Chapter 2 My Name is Xinglan
Tao Qiongyao froze, the pre-prepared rhetoric was stuck in her throat, and she looked around the blank, simple, and backward room, yes, the 20 billion people in the empire are about to be seriously threatened, and then what?Does it have something to do with him?

For five years, he has been sealed deep underground. He has never had contact with the outside world, and he has never met any friends. Whether the empire is destroyed or not has something to do with him?
And he may be the first person he has come into contact with in so many years.

Tao Qiongyao's heart sank and she stared straight at Zero. His face was calm and his eyes were indifferent, but he seemed to be trying his best to control some emotions and not let them show.

This was her illusion. The boy didn't think about anything at all.

"Maybe you don't know the concept of the lives of 20 billion people, but if the empire dies, the equipment in this room will stop, and all the anime you watch and the games you play will disappear."

"Exactly, I've long been tired of it."

"Before then, this room located deep underground will start a self-destruct procedure, and you will die here."

"Oh." Zero asked casually, "Is there anything else? You'd better come up with some new threats."

Tao Qiongyao took a deep breath. She felt the strong irony in Zero's words. Just as she was about to say something, the TV suddenly changed the screen. A kind-looking white-haired old man appeared, and a gentle voice sounded: "Lieutenant General, Let me talk to him."

"Prime Minister!" Tao Qiongyao quickly stood up and saluted, her body straight.

Zero squinted, but was still lying on the sofa, not moving.

"Son, I know that you have been wronged a lot in these years. We did this to you because we had no other choice. I don't hope you can forgive us. But now, the entire empire and even the entire world are facing a huge threat , tens of billions of lives, we are all counting on you!"

As the old man spoke, with tears in his eyes, he slowly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Number Zero.

Tao Qiongyao's heart was shocked, her eyes were horrified, and she moved away unconsciously.

This old man dedicated his youth and life to the empire, so that the empire is strong and stable today. He is the most respectable person in this empire, not one of them.

Such a respected old man actually knelt down and begged a child. This...

Tao Qiongyao looked at No. [-], and the young man finally became emotional.

"Zhong Wuyan has something to do, Xia Yingchun has nothing to do, is this the attitude of the empire?" He sneered, his eyes were cold, and he glanced at Tao Qiongyao.

Violent mental power surged out of his body, spreading throughout the room, enveloping all objects.

In the room, except for the two people, all the objects seemed to be vibrating and making a low hum. The floor and walls were cracked, as if there was an invisible violent force pulling on them. The lights suddenly turned red and the sirens blared loudly.

It's mental power!Intangible spiritual power!His mental strength is so strong!
Tao Qiongyao felt chills all over her body, as if her soul had been frozen, and her thoughts had stagnated. For a moment, she even felt that she was facing an irresistible death, and her brain sent a strong warning to her consciousness.

"...He is extremely dangerous. He possesses a variety of psychic superpowers, all of which are beyond the S-level range. If it is not needed by the empire, this person will be permanently sealed in this base... I wish you good luck..."

At this moment, she remembered what Dr. Dugu told her, and her heart was full of fear of death. This is a natural fear of life, and no matter how courageous a person is, it cannot be avoided.

Suddenly, the room stopped still again, as if the vibration just now was just an illusion, and only the cracks on the floor and walls that were repaired quickly proved that what happened just now was not an illusion.

The young man pointed at the blank wall and said calmly, "Go away, even if the whole planet explodes, I will not die, but you are not worthy of my saving."

Tao Qiongyao took a deep breath, forcibly controlled her stiff body, and her mind resumed functioning, but the dangerous feeling had not dissipated.

"I'm sorry, kid, I'm really sorry. My biggest wish is for the citizens of the empire to live in equality, safety, and freedom. For this, I have paid too much." The old man stood up with tears in his eyes and looked at Tao Qiongyao, "Let him out, at least let him see what this planet and human civilization are like before the empire is destroyed."

"Yes, Prime Minister." Tao Qiongyao replied solemnly.

"Goodbye kid, this is my first time, and maybe the last time I see you, I'm sorry." The old man gave him one last look and the screen disappeared.

The young man had an expressionless face and did not respond.

"Dr. Dugu, please open the door and let us out." Tao Qiongyao shouted to the blank wall.

A few seconds later, a cold voice sounded: "Are you sure? He is a threat comparable to that lava giant!"

"I'm sure you heard the Prime Minister's order."

Five minutes later, the door slowly opened. Dr. Dugu stood at the door, looking at Zero carefully and warily.

"Let's go, go outside and see the world, from now on, no one will restrain you." Tao Qiongyao tried to smile.

"First, I want to leave. No one can restrain me." A plain, cold voice came from behind.

Tao Qiongyao and Dr. Dugu turned to look at him, their pupils widened, shocked and horrified:
Number Zero stood up, stretched his fingers to the blank wall, and turned his mental power into two invisible hands, which simply and easily tore apart the ten-meter-thick special wall. Countless electronic components and metals splashed out, accompanied by jet black engine oil. cum, spreading across the floor like blood.

The ear-piercing alarm sounded loudly, and the blood-red lights flashed wildly: "Warning! Warning! The wall has been destroyed by unknown forces! The equipment has been damaged by 90.00%! An unknown force is destroying #¥@#..." The voice gradually became low and finally disappeared.

"Second, after you enter this underground base, your lives are already in my hands."

Zero snapped his fingers lightly, and the invisible big hand transformed by mental power instantly grabbed the two women, making them suspend in mid-air. The two women kept kicking and struggling, and opened their mouths to call for help, but no sound could come out.

"Third, I have already seen through this world, and your so-called empire."

No. [-] looked back at the room for the last time, with a smile on his lips, and strode away from the torn wall passage. Tao Qiongyao and Dr. Dugu were like lifted chickens, following him in the air, with faces as white as paper. .

"In addition, from today on, my name is Xinglan."

The last words came out from the dark passage, and the whole room fell into absolute silence, and then, it exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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