Chapter 287 Wild Dogs

In fact, it is very simple to put it bluntly.Wild dogs and humans in settlements have a very strange symbiotic relationship: when wild dogs are about to give birth to cubs, female dogs will come to human settlements to give birth to cubs.Less than a quarter of wild dog pups survive in the wild.The natural enemies of wild dogs are lions that originally lived in the tropics. After the disaster day, some lions migrated to the cold zone and left their offspring in the wilderness.In the wild, half of the pups of wild dogs are eaten by steppe lions, and a quarter are eaten by tigers, bears, bobcats, wolves and even wolverines and foxes.However, in human settlements, most of the wild dog cubs can successfully grow up.

When wild dog cubs live in human settlements, they don't need to be specially prepared by humans for food, because their only food at this time is mother's milk.The bitches spend most of their time in the settlement taking care of their cubs, and only after hearing the barking of family members, will they run outside the settlement to accept the half-digested meat regurgitated by family members.After eating, they return to their settlements to continue nursing their young when they are hungry.

During the hunting season every year, those wild dogs and their mothers who live in human settlements and are over one year old will return to nature and join the big family of wilderness wild dogs.

The same is true this year.

When Luo Dayou walked out of the camp, he was followed by a one-and-a-half-year-old wild dog named Atu.Although it is only a wild dog, in a sense, Luo Dayou can still be regarded as Atu's master, because Atu grew up in Luo Dayou's parents.

Wild dogs are as loyal to their masters as domestic dogs are to their masters.When in danger, for example, when they see a wild animal pounce on their owner, they will rush to the middle to block the danger without hesitation.When human beings who are not masters encounter similar dangers, they just bite the beast's hind legs, or bark loudly to attract the other's attention.Moreover, the loyalty of wild dogs is only to humans, and they will not even show this kind of loyalty to their own kind.

The wild dog occasionally leaves the pack to hunt alone, and after a while, when it encounters a pack, even if it is not the original pack, it will very naturally join the new pack.From a biological point of view, this behavior is more conducive to reproduction, because the hybridization of two parents with different genetic makeup can produce heterosis-hybrids are likely to get more disease resistance genes in the monomer, and it is also possible to get more Disease-causing genes, and the survival of the fittest in nature will help to make a selection, so that more good genes will be enriched in the surviving wild dog genes, which is beneficial to the wild dog population.But in any case, this habit of wild dogs, in the eyes of humans, clearly proves that they are more loyal to their masters than to their own group.

As soon as the newly grown wild dogs leave the camp, they will immediately rush to a group of dogs.Correspondingly, there will be an adult wild dog rushing out to meet it in the dog group.Adult dingoes use not their tongues in their welcome ceremony, but their teeth that are exposed after turning their lips.

Like the other puppies who had been weaned but were still several months away from sexual maturity, Atu recognized his relatives instinctively and rushed towards them without hesitation.According to the procedure, one of its relatives immediately greeted it.This relative who has never met may be its uncle or uncle, or even Atu's father, but no matter what kind of blood relationship it has with Atu, at this moment the greeter still adheres to the tradition of showing his teeth to Atu and making a low voice. roar.

Atu made a mistake for a few tenths of a second, but immediately responded with the same gesture.The two sides circled in a semicircle, their hairs bristling, and they barked tentatively at each other.This went on for a few minutes, and Atu gradually found it very interesting, thinking it was just a game.But in an instant, the adult wild dog rushed over very quickly, bit Atu hard, hit Atu's shoulder, and jumped away again.Surprised and in pain, Atu let out a bark, and suddenly became angry, and immediately rushed towards the opponent in a vengeful attempt to retaliate.

Atu had been living in the human camp before, and in the game-like bites with puppies of the same age, Atu would always either force his friends to lie on the ground with their bellies exposed, or chase their opponents away.However, adult wild dogs have experienced the baptism of cruel nature, and their experience is much richer than the former.Therefore, although Atu is strong and flexible, the latter's sharp teeth always fall on Atu's body over and over again.Atu's will is also very strong. After the "welcome ceremony" of other puppies is over, he still persists.

The onlookers were amazed by this, and some people began to cheer for Atu.

The dog has a strong self-esteem, and Ah Tu's opponent is already very impatient with the delay in resolving the battle.The highly intelligent animal didn't mistake it for a compliment when it heard a human cheering it on.The grown-up stray dog ​​raised its neck from embarrassment and deliberately exposed its flaws, and when Ah Tu excitedly bit towards its neck, the adult stray dog ​​quickly lowered its head and bumped towards Ah Tu.This bump made Atu lose his balance, and immediately after, the adult wild dog bit Atu's foreleg violently.The badly injured foot could no longer use force, Ah Tu used the remaining three feet to maintain his balance, and looked at his opponent hesitantly.

The opponent's fierce eyes crushed Atu's last trace of desire to fight.Atu has developed very well, and his weight is much higher than that of puppies of the same age, and comparable to that of adult wild dogs.But in any case, the current Atu is essentially still a puppy who has never experienced the baptism of nature.In the end, Atu ignored the shame and fled to his mother's back to seek asylum.

Ah Tu's ceremony of joining the group ended in disgrace.

This ritual is good for newly grown dingoes.Its purpose is to destroy the self-confidence of puppies, to prevent puppies who do not understand the dangers of the outside world but like to take risks, and rush to the front of the beasts to fight with them without knowing what is good or bad, resulting in unnecessary casualties - for the dog group , the wild dog responsible for the front, its main duty is to attract the attention of the beast rather than fight it, and any impulse may bring disastrous consequences.

After watching the ceremony of Ah Tu joining the dog group, Luo Dayou shook his head imperceptibly.

Atu's performance is not bad, because its joining ceremony lasted for a relatively long time, which proves that it is very powerful.But Luo Dayou was not satisfied, because he expected more than that from Atu.

Two years ago, the news came from the drums that a dog king had appeared in the Lensk Kingdom more than 600 kilometers to the south!The dog king runs like lightning, is ferocious and powerful, and has claws as sharp as hooks. It can tear apart bears and tigers and scatter a group of lions.

(End of this chapter)

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