Chapter 143 Why Lao Gao?

Xiao Fan's heart almost jumped out.

These two...

To move freely in the time-stationary enchantment?
What the hell? !
Looking at the man and the woman again, they are both well-dressed and beautiful in appearance.

The two stand together, which can be said to be pleasing to the eye.

However, the strange thing is that there is no expression on the faces of the two of them at all!
When Xiao Fan met Li Ruoying for the first time, he found that she was also very cold.

However, these two states are completely different.

Although Li Ruolan didn't have any expression on her face, and her whole body was as cold as ice.

But in fact, coldness is also a kind of "expression", at least it can make unrelated people retreat in the face of difficulties, or convey to the outside world the majesty and oppression that a president should have.

This "expression" played its due role.

But these two people are completely without any emotional color.

What does it look like?

Xiao Fan thought for a while, and it should be said that it was like a gray-black stone...

There is nothing superfluous, and no emotional color is conveyed.

There was an odd feeling about the two, who seemed not surprised by the stillness of the world around them and the stillness of time.

The two stood up and walked towards the bar in the inner area of ​​the coffee shop without haste.

Along the way, they passed waiters holding plates in their hands, and tables of customers with different postures.

Each table presents a still image.

There is water flowing from the kettle but stagnating in mid-air, there is granulated sugar spilled from the sugar bowl to the coffee but stagnating above the cup, etc...

These existences have all become a sketch.

However, none of these attracted even the slightest bit of attention from the man and the woman.

It seems that all these bizarre things are taken for granted for them.

Xiao Fan instantly understood that these two people were the ones who created the barrier of time stillness!
He subconsciously stabilized any movement of his own, even breathing, became insignificant.

In this way, he also merged into this still picture.

Xiao Fan looked through the big window of the coffee shop and saw an even more shocking scene.

Outside the coffee shop is the spacious lobby of the Côte d'Azur, which is usually full of people coming and going.

But now, even these people are still.

In other words, at least all areas on the first floor of the Azure Coast have entered the scope of the time-stationary enchantment!

Such a scope of action is too large!
Xiao Fan exclaimed.

My time stasis lv8 has just been upgraded, and the radius of action has increased to 10 meters.

But now, the first floor of the Côte d'Azur is so large that the radius has far exceeded 10 meters.

This is only within the range of Xiao Fan's eyes. Xiao Fan has no idea how large a range of time is still!

At this moment, these two people became the only active existence in the time-stationary enchantment.

They don't squint and move freely, but they don't look at other people around them at all, and they don't worry at all whether someone will escape the spell of standing still.

Because, this is the static world they created!
However, who would have really imagined that there would be such an existence as Xiao Fan.

Besides, Xiao Fan was also shocked by the existence of these two people.

Both parties can stop time.

But, at least for now, Xiao Fan is in the dark, and these two are in the light.

The two walked slowly to the front of the bar and stopped.

Xiao Fan's eyes followed them as well.

Of course, Xiao Fan's whole body didn't move except for the rolling of the eyeballs.

He is a person who can make time stand still, and he is very familiar with what it will look like in the time stop enchantment.

This also facilitates his "pretend" stillness.

Xiao Fan was puzzled, are these two people looking for someone?

Who are they looking for?

Xiao Fan was wondering in his heart, but he saw two people walking in front of a bar staff.

Old Gao!

Xiao Fan recognized it immediately.

This bartender is the bartender at the bar on the first floor of the Côte d'Azur at night, Lao Gao.

Lao Gao usually rests during the day, but sometimes when the coffee shop is short of staff during the day, he will come to the coffee shop to help out.

It is the same today.

The man and woman stood across the bar in front of Lao Gao.

Still expressionless, they stared fixedly at Lao Gao who was still cleaning the bar counter, as if he was observing carefully, and also seemed to be inspecting something.

Xiao Fan was puzzled.

Why Lao Gao?

Lao Gao is in his 40s and looks ordinary. Apart from being a bartender, he rarely communicates with customers.

If it weren't for Lao Gao's excellent cocktail level and being very popular with everyone, it is estimated that Lao Gao can be called the invisible man of the Côte d'Azur.

But even so, Lao Gao is also conscientious in bartending, occasionally helping out during the day.

Xiao Fan never imagined that anyone would be interested in Lao Gao.

Just when she was wondering, the woman took out something similar to a miniature flashlight from her body, and put it in front of one of Lao Gao's eyes.


The red light emitted from the end of the miniature flashlight projected onto Lao Gao's eyeballs.

What the hell is this for?

Xiao Fan stared over there suspiciously and nervously, as if he was witnessing a scene where a secret was about to be revealed, and his heart beat faster.

He was even a little worried that it was too quiet in the time-stationary barrier, even if a needle fell, it might be heard.

The sound of my own heartbeat...

Will it be heard too?

This is very dangerous!
calm down, calm down...

Don't expose yourself because of the heartbeat!

The woman finished looking at Lao Gao's left eye, and then switched to Lao Gao's right eye, just like an ophthalmologist doing a fundus examination.

I looked closely for a long time.

When it was over, the woman put away the tiny flashlight and nodded to the man.

The man's expression didn't fluctuate at all, but he took out a long knife from his body!

The blade reflected a cold light, it was a sharp blade with a length of more than ten centimeters!

Xiao Fan's heart suddenly rose to his throat.


This is going to kill people? !

What hatred and what resentment? !

But things happened too fast, the man raised the long knife high in the next second, aimed at Lao Gao's chest, and was about to stab it.

Xiao Fan was so excited that he accidentally touched the coffee cup at hand.

The ceramic cup collided with the table, making a slight crisp sound...

However, even such a slight sound seems to be magnified a hundred times in the current static time barrier, making it extremely ear-piercing!

Xiao Fanxin finished speaking...

Subconsciously looking at the two people in front of the bar, they turned their heads instantly to look at the source of the voice!

The only thing Xiao Fan can do is to disperse the focus of his eyes as quickly as possible!

In this way, he also became a completely still person, even the eyes in his eyes became completely divergent.

(End of this chapter)

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