Martial Arts Plane Trading Terminal

Chapter 24 The Footsteps of War

Chapter 24 The Footsteps of War

"Your Majesty, urgent report at the border, Dayu Kingdom, Datong Kingdom assembled a large army to march towards our border, I am afraid they will attack the city soon!"

"Hmph, I knew they would never let go of this great opportunity, and the worst thing happened!"

Hearing this news, everyone became nervous.Dazheng Kingdom borders on three countries in total, and the war with Datong Kingdom initiated by Wang Ming'an some time ago has not subsided until now.In other words, Dazheng Kingdom is going to go to war with these three surrounding countries at once.

The three kings of the Datong Kingdom were fighting for the front and civil strife continued, Wang Mingan took the opportunity to invade the Datong Kingdom, hoping to take advantage of the internal turmoil to make money.As a result, the cheapness did not make any money and caused a lot of trouble, causing Dazheng Kingdom to fall into a quagmire and unable to get out of it.Cao Wei led his army to fight the Datong Kingdom, and the battle situation has become anxious.

In the eyes of the other two countries, Dazheng Kingdom is not like Datong Kingdom.The domestic prime minister and the general competed for power and profit, and Zhao Yuan even intervened in it, which once made the situation in Dazheng country worsen.

They had not sent troops from the Dazheng Kingdom before, presumably because the time had not come yet. After Zhang Yuan and Shen Yuan were both injured, the best strategy would be to attack and carve up the Dazheng Kingdom in one fell swoop.It's just that they didn't expect that Da Zhengguo would calm down the domestic chaos so quickly, which caught them off guard.

However, although the cholera in Dazheng Kingdom has subsided, the hearts of the people and the army are still unstable.Moreover, a part of the army is still being restrained by the Datong Kingdom. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to send troops, it will be much more difficult to attack after the domestic situation in the Dazheng Kingdom stabilizes in the future.

"Your Majesty, Dazheng Kingdom may not be able to bear the war with the Three Kingdoms at the same time!" Taking a careful look at Zhao Yuan, Chen An next to him said in a low voice, "If it is really impossible, let General Cao withdraw from Datong Kingdom!"

"If you can't bear it, you have to hold on. At this time, General Cao is fighting with the army of the Datong Kingdom. If you withdraw the troops here, the Datong Kingdom will definitely not let go of this opportunity easily. In order to compete for this credit, maybe the three kings of the Datong Kingdom will send their henchmen The people attack. Maybe they don't have enough people to swallow the elephant, and they will want to carve up my Dazheng country with the other two countries!"

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Yuan said helplessly, "At that time, our Dazheng Kingdom will be besieged by the Three Kingdoms. If we continue to fight like this, we can only fight a war of attrition to defend the gate. Even if we can defend it, we must suffer heavy losses!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Zhao Yuan said coldly, "Right now Datong is in turmoil, and the three kings are already fighting each other. As long as General Cao breaks Qingyu Pass, he can drive straight into Datong Kingdom. This is the opportunity for our Dazheng Kingdom. As long as the When the Datong Kingdom is defeated, the crisis of the Dazheng Kingdom will be solved by itself!"

"But Your Majesty, now that the two countries are attacking together, and the war with Datong Kingdom, we still have insufficient self-protection, let alone attack. No matter how much civil strife there is in Datong Kingdom, it still has a lot of power. If we want to swallow Chatong in one go There may still be a chance for our Dazheng Kingdom to do our best. But at this time, the border army is completely restrained, and the slaves are afraid that our Dazheng Kingdom will not be able to catch it!"

"There is no need to worry about the national power of the Dazheng Kingdom. I still have some gold in my hand, which is enough to support the consumption of the Dazheng Kingdom for several years!" Zhao Yuan clenched his fists with a slightly crazy face. Let go of this opportunity. What's more, I will use the victory over the Datong Kingdom to clear away all obstacles and completely hold this country in my hands!"

As Zhao Yuan said, the civil strife among the three kings of Datong Kingdom has reached a fever pitch.One king held the young emperor hostage and prepared to hold the emperor hostage to order the princes. The other two kings did not take this move at all, and directly used the slogan of "Qingjun" to attack Buchen.The war between the three parties has already begun, with blood staining the battlefield red, and it has reached the point where it will never end.

Now almost all the troops of the Datong Kingdom are fighting near the capital, and even the border area is supported by only a mere [-] old and weak.In the face of the elite army led by the famous Cao Wei, they failed to send reinforcements, which shows the extent of the internal strife.

If the civil strife among the Three Kings subsides, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for Zhao Yuan to annex the Datong Kingdom.What's more, the Dayu country in the west is also restless and has always wanted to expand abroad.It can provoke none of the neighbors of Dayu Kingdom, and the only one whose national strength is similar to its own is Dazheng Kingdom.Therefore, Dazheng country is their goal, and it is even more impossible for Dazheng country to annex Datong country to strengthen themselves.

As long as Zhao Yuan sent troops to the Datong Kingdom, they would still send troops to contain the troops of the Dazheng Kingdom.Now that the result is already doomed, why not take advantage of the internal turmoil in Datong and swallow it in one fell swoop.Although the current situation seems critical, Zhao Yuan still has several 10 taels of gold in his hands, which is enough to support a war that lasts for several years without fear of excessive loss of national strength.

Moreover, although Zhao Yuan in China killed Zhang Yuan and Shen Yuan in one fell swoop, it is certain that the people of Dazheng Kingdom will be unstable at the moment, and it is certain that some people will be dissatisfied, and there will definitely be conspirators behind the scenes.As long as Datong Kingdom is captured, no one in Dazheng Kingdom will dare to challenge Zhao Yuan's majesty.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan became more and more sure of his decision.Taking a deep breath, he said to Chen An beside him, "Where is General Cao, are you still in Qingyu Pass now? Could it be that a mere [-] old and weak can hold back General Cao for so long?"

"Return to Your Majesty, General Cao is still blocked under the Qingyu Pass of the Datong Kingdom, and has not broken through yet!" Respectfully replied to Zhao Yuan, while Chen An whispered, "However, General Cao has experienced many battles. With a little time, General Cao will definitely be able to break through Qingyu Pass!"

"Time? What I lack now is time!" With a cold snort, a trace of dissatisfaction appeared on Zhao Yuan's face.It's been a month, and Cao Wei has nearly [-] troops in his hands, but he can't break through the isolated city guarded by only [-] old and weak, it's a shame!
However, Zhao Yuan knew in his heart that Cao Wei's rise to a high position with his humble body was all due to one sword and one gun.Now that Cao Wei has been blocked in Qingyu Pass for more than a month, it can only be said that Wu Zheng, the general guarding the pass, is a talent.

Previously, Wu Zheng was able to defeat the [-] frontier army led by Wang Mingan head-on with [-] old and weak. Apart from the fact that Wang Mingan was a bit useless, his ability to command troops was absolutely extraordinary, and he was definitely a first-class commander.If such a talent cannot be held in one's own hands, it must not be left to others.

Seeing such a person, Zhao Yuan suddenly thought of Yuan Chonghuan in his mind, and said with a soft smile, "The alienation plan is indeed a good way, and it is perfect for dealing with such a person!"

"Chen An, you should immediately send someone to General Cao to tell him to retreat. No, not only retreat, but also pretend to be defeated!"

"Your Majesty?" Looking at Zhao Yuan with a puzzled face, Chen An whispered, "Didn't Your Majesty just say that?"

"This time, that time!" Zhao Yuan laughed softly, and then said to An Jianqing next to him, "An Jianqing, you immediately sent people to Datong Kingdom to spread rumors, saying that Wu Zheng has defected to Dazheng Kingdom. In exchange, I, Dazhengguo, will give him a great victory so that he can gain more power!"

Hearing Zhao Yuan's words, An Jianqing's eyes flashed brightly, and he immediately said respectfully, "I understand!"

"Besides, if Datong Kingdom wants to dispose of Wu Zheng's family, I want you to save them at all costs. I will send Ding Dian to cooperate with you. With him around, I believe it will be much easier for you!"

"His Majesty."

"Okay, let's do it!" Waving his hand at An Jianqing, Zhao Yuan said in a low voice, "I want to use tricks to take down Wu Zheng, but if he harms his family because of this, it will only backfire. I hate Dazheng Kingdom even more. What's more, Wu Zheng is a talent, if such a talent can't be held in his hands, wouldn't it be a pity?"

"I understand, I will live up to your Majesty's trust!"

"Yan Yingyuan!"

"Chen is here!"

"I order you to lead [-] Northern troops north to Dayong Pass. You must block Dayu's troops from Dayong Pass. Dayu's national strength is even faintly superior to that of Dazheng. This time they attack with overwhelming force, your heavy responsibility!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will block the soldiers of Dayu Kingdom from Dayong Pass and prevent them from stepping into Dazheng Kingdom!"

"Very good, I have always been very trusting of you!" Zhao Yuan didn't know Yan Yingyuan's ability to lead troops in battle, but if it was about defending the city, no one in Dazheng Kingdom could match him.What's more, with the addition of [-] frontier troops, Dayong Pass has a full [-] elite troops. With the precipitous pass, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an impregnable fortress. I believe that Yan Yingyuan will definitely leave an indelible impression on Dayu Kingdom.

"As for the Dasheng Pass, let Feng Mingshan be stationed there, and send the remaining 15 northern troops north to support. Datong is just a small country, with a national strength of only [-], and only seven or eight troops capable of attacking. Ten thousand!"

"And the Datong Kingdom was just forced into a chariot by the Dayu Kingdom to disperse the forces of the Great Zheng Kingdom. The war situation has not changed significantly, and they are afraid that they are just doing their work but not doing their best. As long as Feng Mingshan is not too stupid, with what he has in his hands It will not be a problem for us to have enough troops to defend the Great Victory Pass, and we can even choose the opportunity to counterattack!"

(End of this chapter)

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