Chapter 288 Hunting ([-])

The news seemed exaggerated to the villagers of Nine-headed Bird Village.However, even if the contents are discounted and some water is squeezed out, the so-called dog king is powerful enough.If Nine-headed Niao Village can have a similar dog king, there is no need to split the bears and tigers, disperse the lions, etc., as long as it can confront large beasts, and with the help of other wild dogs, then Nine-headed Niao Village will not have any problems. There will be no more fear of famine.

According to sources, Dog King is a wild dog raised in a human camp.Before, although the dog king beat all the puppies invincible, he didn't cause serious damage to other puppies, so he didn't attract people's special attention.At the end of the annual hunting festival and the ceremony for the puppies to return to the pack of wild dogs, the dog king showed his ferocity.It not only defeated the adult dogs at the "welcoming ceremony", but also overwhelmed all the wild dogs present, becoming the king of dogs on the spot.

What is a little regretful is that the dog king is infertile for some reason.But despite this, the dog king is enough to bring countless benefits to the Lensk Kingdom.

Regarding this news, Luo Dayou was as skeptical as other villagers before.However, because of taking the "Spiritual Pill", Luo Dayou has already understood the truth of it.

After the end of the world, human beings have mastered the "internal strength", and under the harsh environment of survival of the fittest, very few beasts have learned to absorb spiritual energy by instinct without a teacher.Those beasts that have learned to absorb aura can also stimulate their internal energy, and the manifestation of internal energy is also the same as that of a practitioner.Practitioners call this kind of beast a monster.In fact, the so-called beast cores all come from Warcraft.

Judging from the description, the dog king of the Lensk Kingdom is only at an acquired level.It is said that the dog king can split the bears and tigers and disperse the lions, it is only because there are no monsters among its opponents.

In addition, the news said that "that dog king can't give birth for some reason", which is obviously a very normal thing-once he can absorb aura, he will practice refined qi, and naturally he will not be able to do so if he does not break through to the next stage. give birth.

It's a pity that although Atu is the most powerful puppy in this group, he is still far away from the realm of monsters, otherwise he could be a very good helper.

Of course, Luo Dayou was only slightly regretful about this.It would be great if Ah Tu really became the dog king, but even if he didn't, it wouldn't matter much, because Luo Dayou now has enough confidence.

A mighty team of 150 men plus twice as many wild dogs set off for the wilderness.

Among the 150 men, about 100 are married, and they are the backbone of the hunt.As for the fifty young men, even though they wanted to be the heroes of the hunt, they dreamed of being favored by plump and tall girls of the same age when they returned to the village after the hunt.But in fact, young people, especially those in their teens, are always regarded as objects in need of protection.

Animals that can survive in the wilderness have their own unique skills, such as running fast, or being able to hide, or having rough skin and strong strength, or being at the top of the food chain with sharp teeth and claws, or reproductive ability powerful.In this cruel competition for survival, the reason why human beings can tenaciously survive is due to three advantages.

On the one hand, humans are omnivores and have an extremely wide range of diets.Compared with single herbivorous or carnivorous animals, the wider the diet, the easier it is to survive.

On the other hand, although intelligence is not a decisive factor, being more or less intelligent still has some advantages.

The last aspect is that human beings attach great importance to the upbringing of offspring.In terms of reproductive capacity, humans should even be considered very low, but because the survival rate of human larvae is much higher than that of other large mammals, this feature can be regarded as the biggest reason for the continuation of the human species in the apocalyptic environment.

During the hunting season, if you are lucky and do not conflict with animals such as ferocious beasts and bison herds, the casualty rate of hunters that year will be low.Of course, such good luck rarely occurs.Under normal circumstances, humans must suffer considerable casualties when hunting, and the average casualty rate is about 10%.

It is precisely because there is such a high casualty rate in every hunt that the wilderness people have to pay special attention to protecting those children who have just grown up - a group that does not have a certain number, does not know how to help each other, and does not pay attention to protecting young children and young people. , simply unable to survive and reproduce in the wilderness.

The huge hunting team started to separate when they walked two kilometers away from the village.The reason why the hunting team is broken up is not just to get more prey.

Some people who have never been in the wilderness have the illusion that the larger the team, the safer it will be.However, the fact is not entirely the case.

It is true that when the number of people reaches a certain level, predators will basically not attack immediately after assessing the balance of power between the two sides.But they will not leave. Instead, they will follow the crowd and whistle to attract the same kind.At this time, different types of carnivores will not conflict with each other even if they are hungry.This tacit understanding is essentially the same as when there is a large herd of moose or antelope nearby.

It is impossible for a crowd to flee quickly while predators are stalking them.Because once that happens, unless it is an extremely elite army, the entire team will easily collapse without fighting.And since the crowd cannot escape the sight of the beasts, the carnivores summoned by the whistle will naturally gather more and more until they finally reach a sufficient number.Next, they will start to attack the human team.And once the human ranks are overwhelmed, the beasts will feast.

As for whether the brigade will be overwhelmed, this is beyond doubt.The more people there are, the more ideas there will be.In any case, the probability of deserters among 1 people is obviously higher than that of a team of [-] people.However, the phenomenon of deserters is the most likely to cause the team to collapse.Therefore, it may not be safe to have many people in the wilderness.

According to the experience of the people in the wilderness, a team with a number between 50 and [-] is relatively safest.If the number of people is less than twenty, it is easy to attract social medium-sized carnivores and ferocious large animals to attack.Numbers greater than [-] often lead to wild beasts whistling for reinforcements.

As in previous years, the hunting team of Nine-Headed Bird Village was divided into five teams, and they went hunting in five directions into the wilderness.

Luo Dayou is 38 years old and is already a seasoned hunter.If he can prove his prowess on this hunt, he may be the captain of the next hunt.

(End of this chapter)

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