Vault 32

Chapter 94 Construction of Camp Area

Chapter 94 Construction of Camp Area

The feeling of the magic stick is still right, because this is what many soldiers are thinking now.In just three days, they have also seen this hilly area that was originally overgrown with bushes and densely forested, and it has become their own camp.After passing the double test of engineer shovels and flames, even this hilly area, which is almost a primeval forest, has been successfully conquered by Lister and the others, and the round star-spangled flag symbolizing the American Federation was raised on the top of the mountain.

On the top of the three hills, where the slight excavation is less than half a meter, three M2HB Browning-style 12.7mm heavy machine guns are also erected in it.The firepower of these three heavy machine guns can cover any target within a distance of 1000 meters.As for the Kuta River, which is more than a few hundred meters away, if the order is given, they can even directly condescend to cover the firepower to the other side of the river.This is not too difficult for a heavy machine gun with an effective range of more than 2000 meters.

This is the southern guard post of the Anchorage Line of Defense, which is related to the safety of the entire south of the Anchorage Line of Defense.The establishment of this guard post is like a sharp knife ready to be inserted into Canada at any time. If the Canadians in the south who hooked up with the Soviet Union dare to make any changes, then the hand holding this sharp knife will continue to spread. Absolute power.

As the soul of this sharp blade, Liszt already understood his mission quite well.A war between the United States and Canada will eventually occur, because the oil discovered at the Anchorage Line of Defense will be one of the main factors why the United States chooses to brazenly annex Canada.Another major factor is that the current relationship between Canada and the Soviet Union is too ambiguous. Once the Anchorage defense line is attacked from both sides, the Soviet troops will follow the road built by Canada without any hindrance. Entering the continent of the United States.

In fact, this is exactly the case. This ending has already been performed in the radiation of the previous life, and the seemingly incomparably powerful Anchorage defense line was easily broken through.Just like a paper tiger, nothing was left after being washed away by the torrent of steel.Even though Canada was under the control of the United States Federation at that time, it was easily broken through the torrent of steel. With the help of Canada's intact road network, it directly entered the east coast of the United States Federation, and even the capital Washington.

"Canadians? What a bunch of fellows who don't know what fear is."

Standing on the top of the outermost hill, although the height is only a dozen meters, Liszt can still see the Kuta River flowing like a jade belt more than 200 meters away.His eyes stared slightly, and he also saw the tent that was also set up in the woods on the south bank of the Kuta River.Liszt still couldn't help but let out a cold snort in his nasal cavity, and said to Garcia who was following him: "Maybe they have their self-confidence."

"Confidence?" Lowering his head slightly, Garcia also had a mockery on his face, because of course he understood what the confidence in Liszt's mouth was.Slowly spitting to the side, Garcia said mercilessly: "If there is no group of Soviets, just relying on these weak Canadians, I can beat ten by myself!"

They are all elite soldiers trained on the Anchorage defense line, and more than half of them have experienced the previous battle with the Soviets.And there are not many recruits among all these people. Even if they re-enlist, most of them are veterans who have retired from the Mexican battlefield.

They are already familiar with killing and war.They are not new recruits who have just entered the battlefield. They still have any desire and fear for war.They only know how to protect themselves on the battlefield, and then use the M16 assault rifles in their hands to name every enemy they encounter.They are not the kind of executioners who kill people like hemp, but each of them has more or less a few lives taken on the battlefield.

"Unfortunately, due to the order of the Anchorage defense line, we cannot take the initiative to provoke a war."

Taking a deep breath, the cool air in Alaska made Liszt feel refreshed physically and mentally.But his chest was still oppressed, especially when he looked at the Canadian army on the other side of the Kuta River from the corner of his eye, who had hardly concealed it and didn't even build a temporary defensive position, he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "Damn it!"

As a soldier, seeing the enemy stationed and trampled on his own country's territory, the sense of humiliation already made Liszt furious.Even if he still has the memory and world outlook, values ​​and outlook on life of his previous life, but in this world, as a citizen of the United States Federation, how can he ignore this insult?
They can't stand it, but they have to.Because the order of the Anchorage defense line is still restraining them, so that they dare not act rashly.Even the U.S. Federal Army Command is restraining them, strictly ordering everyone not to fire the first shot even if they encounter some conflicts.Unless the group of Canadians crossed the boundary of the Kuta River and came to the north bank, the territory actually controlled by the US Federation!

"The two sides really showed great restraint."

There was a slight tickle in his throat, and Liszt spat fiercely on the ground next to him.Both sides are afraid of unpredictable consequences, for fear that no one will be able to control the beast of war when it starts.The biggest reason for the restraint and forbearance of both parties is precisely because of the mutual fear of the United States Federation and the Soviet Union.This has happened many times in history. Every time before a large-scale war is about to break out, both sides will take a step back in a tacit understanding, dissipating the nuclear war that may break out at any time into the invisible.

They are now like two of the strongest lions. When neither of them has the strength to deal with the other, the only choices they can make are tentative roars and rest in restraint.But everyone knows that they are slowly accumulating strength, waiting for the fatal blow when the other party reveals its flaws!
"Jingle bell jingle bell."

The crisp ringtone instantly appeared in Liszt's ears, interrupting his original meditation.Slightly frowning, he lowered his head and reached out to take out something in his pocket. It was a small and crude mobile phone. On the seemingly rough interface, there was also a reminder of a stranger's incoming call, accompanied by a slight vibration of the ringtone.

This is a small communication device given to him by the Enclave organization, a crude thing made with vacuum tube technology.Liszt was so busy before that he completely forgot the existence of this thing, but now the sudden ringing of the bell made Liszt couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly.This is the first time he has received a message from the Enclave. After staying in his hand for about five seconds, Liszt slowly gritted his teeth, pressed the answer button, and slowly put it in his ear: " Hello."

"Mr. Liszt? Although it's an honor to have a conversation with you, your efficiency in answering the phone is really too low."

In the communicator, the speaking voice carried a sense of fatigue, and almost every word he said had to pant a few times, as if he was exhausted after a long journey.And although his voice was panting, his voice and tone were not polite at all. He seemed to say to Liszt in a commanding tone: "I am now in Admiralty Island. At the edge of the forest, I am being hunted by Canadian agents, you must find a way to rescue me before 10:30 in the evening."

Squinting his eyes slightly, the commanding tone and unceremonious tone in the words made him frown uncontrollably.But he didn't interrupt the man's speaking, instead, his ears moved slightly, because while the man was speaking, the sound of the two feet walking, and the sound of the body colliding with the bushes had already disappeared. sounded.This shows that it is moving quickly in the forest, even if it is quite tired, it dare not stay in place.

Moving in forests and mountains consumes more energy than moving on plains.Even well-trained soldiers and spies will try to choose to move after a good rest in the mountains, so that the high-intensity march not only consumes a lot of physical strength, but also quickly overdraws the body.And if it wasn't an emergency, no one would do it.

"It's five o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be dark in two hours. At that time, I will send the coordinates of my location to your communication device, so I said to pick me up and leave Admiralty Island as soon as possible. .”

The man was still speaking out of breath, with extreme tension in his tone.He swallowed hard, exhausted from walking for a long time, making him gasp for breath.But his words still came out through the communicator, letting Liszt know his arrangement clearly: "I am now being chased by the Canadian secret service. Once they find out the secrets on me, then what we have arranged in Canada in the Enclave All networks will be exposed."

"There is not much time left for me. My current communication is about to be shut down, otherwise the group of agents will lock my location through our long conversation."

This panting guy seemed to have completely exhausted his physical strength. As the sound of kneeling on the ground was heard, he breathed heavily and said to Liszt in the communication device: "Remember, be sure to do it." Get me out of Admiralty Island on time, this is important information related to the United States Federation!"

"What happened?" But before Liszt could ask the question, the communication device in his hand lost the signal.He frowned tightly, staring at the small and rough Enclave internal communication device in his hand, but he became more and more suspicious.Turning his head slowly, he could see the island on the sea in the distance, and that was the Admiralty Island that this guy just mentioned.

PS: Chapter 3, I still owe Chapter 14. Well, I admit that you are very good. But don’t worry if you have too much debt, I still hope that you can vote more.In other words, I don't even know what I will do if someone snaps a leader, but I'm looking forward to it after thinking about it.If a local tyrant thinks that my writing is good, he will reward the leader ←, ←

(End of this chapter)

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