Chapter 25

Firebird brought back a mutant beast that looked like a rabbit, and held it by its ears, "How about this little mutant beast? If it's okay, I'll kill it and let it bleed."

"Okay, find a basin to kill and let the blood out, and use the basin to continue faster, Huo Niao, can you lend me your dagger." Li Tianlong said.

"My dagger has been fused with my forced-colonization mecha. It has flames and some blood-sucking effects. No one else can use it except me. The hidden dagger at the end of your metal stick can be disassembled. " Firebird said.

Li Tianlong glanced at the dark red dagger in Huo Niao's hand, nodded, raised his hand and took off the metal stick on his back, twisted a metal stick, unloaded the front dagger and put it on the Next to the chair, it is convenient for you to hold it in your hand.

Firebird quickly killed the mutant beast that looked like a rabbit, and took a small pot of blood.

{Let's go, Sanctuary}
Li Tianlong quickly carried out the forced colonization mech arming, his big lips and fangs covered his face again.

Picking up the first silver needle, he began to stick it in carefully according to the instructions of the temple.

The feeling of pricking the skin with silver needles for the first time was slightly hindered, but fortunately, after arming with the strong colony mecha, the senses in the hands were also enhanced.

{That’s right, the needle is inserted very steadily, then take the No. 3 silver needle and prick the No. [-] acupuncture point on the back. } Holy Church.

After Li Tianlong successfully injected the needle for the first time, he gained some confidence, and Xiaoya's father didn't feel the slightest pain.

Li Tianlong continued to give injections, and tried to hypnotize himself, "I am a peerless doctor, the kind of god."

The fourth silver needle was successfully inserted into the corresponding acupuncture point.

Shengtang {After the fifth silver needle is injected, Li Tianlong, you can't stop, you must continue to insert the needle and be ready.The No. 9 silver needle is inserted into the No. [-] acupoint on the front chest. }
Li Tianlong took a long breath, and began to quickly inject the needle according to the instructions of the church.

{No. 2 silver needle, No. [-] acupoint on the front chest. }
{NO.16 silver needle, acupuncture point 5 on the back}
Following Li Tianlong's fast needle injection, Huo Niao who was standing aside was surprised to see a fast-moving small bulge appearing under the skin of the man's thin body. The arm moves.
{No. 26 silver needle, No. 9 acupoint on the chest, hurry up, take a dagger and cut his wrist according to the picture I sent you. } Holy Church.

A comic strip resembling the morning when he practiced stick fighting with the fire bird appeared in front of Li Tianlong's left eye again. This time, the comic strip showed the patient in front of him and repeated a small wound cut by a dagger on the patient's wrist.

According to the comic book, Li Tianlong grabbed the dagger on the stool, a flash of white light cut Xiaoya's father's wrist.

Blood trickled down the wrist.

"Firebird, put the blood basin against the wound, let the wound soak in the blood." Li Tianlong shouted.

Firebird reacted quickly, and quickly carried the blood basin to the wound next to his wrist.

I saw a thin black nematode crawling out halfway along the blood of the wound, swimming in the blood basin.

Xiaoya and her parents looked at the thin black nematode crawling out of the wound, knowing that Li Tianlong was going to succeed, they burst into tears of excitement.

Xiaoya's father, Ninja, kept his arms from shaking, for fear that any movement would make the bug shrink back.

Firebird also knew that the thin black wriggling thread was an unknown mutant, so she wanted to pick out the black thread with a dagger.

"Don't do it, don't do it, there should be a lot of toxin in the body of this thread-like mutant, once the threadworm remains in Xiaoya's father's body and kills him, it is estimated that Xiaoya's father will also be infected by blood. and die.

Firebird, after the black thin-thread mutant crawls out completely, you immediately stay away with the blood basin, and use your flame ability to burn the mutant to death. " Li Tianlong shouted quickly when he saw Huo Niao holding a dark red dagger in one hand and about to strike.

After hearing this, Huo Niao was startled, retracted the dagger, and continued to wait by the side.

More than ten seconds was extremely long for Xiaoya and her parents. Fortunately, after more than ten seconds, a black thin nematode more than 20 cm long could completely crawl out of the wound.

Thin black threads swam and circled in the blood basin.The fire bird quickly turned around to keep the blood basin away from the wound, and activated the fire ability at the same time, red flames burned in the school basin, and a foul smell of blood wafted out.

"Okay, Xiaoya, clean your father's wound with anti-inflammatory drugs and bandage it, don't eat greasy food, eat a little porridge for a few days, just drink plenty of water.

The mutants in your father's body have been taken out and killed.But when it is cold later, he may have some pain in some joints. "Li Tianlong said, just now the church has told him that acupuncture is very successful, except for a few needles because Li Tianlong did not master the depth of the needles for the first time, which would leave some sequelae similar to joint pain, overall it is very good. Perfect.

"Thank you, Brother Long, thank you so much." Xiaoya kneeled down and kowtowed to Li Tianlong three times, but Huo Niao didn't stop her.

Firebird stepped forward to help Xiaoya up quickly, Xiaoya and her father hugged each other and cried.

"Xiaoya, first stop the bleeding on your father's wrist, and then there will be your mother's illness. Wait until you are cured before hugging." Firebird handed over a bandage and disinfectant commonly used in field battles.

After hearing this, Xiaoya took the bandage that Huo Niao handed over, and bandaged her father's wrist.

"Firebird is going to buy another mutant beast like this, along with some high-alcohol liquor, and I'm going to sterilize these silver needles.

Xiaoya, take off your mother's coat, and then take a basin of hot water again, and use the towel to warm your mother's skin. I need to draw acupuncture points and give acupuncture. " Li Tianlong said.

Xiaoya quickly took care of it.

Li Tianlong began to hold the metal pen again, drawing acupuncture points on Xiaoya's mother who was covered with a layer of skin like a skeleton.

With the first experience this time, the speed was much faster. Under the guidance of the holy hall, Li Tianlong completed the nineteen silver needles on Xiaoya's mother's body in a thrilling manner.

The reason why there is an extra one this time is because when Li Tianlong used the No.14 needle, the silver needle was pierced sideways and directly pierced into the flesh. Needle, Li Tianlong quickly added another needle.

This time, the black thread mutant was forced to Xiaoya's mother's right foot by Li Tianlong's silver needle. Li Tianlong quickly scratched the skin on Xiaoya's mother's right foot with a dagger.

Firebird, who had been waiting by the side, quickly handed over the blood basin, soaking the wound in the blood basin.

The mutated insect with black thin thread wriggled out from the wound and swam into the blood basin.

The firebird moved away from the blood basin, and burned the mutant again.

"Woohoo." Xiaoya laughed and cried in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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