Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 59 63.1 People Who Can't See the Future

Chapter 59 63. A person who can't see the future
While Odin was meditating, he heard the sound of breaking through the air from afar. It was his child Thor.

Still impatient, still like a child, in fact, from some aspects, Loki is really more suitable to be the king of Asgard than Thor!

The gate of the temple was rushed open, and Thor's figure hurriedly stopped in front of him.There is also a person with a body full of strange energy!

"Father God, can you help him? He looks in pain..."

Odin glanced at his son, and divine power poured into this strange man's body.

Like spring, the energetic force washes every corner of Thule's body, just like a mother caressing a sleeping child, gentle.

"His brain has been seriously injured, it's been too long, I can only help him here!"

Looking at Thule who had calmed down, God King Odin said to Thor.He didn't mention the strange and not weak power that existed in this person's body.

When the child grows up, he will be in charge of a country in the future, and there are some things that he has to face by himself.

From Odin's point of view, the person in front of him might be a good whetstone.

Thor consciously explained Thule's origin to his priest, and told everything he knew without hiding anything.

"When he wakes up, I want to take him back to Midgard."

It's not bad to want to give my friends a surprise. To a greater extent, there is a girl on that blue planet that I care about.

He wants to go see...

Odin has no objection, the relationship between Midgard and Asgard is not that complicated, and based on the news that Thor went and brought back this time, which little blue planet is growing very fast.

Maybe Thor will make some good friends somewhere!

"I have no objection, just remember to come back early!"

Odin caressed Thor's hair. Except for the problems facing Thor and Loki, Odin is actually a good father, strict and kind!

He taught Thor well, a child who grew up in such an environment is full of justice.

As for Loki, that is the evil god. To some extent, fate has already decided the fate of the two people.

After getting Odin's consent, Thor took Jiangnan and left. After all, Jiangnan was just a friend who was not enough friends. When he woke up later, Thor didn't know how to introduce him to Father God!

Sif, go find Sif.

As Tornay's wife, Sif is indeed a good girl, and Xiu Wai Hui Zhong used it to describe her as really good.

It's just that Thor, a funny guy, went to Midgard and found a guy called love.

After Thor put Jiangnan down, he went to Heimdall again to pick up Maya.

When Tule woke up, it was already midnight, and the stars in the night sky were a little more beautiful than what Tuya saw, deep and mysterious!

"woke up?"

Thor felt it the moment Thule woke up. When a person is awake and asleep, the heartbeat and breathing are two completely different frequencies. As a god, he still has this perception.

Thule nodded. It seemed like he had a very long dream just now. As always, it was still the fragmented memory. The difference is that this time, it became orderly!

He knew his original identity, Jiangnan!
"You are Thor!"

Jiang Nan was sure that whether it was in memory or in reality, this was definitely the first time he had seen this rough man, but the strange thing was that he seemed to know him very well.

Thor didn't find it strange. When he was in Midgard, he heard Stark say that Jiangnan had experienced interstellar voyages and had an understanding of the world outside of Midgard.

This can be understood from the video a few days ago.

So Thor didn't feel the slightest surprise that Jiangnan knew his identity.

Thor, the future god king of Asgard in the nine worlds, is definitely not an unknown person.

"I asked Father God about your body, and he said that this body has suffered huge trauma, and the time is too long, so he can't help you."

Looking at Jiangnan's silent expression, Thor did not stop talking in the end.

"But everything is possible. Maybe there will be a solution in Midgard."

Thor didn't lie, judging from the current situation, Midgard's magic is no worse than Asgard's!

"Midgard?" Jiangnan heard an unfamiliar word, and seeing Thor's appearance, he seemed sure of where he would be.

Thor nodded and said:
"Yes, that is your hometown, you are from Midgard!"

"One more thing!" Thor looked at Maya who was lying next to Jiangnan. This was unfortunate news.

"This friend of yours can't enter Midgard! There is a supreme mage in Midgard who has set up a barrier outside Midgard. Any non-native creatures cannot enter Midgard directly from the outside world. .”

"Is there no other way?" Jiangnan and Maya are dependent on each other, and Maya really has nothing but herself.

I can't abandon and I won't abandon this girl who accompanied me all the way.

"The Supreme Mage is in Midgard. If you find her, and with her consent, it is not a problem to bring someone into Midgard."

Sif, who was standing aside, couldn't help but speak out.

Thor looked at Sif in surprise, then nodded.

"Sif is right. There are two ways for outsiders to enter Midgard. One is to be stronger than the Supreme Mage in Midgard.

Second, it is to get the consent of the supreme mage! "

Thor looked at Jiangnan and said with certainty:

"Needless to say, the first way is impossible for you. The two of you are not in the same power system at all. As long as you find the supreme mage, the rest will not be a problem!"

Thor looked at Jiangnan silently, and then said:

"Besides, the living environment of Midgard, this girl may not be suitable for living, and Asgard is the planet whose living environment is most similar to Midgard, it would be good for her to get acquainted here for a while !"

God knows why Thor, a nervous man, suddenly comforts people and is so patient.

Seeing that Jiangnan didn't speak, Thor patted Jiangnan on the shoulder.

"Go to bed early, wake up tomorrow, and I'll take you back to Midgard!"

After finishing speaking, he and Sif went out, leaving only Jiangnan and Maya in the room.

Looking at Maya who was sleeping next to her, there were still food residues in the corner of her mouth.It seems that during the time she was unconscious in the afternoon, Maya was full.

There is still a smile on the corner of your mouth...

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(End of this chapter)

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