Future Chaos Live

Chapter 24 Draw the Acupuncture Points

Chapter 24 Draw the Acupuncture Points

Xiaoya put her hands directly into the water basin and twisted the hot towel several times, her little hands were flushed with heat, but she didn't make a sound, but picked up the hot towel.

Li Tianlong looked at this man who looked like a rib.

{According to the data collected by the supercomputer, the patient’s breathing began to become short of breath after several hot compresses. You take silver needles and insert them into these acupoints. It may be difficult for you to identify the acupoints by yourself for the first time.

I will send you a map of acupuncture points that need acupuncture. Li Tianlong, find a pen and draw the exact positions of these acupuncture points on his upper body, and then perform acupuncture. Don’t worry, your silver needles are unique and easy to penetrate. Skin, not easy to break. } Church
Then the picture was sent to Li Tianlong's left eyes,
"Find me a pen with a thinner tip that can draw clear patterns on the skin." Li Tianlong said.

[Does the anchor want ghost symbols? 】

[Isn't it good acupuncture? 】

[The anchor, please save this couple, they are so pitiful, and Xiaoya even said that after you save your parents, let her do whatever she wants in the future! 】

【Save this couple, save a life】

Soon Xiaoya came out holding a thin black metal rod. When the end of the metal rod was twisted, a black pen tip emerged.

"This is the pen my father used to write the price on the mutated beast or on the sign when he went to the market to sell mutated beast meat. Doctor Long, see if it works. If not, I'll look for it again." Xiaoya handed the metal pen to the After touching Li Tianlong, he said carefully.

Under Xiaoya's expectant gaze, Li Tianlong took a pen and began to compare the acupoint maps, drawing dots on the man's back.

{This is off, move it up by two millimeters—} The church began to correct the acupuncture points drawn by Li Tianlong one by one.

The fire bird on the side watched Li Tianlong holding a brush in one hand and a hot towel in the other, drawing red dots on Xiaoya's father continuously. Point, and then redraw, repeat two or three times to complete the drawing of a red dot.

The fire bird on the side didn't dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing Li Tianlong's magical ancient medical skills.

It took Li Tianlong more than an hour to find acupuncture points on a living person for the first time to draw eighteen red spots.Li Tianlong wiped the sweat off his head with his hands, and took a step back.

Xiaoya's father was already physically weak, he couldn't sit still, and his body swayed.

"Fire Bird, fix his body with a rope, don't let him fall to the ground, or my painting will be in vain." Li Tianlong said aloud.

"How is the treatment going? Can it be cured?" Firebird asked worriedly after finding a rope to fix Xiaoya's father's body. Xiaoya on the side also looked at Li Tianlong nervously.

"I just made the preparations, and the treatment hasn't started yet, Fire Bird, go to the market outside and buy a small live mutant beast. There is no requirement for grades or anything, as long as it is alive. Then take a basin , kill this mutated beast and let out a small pot of blood." Li Tianlong said to Huo Niao.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Firebird nodded and quickly turned around and left.

Xiaoya stood beside Li Tianlong obediently.

"Doctor Long, I-" Xiaoya said aloud to Li Tianlong.

"Okay, Xiaoya, just call me Big Brother Long like Sister Fire Bird. I'll close my eyes and rest for a while. When Fire Bird comes back, I will start the treatment. Whether your parents can survive depends on destiny." Li As Tianlong said, he reached out and patted Xiaoya on the head.

Xiaoya obediently went to the house again, and brought out a stool for Li Tianlong to sit and rest.

Holy Church {A piece of good news, according to the analysis of our doctors and supercomputers, there is only one mutant in this man, not a bunch of mutants.The silver needle technique you will perform later can seal part of the blood and organs in his body for a short period of time, causing him to appear in a partial state of suspended animation, and can also seal some veins, constantly forcing the mutated insect to move closer to the body surface. roam.

You first pick out thirty silver needles, and the numbers from one to thirty are the serial numbers of the thirty silver needles.

Then you mark the scales with red pen on these needles as I said.The length and sequence of silver needles piercing each acupuncture point are different.The acupuncture points and penetration depth of the first five needles are fixed, and the order and depth of silver needle insertion can only be determined according to the patient's specific reaction after the last thirteen needles}
{Can this kill the mutant?Why did you let the firebird go to the mutant beast and come back to let the blood out? } Li Tianlong asked.

{As long as you successfully perform these eighteen injections, you are two-thirds sure that you can force the mutated bug to the surface of the patient's body.

When the time comes, you can cut his skin with a dagger according to the position I pointed out, and put the blood of the mutant beast just killed on the wound, there is a great chance that the mutant insect will come out.

The bad news is that this silver needle technique requires eighteen stitches to complete. The first five stitches can be inserted slowly, and the last thirteen stitches. You only have three to five seconds to react to each stitch. Don't hesitate, I will post a map of your acupuncture points every time you place a needle. } Holy Church.

{Three to five seconds, so short, what if I am slow or wrong? } Li Tianlong asked with some concern.

{Depending on the specific situation, if it is mild, it may be enough to give the needle again, if it is serious, the patient will die directly. } Holy Church.

After seeing the answer, Li Tianlong thought for a while, "Xiaoya, go to the room and bring me another chair."

The chair was quickly moved by Xiaoya, and Li Tianlong neatly placed the silver needles on the chair, and numbered them with a metal pen on the silver needles, from one to thirty.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Tianlong was still uneasy, and took the pen again to index and number the acupoints on the man's body from top to bottom, and from front to back.

{Shengtang, when you tell me to use the silver needle later, tell me according to the serial number of the position on the back. Some acupuncture points are very close to each other. I'm afraid my reaction will be slow if I just look at the picture. }
{Okay, just relax.Li Tianlong, don't be burdened in your heart, without you he will die.Just treat it like piercing pork with a silver needle.It is recommended that you enter the armed state of the forced colonization mecha later, which can improve your body's reaction speed. }Temple.

[What is the purpose of the anchor drawing dots and numbers on the patients? 】

[Spicy eyes, I study Chinese medicine.These points are the acupuncture points of the human body. The anchor seems to be inaccurate in identifying the acupuncture points. When seeing acupuncture for the first time, there are some who mark the acupuncture points with a pen before giving the needle. 】

[Didn't the anchor say that his ancient medical skills are very good! 】

[The anchor also said that he is the king of mercenaries! 】

[This is not the first time the anchor has used acupuncture on a living person! 】

[Practicing medicine without a job is harmful!Everyone, don't learn from the anchor. 】

[The acupuncture points drawn are very strange. I don’t know how the patient will react after acupuncture is given to these points. 】

[The silver needle is in hand, I have it in the world. 】

[The story of the bundle of embroidery needles. 】

 New book request recommendation ticket and collection

(End of this chapter)

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