Chapter 92
"As the first batch of students of the academy, each of you will be the cornerstone of my Taisho country, and I hope you can have a better future!"

Although there was a group of people standing in the dark on the campus, everything seemed quiet.No one spoke or even made a sound, and there seemed to be no sound on the entire school grounds except for the whistling wind.All eyes were on the figure at the top of the school field, and everyone seemed very nervous.

Looking at the hundreds of students standing quietly below, Zhao Yuan didn't feel nervous at all, and continued to speak eloquently.Looking at the people below who were listening carefully, Zhao Yuan actually felt like scolding Fang Qiu. It's no wonder that the leaders like to make speeches when they have nothing to do.

After nearly a year of study, it was time for the hundreds of students who entered the academy to graduate.These students originally entered the academy through examinations, and each of them actually had their own unique views on political affairs or military affairs.It stands to reason that such a person can actually be granted an official position immediately.

But Zhao Yuan set up the Li Wenwu Second Academy, and got all these people in to strengthen their studies.Letting them enter the academy for advanced studies is nothing more than strengthening their abilities and trying to convey in their hearts the way of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.These people already have a deep foundation and naturally it is impossible to teach them from scratch. One year is enough for them to learn a lot, and more needs to be practiced.

Originally, Zhao Yuan wanted them to study for two or three years, but time waited for no one.Dazheng Kingdom expanded its territory too fast, and Nuoda's territory needs loyal, reliable and capable people to take care of it.

Moreover, there are constant frictions in the north. Although Datong Kingdom surrenders on the surface, it keeps making small moves secretly.Datong Kingdom, Dashi Kingdom and other places occupied by Dazheng Kingdom, the newly recruited and accepted troops in various places also need to be controlled in time.These students are the most powerful weapons for him to completely digest the power of the Quartet as soon as possible.

In one year, after passing the imperial examination again, the college recruited a new batch of students.These students came from all over the country, some were originally from the Dazheng Kingdom, and some were from the Datong Kingdom and Dayu Kingdom, which were occupied by the Dazheng Kingdom.

At the same time, Zhao Yuan let the students from the former college graduate and be appointed as officials, which is also to let these new students from all over the world and even with unclear minds see hope.As long as they are willing to work hard and give their loyalty, they will be able to become officials in the future and have a bright enough future!
"Zhang Fan!" After a long period of foreplay, it finally came to the most critical moment, awarding the official!

As for the students of the Liberal Arts Academy, Zhao Yuan wandered around twice, and after a few words of encouragement to the outstanding students one by one, they were directly dragged away by the official department. The official department would award them different official positions according to their specialties and abilities.But the military officer here is awarded the sword by Zhao Yuan himself. For these martial arts students, this also represents the supreme glory, and it is even more enviable for those liberal arts students!

"The students are here!"

"Are you the No. [-] martial arts school?" Looking at Zhang Fan who was kneeling cautiously beside him, Zhao Yuan smiled softly, "I have seen your performance, and you have done a good job. Narrative, or sand table simulation of battle on the battlefield, and the final actual combat drill, you are the best among them!"

He took an exquisite sword from the guard next to him, and then Zhao Yuan handed it to Zhang Fan who was kneeling beside him, "I confer on you the post of captain today, and you are the only captain in this year's martial arts academy. I hope that you can expand the territory of Dazheng Kingdom in the future, and I hope to see the day when you become a marquis and a general!!"

"The student thanked His Majesty, and I swear to be loyal to His Majesty to the death!"

"Shen Changge"

"The students are here!"

"The second in the martial arts academy is also the best in the martial arts academy!" Nodding in satisfaction, Zhao Yuan handed over the sword in his hand and said with a smile, "I have granted you the post of captain, I hope you can continue to work hard. The martial arts academy Your grades are nothing, the battlefield is the best test room for you. I hope that when I see you next time, you will already be a general!"

"The student thanked His Majesty, and I swear to be loyal to His Majesty to the death!"

As the day passed slowly, each of the hundreds of students, Zhao Yuan, had to personally teach swords and even give a few words of encouragement, each of them needed to be able to call out their names and even their usual behavior.This is a technical job as well as a physical one. After a day, Zhao Yuan not only did not feel tired at all, but was faintly excited.

In the eyes of these students, Zhao Yuan saw passion and gratitude, and even saw the future of Dazheng Kingdom.He leads the dean of the Second Civil and Military Academy by himself. Although he doesn't go there often, every time he can show his face is enough to impress all the students.

The teacher-student relationship between the students and the dean is now Zhao Yuan's most powerful weapon.In this world where force is paramount and families of sects spread all over the world, the teacher-student relationship can be said to be the most reliable besides the blood relationship.

In this world full of wars, it is common for a country to be destroyed and the country to prosper, even if they switch to another country, no one will say anything.But if you betray your teacher, you will be branded as a traitor, and you will be hunted down to the ends of the earth!

"Your Majesty, wait a moment!"

After a tiring day, Zhao Yuan was not in a hurry to go back, but entered the Jinyiwei garrison under the leadership of An Jianqing.After going through layers of checkpoints, I arrived at the innermost hidden place.

"Your Majesty, these six people were carefully selected by Jin Yiwei from among hundreds of students after a year of observation. They not only come from innocent backgrounds, have excellent grades, but also have unique insights into the art of war. You can go through fire and water for His Majesty!"

"Swear allegiance to His Majesty to the death!"

"Very good!" Looking at the six people kneeling, they had a different aura from other students, obviously they had been trained by Jin Yiwei.After undergoing brutal training, these people are naturally more reliable in loyalty.

"Do you know why you were not selected?"

After hearing Zhao Yuan's inexplicable words, these people didn't say anything, but there was a little bit of curiosity in their eyes.Even they themselves don't know why they were selected. Could it be that they are going to perform some secret mission?

"You are very lucky, because you are the chosen ones!" Turning slowly behind them, Zhao Yuan had a cloud of green light on his hand, and pointed at one of them and slowly reached over.

Huge power suddenly merged into the body, as if tearing the meridians, and the severe pain instantly hit the whole body.But facing Zhao Yuan, he couldn't shout out, let alone behave too unbearably.He could only grit his teeth and endure, the cold sweat even wet his entire back.

Soon this force slowly poured into the dantian, and the stinging meridians gradually recovered.Secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and then he felt that his whole body seemed to be full of strength, and he felt that a punch could even dig a hole here, and he could even faintly feel the joy of the surrounding world's aura.

"This, this is... Could it be innate?" There was a slight guess in his mind, but he was quickly suppressed.How powerful a congenital master is, and even more so far away from him, how could he become such a master.There may not be any innate masters in the entire Dazheng Kingdom or even in several surrounding countries.

Before he could react, a muffled hum came from his ear, and the person next to him behaved the same as himself.I also saw where he was kneeling, the stone floor seemed to be cracking.

"You are all curious, what kind of power do you get?" Looking at the six people kneeling on the ground, Zhao Yuan said indifferently, "I tell you, that is the power of innate masters. From today on, you are innate masters! "

"What?" The six people who were kneeling were suddenly shocked, they looked at each other, but they all said nothing.

Among the people in the 36th hole and 72nd island, there are many people who committed the most crimes. Of course, Zhao Yuan couldn't use these people, so he took away their martial arts at the cost of dispelling the life and death talisman.In addition to them, there were some other people who had their skills taken away by Zhao Yuan's contract.Zhao Yuan has a total of nine copies of this kind of skill, but now he has only used up three copies.

The Taisho country is too short and its remoteness is too low. It can be said that it is more than inferior than inferior.It's okay against the small countries around, but it's not bad if it doesn't collapse in battle against those big countries with innate warriors.It still depends on his little bit of hard work to slowly smooth out the gap in the background.

The skills of these people originally belonged to the innate masters who had just entered, and they were not considered big names in the world of Tianlong.But don't look at the world of No. [-] in the world and the world of Tianlong Babu as if the world is full of innate talents, and innate masters are worthless, so it depends on who and how to compare.

Don't look at the 36-hole and 72-island people who didn't even dare to fart when facing Tianshan Child Elder, but they are also domineering and invincible existences on their respective sites.After all, innate masters are not so easy to practice!
Yu Canghai in the Xiaoao Jianghu is only a master of around the seventh floor of Houtian, but he easily wiped out the Fuwei bodyguard agency of Nuo Da.In the world of knights, the island of knights rewards good and punishes evil envoys, and kills a sect for fun, which makes the whole world tremble.

The higher you go, the bigger the gap is. Facing a strong bow, a large number of established troops may have to kneel even the innate masters.But at the level of innate masters, everyone is a human tank on the battlefield.A single tank may be quickly killed by the army, but if the tank is followed by a large number of troops, it will be crushed!

(End of this chapter)

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