Vault 32

Chapter 93 Camp Construction

Chapter 93 Camp Construction

PS: Damn, it’s a deadly rhythm. I looked at it, and I owe you 16 more, plus this chapter has 15 more. TOT I can’t post all my saved manuscripts in one day, or ten thousand updates every day Well, pay it all back within a week
The two sides of the Kuta River are quite complex terrain, and the remaining veins from the Rocky Mountains still extend here. Although the area where the Kuta River flows into the Pacific Ocean is relatively flat, it is just a gentle river beach area.And when the tide is high, or when the mountain torrent erupts, the flat area will be swallowed by a huge amount of sea water or river water. It is really not a wise choice to build a guard tower in that flat area.

The construction site chosen by Liszt is the outermost part of this mountain range, near the top of the hill on the edge of the Kuta River.The complex surrounding environment cannot directly monitor and guard the Kuta River. Although the greater significance of their guard post is to let Canadians know that the American Federation has put a nail in here, but Lister's idea still needs to bigger!

The back of this hill is not just a stretch of hills, the topmost area is the remnant of a Rocky Mountain Range!A large number of forests and shrubs occupy the mountainside of the mountain range, embellishing the entire mountain range with lush greenery, but the top is the most common snow peak at the top of the Alaska mountain range, and the snow peaks have also dyed the top of the mountain range. It is white, just like a white hat, but it brings abundant snowmelt and running water in summer.

If you want to come to where Liszt is, you can only go through the winding forest path.Even in some areas, tens of thousands of trucks can't drive over, and heavy machine guns are needed to blast the thick wood in half, and then the soldiers can push it away to move on.Fortunately, it is a cement road. If it is a dirt road or a gravel road, it is estimated that their trucks will give up here.

But fortunately, everything went smoothly here, and Liszt and his troops have already stationed in this hill, and simply sorted out the surrounding terrain.A large number of shrubs and small trees have been cleared away by soldiers with engineering shovels, and even the road leading to the hill has been simply opened up.

Those engineers who came out of the air force base are undoubtedly quite conscientious, and they have been engaged in professional civil engineering all year round, and they also have good adaptability to opening roads, studying the layout of surrounding hills, and difficult environments.Just holding the M16 assault rifle in their hands, carefully guarding against possible beasts, after going around the hills and the dense bushes and woods a few times, they have already found the focus of their work.

"Let's level the hills here. It seems that this is not a mountainous area with many rocks at all. Even if soldiers are arranged to use engineering shovels, they can dig all of them."

The captain of the engineering corps had already inspected the surrounding terrain very clearly, held up the notebook in his hand, and came to Liszt with a pencil, and reported his thoughts to Liszt: "The three buildings on the outside near the Kuta River The hill is completely a good commanding height, as long as we build three guard towers and arrange three heavy machine guns on it, we can control the entire mouth of the Kuta River more than 500 meters away."

Liszt lowered his head slightly, and he reached out to take the notebook handed over by the engineer captain, on which the surrounding topographic map was clearly drawn with a pencil.The most conspicuous area is still the three hills arranged in the shape of finished characters, as if a hammer was aimed at the mouth of the Kuta River, which made him nod slightly and said: "It is indeed a good place."

"That's right, as long as we occupy the triangle area on the north bank of the Kuta River, we can use the mountains behind us to firmly defend here."

Smiling slightly, the engineer captain pointed to the position on the notebook, and at the same time turned around to let Liszt look at the towering White-headed Snow Mountain behind him, and said confidently: "Although we can't build the guard tower Above that, any enemy troops entering or exiting this river and sea area, as well as the surrounding islands, will be monitored by us."

Nodding his head, Liszt quite agrees with the engineer captain's suggestion.In the complex mountainous environment, building a complete fortification, even if it is a temporary fortification, can make any enemy who intends to hit the head broken.After all, the fortifications built on the mountain itself have the bonus of the complex environment of the mountain. Once the firepower points are arranged reasonably, even the armored troops may not be afraid at all.At least Liszt has never seen an armored unit that can go up the mountain. Even if the torrent of Soviet armor rushes down the Rocky Mountains, he may be able to use the undulating mountains to resist one or two.

"It's reasonable, so let's decide."

Liszt nodded, but looking at the area near the Kuta River under the hill, he couldn't help frowning slightly.Standing here, he could also vaguely see the environment on the other side of the river bank, and it seemed that there were a few Canadians guarding there vaguely, monitoring his every move.Slowly spitting on the side, he pressed the intercom on his chest and said: "God stick, work with the engineers to dig out the trenches first and build a temporary defensive position."


The magic stick at the foot of the mountain nodded immediately, and he was already digging trenches in advance.And beside him, the small excavator has already started to carry out engineering work on the hill.Most of the excavators used in this army are small-scale excavators, which are more accurate in the civilian version as mini-excavators.Of course, although it looks quite small, it is a precision instrument that liberates manpower after all.

The workload of this kind of mini excavator can match the tasks of more than a dozen people digging with sapper shovels for several hours in just half an hour.The two excavators are still roaring to carry out engineering operations between the hills. As drivers and operators, a considerable number of engineers use slender buckets to easily break through the soil layer as if they were controlling arms. The force brought easily digs up the whole piece of soil.The combined force of the two excavators did not take a few minutes at all, and a trench half a meter wide and one meter deep was formed within a one-meter range.

But along the front of the hill, two excavators have already dug up the land in the entire front area. Engineers with engineering shovels are jumping into the trench, slapping the sides with their hard shovels The slightly soft soil, as well as the level ground, the potholed bottom passage due to the irregular excavation of the bucket.

Although trenches have gradually fallen out of fashion during World War II, and have gradually been almost completely eliminated in more than 100 years, they have not completely withdrawn from the battlefield.On battlefields that are close to the enemy's border defense line, uncertain when the enemy will attack, and need to be stationed in the area for a long time, trenches are still the most beneficial guarantee for the defender.

And this is also recognized by this group of American federal elites.They worked very hard to dig the trench under them, refilled the uneven bottom with soil, and stomped their boots vigorously to make it more orderly.Fortunately, although this area belongs to the remaining veins of the Rocky Mountains, there are not many stones in the soil layer, and even if there are, they are just fine pebbles, which will not cause them much trouble .

Holding the engineering shovel in his hand, the magic stick, which was covered with a layer of mud, also squatted on the ground beside him, panting.Liszt arranged for him to be responsible for the excavation of engineers and trenches. Although it seemed easy, it was really tiring.The requirement to dig out the minimum defensive positions, trenches, and traffic trenches within a few hours already made him a little bit powerless.

"Hey, who's in charge of the trenches here? Why haven't engineers shoveled the edges?"

But when his eyes swept across a trench next to him, the loose appearance made him frown slightly.Standing up and walking over, the magic stick jumped down the trench again, neatly trimmed the edge of the trench with the engineer shovel in his hand, and then raised his head and exhorted loudly to the American federal soldiers beside him: "Our enemy is on the other side. If you don't want to be blown up by the artillery and collapse the trenches when you start the war, then work hard!"

"Understood!" Although no one answered him who repaired the trench, the movements of everyone's hands were a little more refined.Especially the construction of those sections of trenches was entirely for the sake of their own safety.We must know that in the fierce delivery, the survival rate of them hiding in the trenches is ten times or even dozens of times higher than that without trenches!
However, although most of the trenches they have dug now have been completed, on the whole, these dug trenches can only be called trenches.Their greatest function is either to drain water and bury garbage, rather than to allow combat soldiers to defend against heavy fire from the enemy. As for the bombardment of the large-caliber howitzer, I am afraid it will be a fluke.

A real trench not only needs to be dug out and trimmed carefully, but also arranged and fixed with wood to completely harden the soft soil around the pit wall to prevent the soil layer from collapsing and avalanche.The trenches they dug now may only be used for short-term hiding in the battlefield, or to deal with those light infantry who only have assault rifles and light machine guns.And once the enemy uses grenades or mortars, the trenches they dug may become ready-made tombs after being buried alive.

"But at least the trenches have been dug."

The magic stick exhaled lightly, and the dust all over his body made him feel a little uncomfortable.But looking at the engineering shovel still waving at the top of the hill, the comrades couldn't help but be thankful that there are excavators here to help.And he turned his head to look at the gradually leveling mountains around him, and couldn't help but touch his chin. He suddenly found that Liszt's arrangement was not just as simple as a guard tower, and he couldn't help it with such a large amount of work. Zhu frowned: "It seems to be, to build a military camp?"

(End of this chapter)

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