Chapter 18 System Error
But the lava giant looked at Xinglan leisurely with his hands hanging down, as if he wasn't in a hurry at all.

Xinglan noticed that the magma on the lava giant's body was like a blood vessel, continuously extending, connecting to the earth, and occupying the entire land. Looking down from a high altitude, the earth was covered by an orange-red magma network. The magma It is pulsating like life, extracting energy from the earth and sending it to the lava giant, and the magma network is still expanding outward!

The energy of the earth is almost unlimited!After receiving the blessing of the earth, the lava giant is still growing taller, 100 meters, 200 meters... Although the range is not as large as before, it is very obvious!If it is allowed to grow indefinitely, will it become a huge monster comparable to a planet?

Dr. Dugu's face was pale, he kept tapping the light curtain to check the information, and said: "It is constantly absorbing geothermal energy, and even penetrated into the rock formation below [-] meters, absorbing it from the earth's magma! We can't let it continue to grow Already!"

"No. Zero, immediately use a hundred-fold increase in mental power to launch your strongest attack and try to kill it in one fell swoop!" Tao Qiongyao said hastily.

Beside, Lin Zilong stomped his feet suddenly, Lin Bao smiled knowingly, and sent an order in his brain.


"I said, don't order me." Xing Lan responded coldly, "Use the highest multiplier."

"Hey! The current energy core can only support a [-]-fold increase in mental power, and the duration is only ten seconds. Are you sure you want to use it?" the auxiliary system asked.


"Deng! Activating a 620-fold increase in mental power... There is an error in the system, the connection is interrupted! Warning! Warning! The connection between [weapon] and the system is interrupted! [Weapon] is not responding! The energy core has stopped functioning! Enable automatic inspection...found Three thousand [-] made one mistake! ¥!@#!@%..."

The voices of the auxiliary system all turned into garbled characters, and then Xinglan's eyes went dark, [Weapon]'s connection to the system was interrupted, and the perspective of [Weapon] could no longer be used!
Xing Lan sat in the control room, looking at the transparent control room wall and the blood and organs constantly surging outside the wall, silent.

"Ding! You have been disconnected from the low-level technological creation, and you are now facing an extremely serious threat." The system prompted.

There is no need to remind, Xinglan also understands the current situation.

When I looked outside with my mental strength, I saw that the out-of-control [weapon] was falling. The lava giant discovered this good opportunity and continuously launched hundreds of [-]-meter-long stone thorns - it had just absorbed a huge amount of energy, Can use more long stone thorns - these sharp, tough, slender stone thorns are densely packed and inserted into the body of the [weapon], just like piercing a person's body with iron sticks, fixing the [weapon] in mid-air middle.

Scarlet blood slid down hundreds of stone thorns, [weapon] did not respond, and the huge one-eyed stared at the sky in bewilderment.


In the war zone, [Abyss] surface.

"There is an error in the auxiliary system! How is that possible! It took me three years to design it, and it has passed 50 tests. There can be no problem!" Dr. Dugu lost his mind, looking at the data in his brain, I just feel like the sky is falling apart.

No one knows how much energy she spent on the [weapon], it was the strongest creation of mankind that she spent three years of her youth designing day and night!But now, due to an unknown error in the auxiliary system, [weapon] cannot be used!

It’s like a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder bought a super-complex jigsaw puzzle worth 10 yuan and spent several years putting it together. When he was about to hang it up for admiration, he found that a piece of the jigsaw puzzle was misspelled. up!This means that the entire puzzle piece is misspelled and cannot be seen at all!For people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, this is simply the end!
Although Dr. Dugu is not obsessive-compulsive disorder, her feeling at this time is no better than that of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the [weapon] cannot be used, but it is not only related to her alone, but also to the nearly 20 billion lives of the empire!
All around, hundreds of soldiers and staff looked up at the situation in the light curtain, all with expressions of panic, fear, and confusion.

"How could this be! What's wrong with [weapon]?"

"That monster has become so powerful, do we still have a chance of winning?"

"General, General! What the hell happened!"


With a cold face, Tao Qiongyao strode up to Lin Zilong, suppressed her anger and asked: "What the hell did you do! Do you know what time it is now! Still thinking about fighting for power and profit! The lives of 20 billion people in the empire are at this moment It's life and death!"

Tao Qiongyao thought quickly, and immediately thought that the problem with the [weapon] system was most likely related to Lin Zilong and Lin Bao.

Although the two women were staring at Lin Zilong and Lin Bao to death, it could not prevent them from pre-installing men among the hundreds of soldiers and staff. It was impossible to prevent such a situation.

Tao Qiongyao blamed herself very much, she should have no scruples about anything, and directly drove Lin Zilong and Lin Bao away, so that she can concentrate on commanding, maybe she can find out who has tampered with [weapon], and respond in time.

Even, the purpose of Lin Zilong and Lin Bao's coming here may be to attract the attention of the two women, so that the manpower they put in can play a role.

No matter how much you blame yourself now, it is useless. Lin Zilong has achieved his goal, and he can only remedy it. As long as he can restore the [weapon] to normal, so that No. 20 can defeat the lava giant and save the empire, no matter how big the sacrifice, Tao Qiongyao can bear it ——For the lives of nearly [-] billion people in the empire.

Lin Zilong smiled and said, "I don't know what you're talking about, but we stood here the whole time without moving a single step."

"Lieutenant General Tao, I think you are just looking for excuses for your failure." Lin Bao chuckled from the side, his narrow eyes constantly scanning Tao Qiongyao back and forth.

Tao Qiongyao took a deep breath, withdrew her anger, and said coldly: "Lin Zilong, as long as you restore [weapon] to normal right now, I can promise you one thing."

"Oh? Anything is fine?" Lin Zilong was quite interested. He leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"Yes, anything." Tao Qiongyao clenched her fists tightly, resisting the need to punch her, and gritted her teeth, "But you must immediately restore [weapon] to normal!"

"Although I really want to get you right away, but..." Lin Zilong stretched out his hand to caress Tao Qiongyao's hair. Tao Qiongyao suppressed the disgusting feeling and remained motionless. After seeing Tao Qiongyao's reaction, he lost interest and stopped. He raised his hand, and said calmly, "I want to conquer you with my own charm, rather than relying on such small tricks."

"Charm? People like you can also be attractive?" Tao Qiongyao laughed angrily, and immediately ordered, "All soldiers, surround Lin Zilong and Lin Bao for me!"

As she spoke, she stepped back quickly to prevent being held hostage by Lin Zilong and Lin Bao.

All the soldiers stood aside. Although they couldn't hear the two of them speaking in a low voice, they also vaguely guessed something about the [weapon], and they were originally soldiers under Tao Qiongyao. Geng Geng, otherwise he wouldn't have been called here.However, no matter how loyal you are, there are always weaknesses.

Immediately, hundreds of soldiers rushed over and surrounded Lin Zilong and Lin Zilong tightly. Hundreds of cold guns were pointed at Lin Zilong and Lin Zilong. The atmosphere was tense and the battle was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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