The rise of the tyrant of the billion world

Chapter 3 The death penalty can be forgiven, the living crime cannot escape

Chapter 3 The death penalty can be forgiven, the living crime cannot escape

In the forested mountains, the huge sun hanging in the middle of the sky exudes a gentle light.

On the clearing, the soil was suddenly lifted, revealing a long mud path leading directly to the ground, from which a man and two women floated out.

Xinglan landed on the ground, glanced at the surrounding environment, and let go of the two women. The passage behind him was closed by spiritual power, and then there were waves of slight vibrations from the ground. It was a self-destruct. It will explode and kill Xinglan, but he has already left before that.

When he came out, he deliberately avoided the normal way out and bypassed the exit, which was the military camp on the ground.So no one would know he was here.

Tao Qiongyao and Dr. Dugu looked at each other, a little surprised and a little scared.

"Don't bother me again." Xing Lan warned, and then took big steps, ready to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" After hesitating for a moment, Tao Qiongyao bit the bullet and asked.

"Walk around casually." Xing Lan said indifferently.

"Bring this, the empire is estimated to last for about a day. There are about 30 star coins in this bearer card, which is convenient for you to travel in the empire." Tao Qiongyao took out a pink crystal card, the size of half a palm , and handed it to Xinglan.

"Tracking chip?" Xing Lan glanced at the card and asked casually.

"There is no such thing, this card is for my own use." Tao Qiongyao waved her hands, and seeing Xinglan and Dr. Dugu cast strange glances at her, she hurriedly explained, "As a general, you have a lot of status. It is inconvenient and easy to be targeted by enemy countries, so I have to use this card many times.”

Xing Lan nodded, and suddenly asked: "What else does the empire have to do?"

"Originally there was another plan, but no one but you could implement it. At most, it's delaying time and letting the people evacuate to the underground city in the war zone." Tao Qiongyao thought for a while and explained, with a heavy heart.

In the war zone...

Xing Lan had nothing to ask, turned around and strode away, and soon disappeared in the woods.

"Lift the surveillance of Zero, remove all snipers and soldiers, and let the nearby soldiers gather in front of me. The others will gather on their own and prepare to evacuate." Tao Qiongyao suddenly said to the air.

"Understood." A short reply.

Immediately afterwards, soldiers wearing phantom camouflage uniforms and carrying black boxes walked out of the woods one after another. They walked up to Tao Qiongyao and Dr. Dugu to salute, and then stood quietly. It's boring.

In just 5 minutes, hundreds of soldiers assembled and then left in military vehicles.

"Are you really relieved to let him go? His growth has completely exceeded control and imagination, and may be a stronger threat than that lava giant." Dr. Dugu walked to her side and asked in a low voice.

"I don't have time to take care of this now. This mass evacuation is very urgent. It is good enough that a quarter of the 20 billion people who are still alive can safely enter the war zone. Let's go too." Tao Qiongyao He frowned tightly.

As he said that, a four-wing transport plane flew in the sky and lowered two long traction ropes. The two women stepped forward to pull the ropes and boarded the transport plane. The transport plane broke the speed of sound and moved away in the other direction.


G City, the old city.

Densely low and low buildings are scattered throughout the old city.

The narrow streets are full of plainly dressed people.

Xing Lan walked among them, and his appearance attracted the attention of passers-by.

"Who is that kid? Why is he so handsome?"

"What kind of rich man's young master?"

"It looks a bit like this temperament."

However, no one came up to chat or anything. Everyone was in a hurry. Most of the shops on both sides of the street were closed. Occasionally, the business of some shops was bleak.

This is all because the end is coming.

The appearance of the lava giant cast a haze over the entire empire. The upper level was nervous and worried, while the lower level was also restless. Everyone was worried about whether they would survive until tomorrow, and there was no need for such things as making money.

"Why did you change this name? Is there any special meaning?" A cold voice rang in Xinglan's ear.

"It's nothing, I just think it suits me very well." Xing Lan replied, and suddenly stopped, stopping beside a breakfast shop.

"Aunt Chen's Breakfast Shop" is a simple but heart-warming name.

Xing Lan still remembers that when she was eight years old, she slipped out of the ground for the first time and came to G City. At that time, she had no money, walked on the street hungry, unaccompanied, at a loss, and the people around her were cold and heartless , as soon as he heard that he wanted to eat, he immediately ignored or despised him.

It was Aunt Chen who gave him a breakfast that made him give up the idea of ​​blowing up the city.

From then on, every time he sneaked out of the ground, he would come to eat at Aunt Chen's place. Aunt Chen also treated him very well and never despised himself or anything like that.

Thinking of this, Xinglan stretched out his mental strength to enter the store, and saw the familiar Aunt Chen standing in the kitchen cleaning.

Aunt Chen is about 40 years old, and she still has charm. She should have been a great beauty when she was young. She is a single mother and has a daughter.

Aunt Chen had a gentle smile on her face, as if she was satisfied even with simple hygiene.

Just as Xinglan was about to go in, he saw another strange man walking into the store, with a proud smile on his face, and walked directly to the kitchen.

"Aunt Chen, where's Xiaoli?" The man approached and asked with a smile, raising his hand to put on Aunt Chen's shoulder.

Aunt Chen avoided it without a trace, and replied calmly: "It's upstairs, I'll come down later."

This man seems to be the boyfriend of Aunt Chen's daughter, Chen Xiaoli, but his behavior is a bit arrogant.

Unexpectedly, the man became more aggressive, stepped forward to block Aunt Chen's way, and said with a smile: "Aunt Chen, I have obtained the qualification to enter the underground city, and there are other ways to enter."

"What do you mean?" Aunt Chen frowned, feeling a little bad in her heart.

"I mean, you're getting old, and Xiaoli will definitely go underground with me in the future. If you stay here alone and no one will take care of you, why not serve me with Xiaoli, and I will take you underground." The man smiled and looked at Aunt Chen's figure up and down. Although she was getting older, her figure was still about 30 years old, and she was not bad in appearance, worthy of him.Thinking of this, the man wanted to grab Aunt Chen's hand.

"You! Uh..." Just as Aunt Chen was about to say something, the man grabbed her hand and covered her mouth. Aunt Chen widened her eyes in horror. She wanted to scream but couldn't. She subconsciously pushed him away with both hands. , but the strength is not enough, so I can only struggle desperately.

At this moment, the man's expression changed, as if someone had grabbed his neck, he flew up half a meter high, losing strength in his hands and feet, he naturally let go of Aunt Chen.

"Yes, who is it? Let me go, I'm coughing..." The man seemed to want to say something, but the strength on his neck was getting tighter and tighter, almost crushing his neck. His face turned into a liver color, the man rolled his eyes, his hands and feet twitched constantly, his face was inexplicably terrified.

He felt that death was approaching, and the severe pain filled his brain, causing him to stop thinking. It seemed that in a few seconds, he would leave this world completely...

Aunt Chen took a few steps back in fear. Looking at this scene, she suddenly remembered something and shouted quickly: "Child, let him go quickly, he is Xiaoli's boyfriend!"

Xing Lan walked in from the shop door with a cold face, looked at Aunt Chen and said: "He dares to touch you, death is not a pity."

Aunt Chen knew a little about Xinglan's ability, but she didn't know much.

Aunt Chen saw that it was really Xinglan, her face was slightly happy, and then she ran over, took Xinglan's hand and begged: "Son, don't do this, his family has power, it doesn't matter if I lose my life, I'm afraid You and Xiaoli have been implicated..."

Xing Lan was silent for a moment. Living in society, this is the most troublesome thing. If the enemy has a complicated and powerful relationship, then you can't take action against him lightly, because it will cause unpredictable consequences.

Although Xinglan is not afraid of any revenge, Aunt Chen must not be hurt because of this incident, it will make him do bad things with good intentions.

Thinking of this, Xing Lan sighed: "Death is inevitable, but life is inevitable."

As he spoke, his mental energy turned into a thin needle and stabbed the man's lower body fiercely. The man's eyes widened, as if his eyeballs were about to fall out of pain, his hands and feet were tense, and severe pain spread throughout his body. My whole body is really worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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