Chapter 93

"Your Majesty, although the Datong Kingdom ceded one county and ten towns in the south to our country, it also ceded six towns in the north to Su and Ao. Now the two countries have gradually taken over these towns and have bordered our country!"

"We kept the Datong Kingdom to use it as a buffer zone, but the Datong Kingdom has good means and boldness. It even directly ceded the six northern towns, so that our Dazheng Kingdom had to border the two direct countries. In this way, the two The country must at least contain the strength of our army of tens of thousands, it is simply abominable!"

"In Qi Chu? Humph!" He snorted coldly. Zhao Yuan naturally knew everything about Datong Kingdom's plans.Anyway, they have done this more than once. Datong was a powerful country at its peak, but now it has been reduced to a small country with only three counties.Now, in order to survive, nearly half of the country has been ceded again.

However, the place where the capital of the Datong Kingdom is located is the county seat that was occupied by the Datong Kingdom in the past when it was strong.No matter how the Datong Kingdom is weakened or ceded to the country, this county will always be in our hands.

We must know that the prosperity of the county is far better than that of the county. The tax revenue of a county is enough to be worth the sum of three or four counties or even higher.What's more, the county has all kinds of influence and so on. As long as the county is still in hand, it will not be too painful for Datong to cede the land, but it is an indisputable fact that Datong's land area has shrunk by half.

Ceded half of the country, and went to the border confrontation between Dazheng country and the two northern countries.Although it was very painful, it undoubtedly brought a respite to the Datong Kingdom.Under the confrontation of the Three Kingdoms, the power of the Datong Kingdom has a significant position, and it can even become the straw that overwhelms the camel, and it will naturally become the existence that everyone in the Three Kingdoms is vying to win over.

At that time, the Datong country will not only be able to survive in the cracks, but will even have a way to drink some soup behind these big countries. It is definitely a way to exchange territory for vitality.Even if Dazheng Kingdom knows the cause and effect, so what, why not win them over and prevent them from falling completely to the other half.

But the only danger is that no matter who of these three countries becomes the master and wipes out the other countries, it will be a disaster for the Datong country.All of this requires good control. While wandering among the three countries to reap benefits, you must also ensure the existence of your own country.

"Your Majesty, the most urgent task now is to send troops to the north for support. It may be difficult to support such a long defense line with the army under General Wu Zheng alone, and it is even more difficult to defend against the forces of the three countries at the same time!"

"Hmph!" Upon hearing this, Zhao Yuan became even more angry. Anyone who was tricked would not be in a good mood.Shaking his head, Zhao Yuan said calmly, "Since Datong Country has done this and allowed me to cross borders with the other two countries, it means that the current Dashi Country is useless!"

"Your Majesty wants to use troops against the Datong Kingdom, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Why not? The Datong Kingdom ceded half of the country. Now that the people have lost all support and the soldiers have no fighting spirit, it is the best time. If we don't take this opportunity to completely remove them, are we going to keep them to sway in the future? ?”

"But Your Majesty, it will take time to mobilize the army, logistics, food, etc. Moreover, the Datong Kingdom has just signed a contract with our country and ceded nearly one-third of the land to our country. Once the Dazheng Kingdom tears up the contract and provokes a war , I’m afraid it will shame the people of the world, and it will be very detrimental to our Dazheng country!”

"You can't think of any other way, just find a suitable reason!" In this world, it is the last word to have a strong fist. If the Thirteen Dynasties of the Nine Regions did such a blatant thing to tear up the treaty, no one would dare to accuse them, but Dazhengguo just doesn't have this strength, and there are too many people who dare to ridicule Dazhengguo.

In order to sign the contract, Datong Kingdom paid a huge price of one-third of its territory.Not only that, in order to show sincerity, even the border garrisons of the Datong Kingdom have withdrawn a lot.Facing the Dazheng Kingdom with the attitude of complete submission of the weak, no matter how you look at it, the Datong Kingdom has shown enough sincerity.

This move is really brilliant, enough to make Dazheng country helpless.In the face of such a Datong country, once the Dazheng country made a move to tear up the contract and provoke a war, it would immediately be labeled as an untrustworthy and greedy country.No one is willing to deal with such a country, and people of insight are even less willing to come to serve in such a country. This is the importance of reputation and strength.

Dazheng country is not a top power now, so you don't need to care about these.What Dazheng Kingdom needs is to develop in great strides, and it will inevitably communicate and cooperate with other countries outside, and will also sign various contracts.Once it is labeled as greedy and arrogant, it will be extremely detrimental to the future development of Taizheng Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient, just wait for the right time. Faced with the current performance of the Datong Kingdom, it is really not suitable for our country to provoke a war immediately. But since the Datong Kingdom dares to do this, it will definitely not be willing to do so forever. As long as they dare to break the covenant and surrender to other countries, we have enough reasons to take it!"

"Wait, when are we going to wait until they win the hearts of the people and reinvigorate the morale of the army, or wait until they turn to other countries and get their support? At that time, it will not be as simple as it is today if you want to win the Datong Kingdom !"

"His Majesty."

"Okay, I got it!" Although he was very unwilling, Zhao Yuan knew what he should do, shook his head and said, "After you go back, look carefully and see if you can find enough reasons to tear up this contract!"

"I understand that I will send people to the Datong Kingdom as soon as possible, and the Datong Kingdom will not be able to restrain themselves from taking drastic actions. But since the Datong Kingdom wants to be a coward, I'm afraid they won't accept our tricks!"

"Just do your best, no matter what, it won't be worse than it is now!"

Coming out of the military plane with a gloomy face, Zhao Yuan calmed down his mood slowly.At the beginning, he wanted to use the Datong Kingdom as a buffer zone and try to avoid bordering with the countries in the north of the Datong Kingdom. Such an idea was indeed too simple.

Unexpectedly, Datong Kingdom would have such boldness and directly ceded the land of the six northern towns.In this way, Dazheng Kingdom will be embarrassed, and the original plan will be completely overthrown.Now it is necessary not only to send troops to guard against the Datong country, but also to guard against the two countries of Su and Ao that border on them. The original small force will be greatly restrained, and it will not even be possible to provoke a big war in a short time.

To be able to do such a thing, its strategic vision and courage can be imagined, and its status in the Datong country is definitely not trivial, otherwise it would not be able to persuade the whole country of Datong to agree to such conditions.It seems that the small country of Datong is not without experts, but I have underestimated the heroes of the world, so I should be more cautious in the future!
"Your Majesty, all the lessons have arrived!"

"Yeah!" We walked all the way to the barracks. The people here had already stood in line, waiting for Zhao Yuan's arrival.Students from the Second Civil and Military Academy will be assigned official positions after graduation, and the teaching classes here will also graduate. Everyone here will be assigned to serve as teachers in military camps in various places.

The main responsibility of these people is to teach ordinary sergeants how to read and write, simple military tactics, and Zhao Yuan's simple internal skills and mental methods for serving the entire army.Of course, they are also responsible for subtly conveying the principles of loyalty and patriotism to the sergeants, as well as a little monitoring of the army.

There are nearly a hundred people here, and their abilities are actually not strong, but the most important thing is that they are innocent and loyal enough.Most of them were students who came to take the scientific examination but failed. After the setback of the imperial examination, Zhao Yuan gathered some of them and formed a temporary teaching and training class.

After more than a year of training and observation, some people who are too incompetent or have other thoughts have all been dismissed. In the past, there were more than 200 people in the team, and now there are only more than [-] people left.

As an instructor in the army, Zhao Yuan didn't need them to be too capable, let alone to intervene in the command of the army.They only need to know how to pass on the most basic things and be able to help soldiers in the army solve basic problems.As for the higher-end and more difficult ones, the soldiers who have made meritorious service will naturally go to the martial arts academy to study, and there is no need for them.

Their main responsibility is to educate the soldiers, and they can even form eyeliners if necessary.Together with the students from the Martial Arts Academy, help Zhao Yuan firmly control the army of the whole country, and completely control all the troops with unknown minds in various places as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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