Chapter 17

"The lowest is ten times, the highest is a hundred times! Great! This time I will definitely defeat the lava giant!" Tao Qiongyao said excitedly in the light curtain.

When Xing Lan was fighting alone before, he was able to lift up the lava giant with his mental power. If his ability had increased tenfold, wouldn't it be easy to kill the lava giant?
"It is estimated that the Mohs hardness of the rock armor on the lava giant has reached 30, and it has a huge body. At least No. 28 needs [-] times more mental power to break through its armor!" Dr. Dugu calmly calculated. , but his eyes were shining with excitement.

How can they not be excited!You know, this lava giant is a terrifying monster that can destroy an entire empire in one day!Even the ground military region is helpless against it!
However, after using the [weapon] in the war zone, the dawn of victory can be seen immediately. This is a great joy!

Lin Zilong stood aside silently, with a smile on his face.Lin Bao followed him, smiling sinisterly, looking at Dr. Dugu up and down, like a carnivore looking at its prey, with terrifying eyes.

Xinglan has become more and more familiar with the control of [weapon], and even ran up, took out an ion dagger from behind, activated it, and saw the beautiful light of azure blue sprayed from the dagger, piercing the air, emitting a low Screaming.

The lava giant in the distance also saw the starlight here. Although he didn't know what the [weapon] was, it was true that everyone on this planet was an enemy. Suddenly, it roared angrily and sprayed fiery spray into the sky. The magma, in a parabolic shape, rushes towards the star appendix.

"Quickly evade! [Weapon]'s armor cannot withstand this level of high temperature!" Tao Qiongyao hurriedly said.

Xinglan didn't answer, stepped on his feet hard, flew up into the air, and used his huge mental power to pull him, and flew sideways around the lava giant.

"Hey! The fusion of mental power is complete! You can use the boost of mental power!"

"50 times increase!" Xing Lan said.

"The increase was successful! Please launch an attack!"

Immediately, Xing Lan only felt his mental strength soar, possessing incredible strength, he sneered, and condensed an invisible giant fist, which was fifty times as powerful as before!
"Smash me!"

The invisible giant fist crashed down from the sky, broke through a hundred times the speed of sound in an instant, and made a bang sound. With terrifying kinetic energy, it hit the immobile lava giant hard!

"Ouch!" The lava giant screamed in pain. His head was instantly smashed flat, and his body was blasted into the pit by the huge force. His arms snapped directly and he retracted into the pit.

"Ding! You launched an attack with fifty times the mental power, causing serious injuries to the target!"

Dr. Dugu said with a solemn face: "The lava giant has other buffers or armors, which greatly reduces the damage of No. [-], but with fifty times the increase in mental power, as long as the lava giant's head is broken, it should be able to kill it." it!"

Tao Qiongyao's face remained unchanged, obviously she had expected it.

"Zilong, the number zero plus [weapon] is a bit against the sky." Lin Bao leaned forward and whispered in Lin Zilong's ear.

"So, solve it here." Lin Zilong smiled.

"Understood!" Lin Bao chuckled.


Xinglan floated above the deep pit, staring at the lava giant at the bottom. At this time, it looked very miserable, its head was almost blown off by a hammer, its hands were broken, and it lost nearly half of its combat ability.

"Are you sure about your target?" The cold voice said, the battle is about to end, if you haven't determined your target, then the system functions obtained by Xinglan will be greatly weakened.

"I thought about it seriously, the thing I hate the most in my life." Xing Lan said calmly, "That was when I was ten years old... Wait, what happened? It died?"

Xing Lan said in astonishment, another invisible giant hand was condensed, and the two giant hands pushed open the deep pit together. Amidst the loud rumbling noise, only a small pool of dark red magma remained at the bottom of the deep pit. The giant melted into the pool of magma just now, so fast that even Xinglan didn't have time to stop it.

"Ding! The target is not dead! A sharp rise in nearby energy has been detected, which may be dangerous." The system prompted.

"What's going on?" Xing Lan asked with a frown.

"It looks like a creature with special skills, you have to be careful." The cold female voice rarely reminded.

"It disappeared! Is it dead?" Tao Qiongyao also asked puzzled.

"No, according to satellite monitoring, the thermal radiation of the nearby earth is rising sharply, and the lava giant is still alive!" Dr. Dugu's expression changed drastically, "Be careful of the ground!"

But, suddenly, a huge stone thorn erupted from the barren land, piercing straight into the stars in the sky!
The spike was extremely fast, but fortunately Xinglan reacted faster, and the moment the spike appeared, he used his mental power to pull [weapon] away teleported away, allowing the huge stone spike to pierce through the air.

Xing Lan frowned and looked at the ground, only to see that the entire ground was constantly rising, 1000 meters, 2000 meters... the ground continued to grow higher, and soon broke through [-] meters!A huge mountain appeared in front of him out of thin air!

Moreover, on the giant mountain, rocks and soil kept falling, turning into a lava giant with magma flowing all over his body and connected to the ground at his feet!

[Weapon] In front of it, it is like a newborn baby facing a tall man with a height of [-] meters!The size difference is too big!

"Ding! The lava giant has launched a special skill - the embodiment of the earth! It has merged with the earth, and any attack it suffers will be transferred to the earth!"

"??? There are such bug skills???" Xing Lan's head was full of question marks, if all the attacks would be diverted to the ground, then what is there to fight?

"Yes, in the heavens and worlds, there are countless creatures and unimaginable special skills. Even the most powerful ones dare not say that they are invincible to the heavens." The cold voice said with emotion.

"Number zero, retreat one after another! I will send ground troops to test his current form." Tao Qiongyao said hastily.

"No need, that group of cannon fodder is just a waste of time." Xing Lan refused, swinging his invisible giant fist, and slammed it on the lava giant.

However, the lava giant opened his mouth and laughed, and he didn't hide. He was hit by the invisible giant fist, and his body trembled slightly before he regained his calm. However, a bottomless pit suddenly appeared on the ground!

"Ding! Your attack was transferred to the ground by the target, and the target was not damaged."

The lava giant showed a mocking look, waved his hands, and the ground kept shaking, as if it had life. Immediately afterwards, countless stone thorns emerged from the ground, stabbing towards the starlight in the sky!

Xing Lan frowned slightly, and wasn't too nervous, because although he couldn't hit it, it wouldn't even try to attack him.

Xinglan pulled the [weapon] to dodge with his mental strength, while rising rapidly, and soon rose to a height of [-] meters. The length of those stone thorns is limited, and only a few dozens can extend to a height of [-] meters. To attack him, the rest of the stone thorns were not long enough, so they could only swing randomly in the air, so I was in a hurry.

"It seems that its energy is very limited, and it cannot launch too many attacks at the same time." Xing Lan analyzed.

"That's not necessarily the case." The cold little assistant said again.

(End of this chapter)

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