Marvel's Octopus

Chapter 58 62. The First Battle Before Midgard

Chapter 58 62. The Battle Before Midgard

"Which star is so beautiful!" Maya said while sitting on top of the golden creature, pointing to a light blue planet with her slender fingers.

Counting from the day Tuya came out, it has been five days. It has to be said that this golden creature is very fast.

"It's beautiful..."

Thule touched Maya's head, muttering to himself.

“It would be better if there is something to eat!”

After leaving Tuya for five days, she has been floating in the endless starry sky. Tule is in good health, so the problem is not too big, but Maya is really hungry.

Little Maya nodded seriously.

"Yes, it would be even better if there was something to eat!"

The golden creature approached the blue planet without any haste, and Thule knew for sure that his goal was there!
However, it seemed that someone didn't want him to go in.

Outside the blue planet, an orange-yellow river lay across Thule's ultimate road. The river was rushing, and Thule felt his unfriendly aura coming towards him, as if he was hostile...

Crossing the galaxy gave Thule the confidence to float out of the dish, and he must be 100% sure in his heart that he can cross here.


With a smile on his face, Thule stood up straight on the dragon's back.The tall and straight body shows invincible self-confidence, like a spear, with unparalleled arrogance!

It's just that things seem to be a little different!

At the end of the invisible Milky Way, a rainbow the size of a bucket appeared, heading straight towards the golden dragon.

I didn't feel the danger, but there are no good people in the galaxy!
The rapid shift of the golden dragon shattered the rainbow, and the rainbow was so fast that it could be said to have arrived in an instant.Unfortunately, Jinlong is more flexible.

The rainbow might have given up, Thule stared at the starry sky above his head for a while before relaxing.

Just when he was about to move on, a figure suddenly appeared on the road in front of him.The black skin can't see the slightest beauty, holding a sword, the tip of the sword is at the same level as the foot.

Right in front of Thule!
"I suggest you stop and move forward. The girl behind you will die!"

Thule inexplicably understood the strange words spoken by an emotionless voice.

"Who are you?" Thule was 100% sure in his heart that the person in front of him was absolutely inseparable from the magical rainbow just now.

Thule was more interested in his identity than what he said.Maya, he has the confidence to protect.

"My name is Heimdall, and I have no ill intentions towards you. Besides, I know your past, so I can help you!"

Heimdall's words aroused Thule's interest, and Thule was more interested in his identity than his purpose of coming.

Tuller didn't ask much, and according to Heimdall's arrangement, he stood there quietly, waiting for the rainbow.

Security is relative to sufficient interests, as long as the interests are strong enough, there is nothing that cannot be gambled on.

As for Maya, she couldn't live alone in this situation, Tule wanted to bet!

Thule didn't feel any harm when the rainbow washed over him instantly. It seemed that the man didn't deceive himself.

When the light dissipated and everything returned to calm, Thule and Maya were finally able to open their eyes.

But the golden creature that was magical enough disappeared inexplicably.

Thule opened his eyes and looked around, two words suddenly appeared in his heart, happiness and light.

The strong sense of abruptness cannot conceal the appropriate description of the scenery in front of me by these two words.

"A very good place!" Thule turned his head and looked at Heimdall standing next to him, holding a sword.

Heimdall didn't refute it, it's a fact, no normal person would dislike Asgard.Like no good person likes hell!
Maya looked very happy too.It seems that the scenery of Asgard directly solved the problem of her hunger.

"The person who wants to see you is here!" Heimdall said abruptly.

Want to meet someone of your own?

Thule followed Heimdall's gaze, but a person flew over from a distance.Flying, holding a hammer in his hand, swinging it quickly.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Thule.The whole person hit the ground, and the strong impact did not damage the ground. Thule became curious, which made Thule curious about the material of the ground!

A rough man wearing silver armor and a fiery red cloak behind his back stopped in front of Thule.

The long hair and the beard that hadn't been trimmed for a long time made Thule lose interest in this man in an instant.

It was Thor who had been waiting for Thule for a long time. He said to Thule, no, it should be said that it is Jiangnan now.He was very curious about this well-known character in Midgard!

"Jiangnan, I have found you!"

Thor laughed and was about to hug Tule when he came up.

Thule didn't care, because he found a more important problem.

Jiangnan?The name that had been flashing in his mind for a long time was heard from another person for the first time.

Moreover, he is calling himself by this name...


It hurts, it hurts.

The heart-piercing pain hit Thule's heart directly, and his head seemed to explode. Those broken memory fragments flooded into Thule's mind again and again like a tide, time and time again. Keep flushing!

The bulging veins on his forehead and his tearful expression showed Thule's pain at the moment from all aspects.

Maya looked helplessly at Thule who was lying on the ground and rolling, tears dripped from her eyes like a flood.

With a language barrier, she couldn't even ask the two strangers next to her for help.

Her frail body couldn't heal Thule's struggling body at all. All she could do at this moment was just stand aside and watch!

For the first time, she felt that she was so weak, and the sense of powerlessness that she could do nothing appeared in little Maya's heart for the first time.

The expressions of Thor and Heimdall were also a little dazed, and the two of them couldn't figure out what was going on now.

It was fine just now, why did it suddenly become like this?

"I'll take him to God the Father!"

Thor eagerly picked up Jiangnan's body and went straight to Odin with a hammer.

As for Maya, being left in place, Thor couldn't fly with two of them at once.

Looking at Maya's blank eyes, Heimdall felt that he had to comfort the little girl.

In the temple, Odin, the king of the gods, held a royal staff and inspected the splendor in front of him.

My body is getting weaker and weaker, and the days of death will not be far away, but when the time comes, will my paradise be as happy and peaceful as before?
Odin didn't know, he couldn't see the future of Asgard in the long river of time!

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(End of this chapter)

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