I am in a world where time stands still

Chapter 140 Is fitness so amazing?

Chapter 140 Is fitness so amazing?
Even Xiao Fan himself didn't realize this.

In fact, in addition to the improvement brought by the system rewards in the real sense, Xiao Fan's whole state has doubled because of the change in mentality.

No wonder.

When a person is full of positive energy, the various functions themselves will be relatively promoted and strengthened.

So, everyone wants to be a positive person, right?

I can't get enough of my body.

Xiao Fan admired himself until most of the night.

I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep for a long time, and after tossing around for a long time, I didn't know when, I fell asleep contentedly.

Even so, he wore a happy smile all night long.


Jingle bells!

The ringtone of the mobile phone woke Xiao Fan up from his dream.

Shocked, Xiao Fan jumped up from the bed.

His mobile phone is set with a schedule, from 10:8 pm to [-]:[-] am the next day, it is always in the Do Not Disturb mode.

Of course, most of the time, this routine is useless.

However, at least it can prevent him from being woken up by the phone too early in the morning.

Now you hear the bell, it must be past 8 o'clock.

Xiao Fan picked up the phone and looked at it.

Well, it's 9:19.

It was Qian Kangle who called.

"Crooked? Xiao Fan, why don't you answer the phone?"

Xiao Fan rubbed his eyes, "What time do you check? My schedule can't get up so early, okay?"

"Haha..." Qian Kangle didn't care at all that he had woken up Xiao Fan, "Oh, don't sleep, it's a great time, come out and do some activities!"

Xiao Fan fell headfirst on the pillow again, and said angrily, "What are the activities? Your extravagant activities are a bit uninteresting."

"Hi!" Qian Kangle said with a smile, "Speaking of those things last time, I have to thank you very much! Thank you for saving me over and over again! Xiao Fan, stop the ink, come out quickly. By the way, I It’s at your school now, Ten Canteen, waiting for you to have breakfast! Come quickly..."

beep beep...

The phone hangs up.

Depend on.Xiao Fan held his forehead.

This Qian Kangle really doesn't regard himself as an outsider, and acts like a close friend of mine.

Forget it, get up!

After the phone call, Xiao Fan also woke up.

It's strange to say, since Xiao Fan's physical attributes have been improved again, Xiao Fan's condition is not very good.

I was still a little drowsy just now, but now I am full of energy, and it seems that I can take the college entrance examination soon, and I am in great condition!
Jump out of bed with a bang.

Xiao Fan habitually approached the mirror again.

This is already his favorite thing to do now.

Xiao Fan thought that he was not smug, that he would not be obsessed with his body.

Facts have proved that they are all fake!
When my body grows like this, I really can't put it down!
Xiao Fan leaned in front of the mirror and twisted a few times. At this time, the morning sun was shining through the balcony and projected onto his body, and the shadow of his abdominal muscles was even more explosive.

One word.

Haha... The corners of Xiao Fan's mouth raised uncontrollably. After watching for a long time, he was finally satisfied, and went to brush his teeth and wash his face while humming a song.

Such a set of wake-up routines directly wiped out 10 minutes.

This was before, Xiao Fan had finished washing and changing, and he could go out.

Unlike now, Xiao Fan is reluctant to put on clothes.


After dawdling and washing, Xiao Fan chose clothes for the first time.

When Xiao Fan came to his senses, he was also drunk.

I can't stand myself anymore!
Fortunately, the clothes have been selected, it is a tight short-sleeve, Xiao Fan has been stuffed in the corner of the closet before.

Now I can finally go out of the mountain, not to mention, it is very prominent in the clothes, highlighting the strong arms...


Xiao Fan didn't know what to say about himself.

Entering the canteen, you immediately saw Qian Kangle sitting in the middle area of ​​the canteen.

not alone.

Next to it are two girls.

Xiao Fan sighed softly and walked over.

Well, should have thought of that!
Someone like Qian Kangle would definitely not come to school by himself in the early morning!

Qian Kangle also saw Xiao Fan, grinned his signature scumbag smile, and waved at Xiao Fan.

Well, Xiao Fan admitted that maybe he had preconceived ideas. Objectively speaking, Qian Kangle's smile was quite sunny.

It's just that Xiao Fan already knows Qian Kangle, and knows that he is far more than just sunshine...

The two girls next to Qian Kangle also looked up.

Xiao Fan recognized it.

One is Qian Kangle's girlfriend Liu Xin, and the other is her best friend Ran Xuan.

The two girls are both juniors, and Xiao Fan has met them several times, so they are no strangers.

Xiao Fan walked over and sat on the last seat of the table for four.

Qian Kangle grinned and pushed all the bought soy milk, deep-fried dough sticks, meat buns, spring rolls, siu mai, etc. to Xiao Fan.

"Come on, eat quickly, it will be cold if you come later," Qian Kangle took good care of him.

Xiao Fan picked up a deep-fried dough stick, dipped it in soy milk, and took a big bite.

"What's the matter, you also like to eat the breakfast at the Ten Canteen?" Xiao Fan asked while eating, "It's really not bad, right? But even if you buy so much, we can't finish it. Aren't you extravagant and wasteful?"

Xiao Fan lowered his head and boasted as he took another big mouthful of fried dough sticks, "Don't just buy so much just because the canteen is cheap. Doesn't the country now advocate saving resources and strictly prohibit extravagance and waste..."

Xiao Fan said while eating, he ate half of the fritters.

Suddenly, he found that the three people beside him were silent.

Xiao Fan looked up strangely, seeing what they were doing.

It was found that Qian Kangle, Liu Xin, and Ran Xuan were all looking at him with strange eyes.

Xiao Fan was a little puzzled, why did these people look at me like they didn't know me?
"What's the matter, this is, one by one, is there nothing on my face? Or is it the first time you know me?" Xiao Fan finally stopped eating fried dough sticks, and asked strangely as he looked at several people.

Still don't speak.

However, the eyes of several people were scanning him like radar.

After coming and going, the corners of Liu Xin's mouth curled up, and he lowered his head.

Ran Xuan was even more surprised, her eyes started to dodge a little, after a while, her earlobes turned slightly red, and her face was a little embarrassed.

Qian Kangle's eyes widened in surprise.

"My dear!" Qian Kangle stretched out his hand to touch Xiao Fan's arm, "I said Xiao Fan, I haven't seen you for a few days, you have changed too much!"

"What are you doing?" Xiao Fan pushed away Qian Kangle's hands that were groping on his arm, "What are you touching, don't be so ambiguous."

"No! Why did you lose weight again? No, not only did you lose weight, you also got fit!" Qian Kangle seemed to have discovered a new world, "I'll go, is fitness so amazing? It's comparable to plastic surgery!"

Qian Kangle stood up abruptly, took two steps back, stared at Xiao Fan and shouted, "I'm going! No, Xiao Fan, you can become a model now, and you must be a supermodel. I A man can't stand it!"


Xiao Fan said with disdain in his heart, and you have to say, I have been admiring this body for a long time this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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