I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 144 The Collapse of the Time Standstill Barrier

Chapter 144 The Collapse of the Time Standstill Barrier

The barrier of time stillness is the same.

Xiao Fan also played the still sculpture perfectly.

However, he can still roughly see every move of the man and woman through unfocused eyes.

Sure enough, although the two people looked towards his side, there were still many people on this side, and they didn't notice Xiao Rui's coming at the first time.

However, Xiao Fan seemed to see the faces of the two people twitch slightly...

No, I can't wait any longer.

If the two of them find it carefully, they will definitely be exposed!
Xiao Fan's heart was like lightning flashing, and the adrenaline in his body surged!

Suddenly, Xiao Fan decided to give it a go.

Immediately, with a heartbeat, he threw out the brand new upgraded time stop lv8!

The silent spatial fluctuations bloomed out of thin air, suddenly setting off a huge wave of space!
Bang! !

A domineering space barrier with a radius of 10 meters appeared, and suddenly exploded in the original time-still barrier.

This new space fluctuation is very powerful, blooming from the edge of the new space barrier, forming a powerful space shock wave, expanding outward!

Xiao Fan saw that the man and the woman seemed to have suffered a huge shock suddenly, they both staggered and almost fell down!
In an instant, the flow of time in the coffee shop was unlocked, and the time returned to normal!

The background music in the store resumed, the sound of various cups and saucers and the sound of customers chatting... the ambient sound of the cafe returned to normal.

Use time stop in the time stop enchantment!
This is a new experience for the first time.

But at this moment, there was a positive effect, and the flow of time returned to normal.

Xiao Fan looked out of the window subconsciously, and he noticed that 10 second after his 0.1-meter barrier was formed, the time in the lobby on the first floor of the Côte d'Azur was also unlocked, and the normal flow resumed...

Unbelievable, what a windfall!

It was only then that Xiao Fan realized that when he used the time stop skill in the original time stop barrier, he actually broke through the original time stop state in one fell swoop.

Xiao Fan calmly picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, but looked secretly at the man and woman just now.

found it!
Complicated colors appeared on the faces of the two of them, and it was unclear whether it was panic or confusion.

However, the knife in the man's hand no longer knew when it was put away.

Seeing that the time in the coffee shop returned to normal, the two of them left the bar quickly and walked towards the door of the coffee shop.

And Lao Gao was still cleaning the bar as if nothing had happened, as if nothing happened just now.

The door of the coffee shop opened and closed, and the man and woman had already left, leaving their backs in the distance.


"Oops, I'm sorry..." Ran Xuan exclaimed in his ears.

Xiao Fan came back to his senses and saw Ran Xuan frantically pulling out a few paper towels and putting them on top of the spilled coffee.

"Didn't you stain your clothes? It's all my carelessness." Ran Xuan asked with a blushing face.

Xiao Fan shook his head with a smile, and took out a few paper towels to help with the coffee liquid.

"Don't worry, there isn't much spilled out." Xiao Fan straightened the coffee cup that was overturned in front of Ran Xuan and put it in a clean place.

After such an episode, Ran Xuan was too embarrassed to confess her love to Xiao Fan, and did not pursue Xiao Fan anymore.

Xiao Fan simply kept silent.


"Ran Xuan, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered something urgent to deal with, so I have to go first." Xiao Fan smiled apologetically at Ran Xuan.

Ran Xuan was actually still doing some mental construction, thinking that this was a rare opportunity and wanted to get to know Xiao Fanduo better.

It's just that she lost her composure just now, and Ran Xuan also felt that she was a little hot-headed just now, and it seemed that she was not reserved enough...

Therefore, she still wanted to make up for it a little bit, and get to know Xiao Fan better.

Hearing that Xiao Fan was going to leave, she naturally couldn't persuade her to stay, "Okay, then go and do your business first."

"En!" Xiao Fan waved his hand apologetically, got up and left.


An hour later, in Zhou Jun's office.

Xiao Fan and Zhou Jun sat facing each other, shutting themselves in the office for a secret conversation.

"What you said is true?" Zhou Jun was obviously very interested, "Did you really meet someone who can stop time?"

As soon as Xiao Fan left the Côte d'Azur, he took a taxi to Zhou Jun's side.

As soon as they met, they told Zhou Jun about the strange things they had encountered just now.

Of course, it's an edited version, Xiao Fan didn't say that he didn't say that he was the one who broke the barrier of static time, but only said that the barrier of static time collapsed after a few seconds...

Of course, this has attracted Zhou Jun's great attention.

After all, Xiao Fan had mentioned the strange phenomenon of time stillness to him a long time ago, and now, it seems that he has finally found the corresponding instigator, which will play a vital role in discovering and studying the truth of a series of strange phenomena that happened before.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Xia Hequan opened the door and stood at the door.

Xia Hequan and Ai Han, Zhou Jun's right-hand men, have already followed Zhou Jun to work in Shuzhou Province.

Xia Hequan said: "Boss, I have already contacted Certe d'Azur and asked them to provide surveillance of the location where the incident happened."

Zhou Jun's eyes lit up, "How about it, what did you find?"

"No...the Côte d'Azur said that the monitoring of the time and area we want is gone?"

"What?! It's gone, what are you doing, playing with us?" Zhou Jun laughed angrily.

"No, I've checked. It seems that it's not that the Côte d'Azur didn't cooperate, but that there was a problem with the monitoring. It just happened that the monitoring in the time and area we wanted failed. I guess, someone sabotaged it in advance..."


Zhou Jun frowned, feeling a bit pained.

"Okay, I got it." Zhou Jun waved his hand, signaling Xia Hequan to go first.

When Xia Hequan closed the door and left, Zhou Jun also looked at Xiao Fan helplessly, "It seems that these people are quite experienced and skilled..."

Xiao Fan was silent and did not speak.

Until now, Xiao Fan's heart still cannot be calm for a long time.

What happened this morning greatly exceeded his imagination, and suddenly made him feel a lot of vigilance, and of course, fear.

Ever since he was bound to the system, Xiao Fan had always thought that he was the only one who could stop time.

Even though the range that can maintain the time-stationary barrier is not large and the duration is not long, Xiao Fan always thinks that he is the master of the time-stationary barrier.

When you throw out your skills, you can completely control the situation within the range of the enchantment, and even do whatever you want.

However, what happened today proved that my thinking was too simple!

You are not the only one who can stand still time!

Xiao Fan instantly thought of Che Heng's blue eyes.

Before that, there was an accident in which Che Heng gained sight in the barrier of static time and then broke the barrier of static time.

Xiao Fan thought it was an accident, an accidental and unrepeatable rare situation.

Now it seems that it is not!

(End of this chapter)

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