Chapter 139

Of course, with so many system points, Xiao Fan has gotten used to not saving money.

He spent it quickly every time.

Get in fast, get out even faster.

Because the time stop skill of the next level is something he can't refuse.

Can't wait to upgrade every time.

This time is no exception.

Xiao Fan skillfully clicked on the system store.

At this moment, Time Still lv8 is already lying in the shop window waiting for Xiao Fan.

Purchase price: 40 points!
Well, Xiao Fan nodded.

Prices are reasonable.

No nonsense, click to buy immediately.

【Ding!Successfully upgraded to time still lv8!Maximum radius of action: 10 meters, maximum duration: 5 seconds. 】

Wow, not bad!
Xiao Fan was very surprised.

The maximum radius of action this time has been upgraded so huge?
The previous level was still 5 meters, but this time it went directly to 10 meters.

This is doubled!
Although the duration still hasn't increased, it's still 5 seconds.

But it doesn't matter, the huge increase in the maximum radius of action has satisfied Xiao Fan enough.

This is already close to the special edition of the time still lv33!
Xiao Fan recalled that the novice gift package he used at the beginning, the special edition of time stop lv33 only had a maximum radius of action of 20 meters.

But now that he has upgraded to lv8, he has already reached half of this range.

It seems that the upgrade of system skills often brings surprises.

Xiao Fan also speculated that when he upgrades to the real time-stopping level 33, he will most likely be even more awesome than that special edition.

To put it bluntly, the special edition may be an elite edition, or in other words, a castrated edition.

Thinking of this, Xiao Fan felt as if his blood had been pumped, wishing that the system would quickly issue a series of tasks for him, so that he could earn more system points and upgrade quickly.

【Ding!This time, adding 5 points to the physical attribute value means adding 5% to strength, speed, and endurance. Adding 5 points to the mental attribute value means a significant improvement in memory (Awakening with a photographic memory). 】


It's short again so soon!

Xiao Fan remembered that the last explanatory website short came very quickly.

Well, it seems this is the normal state of the system.

Xiao Fan reminded himself to adapt quickly.

Hmm, let me see.

Strength, speed, and endurance were increased by 5% respectively.

How much did you add before?

Xiao Fan subconsciously thought about it, but found out embarrassingly that he hadn't recorded it, and after a few times, he no longer remembered it.

But I probably remember, it seems that the previous bonuses all started at 10%?

Why did it narrow this time to 5%?
Xiao Fan was a little bit guilty at first, but soon he figured it out, so he was relieved.

That's right, that's not the case!
The ratio added each time is added on the basis of your current situation.

And my current physical attributes are far stronger than the original self.

In other words, the base number is different, and it is now far greater than the base number of the previous few times.

Therefore, it seems that the proportion of the bonus has become smaller, but the actual absolute bonus is still considerable.

Thinking of this, Xiao Fan became happy again.

Not bad!

The system is still very honest.

Don't deceive me!

By the way, there are also spiritual attributes!
Awakening with a photographic memory!

This is awesome.

Xiao Fan was eager to try it immediately.

Photographic memory, isn't this the embodiment of super memory ability?

Unexpectedly, the improvement of spiritual attribute value can be expressed as such a practical skill, not bad!
Xiao Fan immediately ran to the bookshelf, and after looking at it for a while, he pulled out a collection of ancient poems he bought not long ago.

He hadn't had time to look.

Open a page at random and find a two-page long poem.

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty paid much attention to color and thought of pouring out the country, and Yuyu couldn't ask for it for many years.


Xiao Fan read quickly and silently, shaking his head a little bit.

Well, there are some familiarities.

I must have read it when I was in school.

However, Xiao Fan couldn't remember most of them.

At this moment, Xiao Fan just went over it once, reading silently from beginning to end.

When I was done, I closed the book, closed my eyes, and my mind started working automatically.

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty paid much attention to color and thought of pouring out the country, and Yuyu couldn't ask for it for many years.

A girl in the Yang family grew up and was raised in a deep boudoir who didn't know her.



Transparent, really transparent!
Xiao Fan's eyes flashed with excitement.

He actually opened his mouth and recited this long poem without missing a single word!

Well, it really is amazing.

After Xiao Fan finished reciting this long poem, his mood could not be calm for a long time.

It would be great if I mastered this trick earlier!
You don't have to work so hard during the exam!

Wouldn't he have embarked on the path of being a top student long ago...

Xiao Fan was so emotional that he was so excited that he even started dancing.

He even stood up uncontrollably, walked back and forth quickly, then squatted and jumped again. In short, he was too excited to stop.


A tragic sound came from the crotch.

Xiao Fan: "..."

Xiao Fan's forehead instantly became sweaty.

Damn, you used too much force and broke your crotch?

My new pair of pants...

Fortunately, he has already reached the door of the dormitory.

Xiao Fan shyly pulled the hem of the clothes down, trying to cover the back as much as possible.

Taking small steps, he finally returned to the dormitory in a deceptive way.

After entering the room, Xiao Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief, took off his crotch pants.

I also felt a little stretched on my arms, so I quickly took off my coat and jacket, leaving only the bottom of my trousers.

I go……

Xiao Fan looked down at his body, and then specifically at his arms.

He sighed involuntarily.

This muscle, this circumference, this line, tsk tsk...

Xiao Fan was so excited that he almost cried.

This is the figure he dreamed of having!
How to describe it?

This sculptural line radian, this vigorous peak of muscle...

The broad shoulder muscles, the obvious inverted triangle back, the well-defined six-pack abs and mermaid lines, and the strong and healthy leg muscles!

Xiao Fan turned around in front of the mirror, posing various actions.

It's almost like drooling.

At this moment, no matter what action I perform, the corresponding muscle groups are displayed, which is very eye-catching.

Why is it completely different from the feeling when I performed these actions before?
Only now did Xiao Fan understand a truth.

When you are a fat person, no matter how you move, you are deceiving yourself.

When you have a devil figure, no matter how you move, it is an artistic enjoyment!


Xiao Fan felt that although this system task took him a whole month, it was really worth it!

The skills have been upgraded and greatly strengthened, and the body and spirit have also been significantly improved.

In this way, Xiao Fan was really refreshed. All the troubles and sorrows he had experienced in the past seemed to be swept away suddenly, and he couldn't remember it anymore!

That's cool!

My mind is full of all kinds of positive energy chicken soup.

It seems that I am omnipotent, can overcome all difficulties, and face up to difficulties!

(End of this chapter)

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