Chapter 23 Signed It

"Ding Dian, what are you still hesitating about? Sign it, as long as you sign this contract, you will be able to stay with the one you love forever, and no one will disturb you in the future, how wonderful it is!"

In the dark and damp prison, came a faint voice.There was an irresistible temptation in the voice, lingering in the ears and making it impossible to get rid of.The dilapidated man in this prison couldn't help showing a struggle when he saw the contract that suddenly appeared in front of him.

After looking around, Ding Dian found that he seemed to be the only one in the entire prison who could hear this voice.Faced with the request of this mysterious voice, Ding Dian couldn't make up his mind for a moment. Although he was eager to stay and fly with Ling Shuanghua, he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, and he didn't know what he would do if he signed the contract. What are you facing.

"Ding Dian, what are you still hesitating about? Do you know that Ling Shuanghua has ruined her appearance for you and not to marry anyone else? Don't you want to give an explanation to such a woman who is willing to sacrifice for you?"

"What, how could it be, Shuanghua?"

"Ding Dian!" The voice suddenly became sharper, and Zhao Yuan said loudly, "As long as you sign this contract, you and Ling Shuanghua will stay together forever. Don't worry, I won't force you to do what you don't want to do." thing!"

"No, who are you, what purpose do you have, what exactly do you want?"

"After all, you still don't believe it!" Zhao Yuan smiled helplessly. Dealing with people like Ding Dian made Zhao Yuan feel exhausted.There were too many things to consider, and he was a little too smart. He signed the contract and still muttered silently, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Magistrate Ling!"

"Not bad!" Although his face was gloomy, Ling Tuisi said honestly, "Ding Dian, this is your chance. As long as you sign this contract, I will entrust Shuanghua to you, and I will take care of your affairs in the future." do not care!"

"You want Liancheng Jue?" Hearing Ling Tuisi's words, Ding Dian was overjoyed at first, and then a serious dark expression appeared on his face.It was obviously trying to estimate Zhao Yuan's purpose.Without knowing Zhao Yuan's character, he was unwilling to entrust such a large amount of treasure at will.If the entrustment is not human, the harm caused will be too great.

"Liancheng Jue?" Disdainful laughter echoed in Ding Dian's ears. It did not make him let down his guard, but made him more nervous. "I don't want that thing, what I want is you!"

"Ding Dian, you are a talent, I want your allegiance!"

"Need me?" Hearing this, Ding Dian couldn't help frowning, and asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that Ling Shuanghua has already signed the contract. She is mine now. It doesn't matter if you don't sign it. Anyway, if you don't sign it, I'm afraid I'll never see her again. After all How to choose, you can figure it out yourself!"

"I sign, I sign!" After a little hesitation, Ding Dian made a decision.Perhaps in his heart, Ling Shuanghua's safety is more important than anything else.Without hesitation, he signed his name heavily on the contract, and made a fingerprint by the way.

Afterwards, the contract in front of Ding Dian immediately radiated luminous light, as if encountering an inexplicable flame and turned into flying ash, a ray of light poured into Ding Dian's body.In the blink of an eye, a vortex appeared in the space around Ding Dian, sucking him in.

At the same time, Ling Shuanghua in the room was also facing the same thing.The contract turned into a ray of light pouring into Ling Shuanghua's body, and Ling Shuanghua's figure also disappeared.The content of the contract Zhao Yuan gave them was to allow them to be together, and in exchange they would work for themselves for the rest of their lives.Now both of them signed the contract, and the contract was reached in an instant.

"Okay, great!" After signing the contract, Ding Dian is considered to be in his pocket, and the Divine Photo Sutra in his hand is naturally his own.If Zhao Yuan's expectation is not bad, Ding Dian, who has already practiced Shenzhao Sutra, should be in the realm of Acquired Perfection.The world of Liancheng Jue is just a world of low-level martial arts. Under the restrictions and oppression of this world, it is as difficult as reaching the sky to break through the innate.

What's more, Ding Dian still has a knot in his heart like Ling Shuanghua, and he still can't let go.Otherwise, perhaps Ding Dian is already an innate master at this moment.With such a potential stock, Zhao Yuan naturally has to firmly grasp it.

Sure enough, Ling Shuanghua was Ding Dian's weakness.As long as Ling Shuanghua is held in the palm of his hand, Ding Dian can only obey.Compared to Ding Dian, Ling Shuanghua was undoubtedly much easier to fool.

In addition, with Ling Tuisi as his father, Ling Shuanghua obediently signed the contract given by Zhao Yuan no matter how reluctant he was.Signing Ling Shuanghua was not the purpose, Zhao Yuan just used her to catch Ding Dian, and now it seems to be very successful.

In fact, sometimes Zhao Yuan couldn't help but feel sympathy for Ling Tuisi. Ding Dian's affection for Ling Shuanghua was so deep, as long as Ling Tuisi opened his mouth, Ding Dian would definitely offer Liancheng Jue as a dowry without hesitation.

It's a pity that Ling Tuisi is a villain, and he prefers to use a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's belly and judge a gentleman's belly. In the end, he used the most wrong and stupidest method to deal with Ding Dian, and the result was a mess.Liancheng Jue didn't get it, and even his own daughter lost it.

"Now I have agreed to everything you asked for, and now you should fulfill what I asked for!" He whispered something to the surrounding cells, and if he didn't know, he would think he was stupid, talking to the wall.

At this time, Ling Tuisi had already had some bad thoughts in his mind. The contract burned up out of thin air and turned into a stream of light pouring into Ding Dian's body. This fact actually appeared in front of his eyes, completely beyond his understanding.

The reason why Ling Tuisi agreed to Zhao Yuan's condition was that he didn't take this matter to heart.Isn't it just asking them to sign a contract, the contract I tore up can fill the entire desk, what's the big deal.

But now it seems that things are a bit beyond his expectation.Such a big living person disappeared out of thin air, which made his legs and feet tremble a little, and he couldn't help but speak a little softly.I'm afraid that the other party will make such a trick again, and make myself disappear out of thin air, then I really want to cry but have no tears.

"The treasure of Liancheng Jue is hidden in Tianning Temple. Magistrate Ling can go get it. But after this is done, I want [-]% of the wealth in it!"

"What, you want [-]% of the wealth, and I can only get [-]% after hard work?" Hearing Zhao Yuan's words, Ling Tuisi was obviously very excited, and said loudly, "Didn't we agree, I will find a way to make Shuang Hua and Ding Dian signed a contract for you, and you tell me the location of the treasure, why don't you go grab it now that you want [-]% of the wealth!"

"Have we agreed? Why didn't I know? I remember that we haven't signed a contract yet!"

"you you"

"Ling Tuisi, you seem very dissatisfied!" With a cold snort, Zhao Yuan said coldly, "You'd better make it clear to me, I'm not discussing with you, if you don't want it, there will be plenty of people who will. It doesn't take much effort to get [-]% of the wealth easily, what a wonderful thing. If you don't know the way, you won't have [-]% of the wealth!"

"Okay, okay, once it's done, I'll take people to Tianning Temple now. I hope you didn't lie to me!"

"How could it be? I have always done things without deceit!" The wanton laughter echoed in the cell, Zhao Yuan said lightly, "Come on, sign the contract in front of you!"

"Okay, Prefect Ling knew he was going to be blind, he really is a hero!" After seeing Ling Tuisi sign the contract, Zhao Yuan couldn't help showing a meaningful smile on his face.As long as Ling Tuisi signed this contract, he would have completed more than half of the Liancheng Jue strategy.

At first, Zhao Yuan didn't expect that Ling Tuisi was a genius, he seemed to see the role of the token, and he refused to let go no matter what.Otherwise, let him hand over the token directly to Ding Dian, and Zhao Yuan would not have to spend so much effort to transmit the sound through the token through the air.He didn't bother to meet a villain like Ling Tuisi, but he didn't mind having opinions on someone like Ding Dian.

"Hmph, no matter how cunning you are, you still have to obey in the end, you're really asking for trouble!" Looking at Ling Tuisi's back, Zhao Yuan vaguely remembered that the treasure of Lianchengjue seemed to be poisonous, so it seemed that Ling Tuisi was afraid It's about to fall on it!

Anyway, as long as Ling Tuisi found the treasure, the contract would be fulfilled, and Zhao Yuan wouldn't have to worry about his life.It's just that the poison on this treasure is really troublesome, and the poison must be detoxified before getting it back. It seems that it is imperative to find a doctor!
(End of this chapter)

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