutes to clear all the enemies and come under the sun.


to be continued
(End of this chapter)

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