Vault 32

Chapter 68 The End of the Battle

Chapter 68 The End of the Battle

The BGM-71 "Tao" anti-tank missile rushed into the top armor of a T72 main battle tank. The power of the tank missiles poured into the turret.

Accompanied by the deafening explosion, the raging flames had ignited the entire tank into a huge torch along with the shock wave generated by the ammunition's death.But the heavy shock wave exploded with astonishing power in an instant, and the huge pressure directly lifted the heavy turret on the vehicle body to a distance of four or five meters, and then slammed it heavily on the ground beside it, sending out a certain sound. There was a strange sound of twisted steel.

Even the turret that flew out hit the ground, stirring up a piece of soil and gravel, causing all the surrounding Soviet soldiers to lie on the ground with their faces covered like rapid bullets, and blood flowed faintly from their fingers.But they didn't dare to stand up easily and call for medical soldiers, and they didn't even dare to take out the bandages they were carrying to explode the wounds.

Because just above their heads, the whizzing sound of air tearing almost shattered their eardrums.Just 2000 meters away from them, at the edge of the forest where three puffs of black smoke were also coming out, the dull firing sound of the 25mm machine gun and the 12.7mm heavy machine gun had already exploded bright sparks around them.

And one of the T72 main battle tanks they are proud of has been scrapped because of anti-tank missiles, and even the other two T72 main battle tanks have been hit by anti-tank missiles in a certain part, and their progress has slowly stopped. , Docked there motionless like a sluggish fool.

They seemed to have received a fatal blow in just 3 minutes. Almost all the Soviet soldiers were lying on the ground unable to raise their heads. Even the AKM rifles in their hands fired back blankly in front of them, let alone The accuracy of three points and one line, just raising your hand and head slightly, pulling the trigger in front of you to fight back, is already a great courage!

The advantage seemed to have been established when Liszt gave the order to fire.But looking at the battlefield that seemed to be at an impasse, Liszt couldn't help but slowly frowned. His eyes scanned the BTR-60 armored personnel carrier a thousand meters away through the military binoculars, and gradually began to retreat. The Soviet soldiers held down the walkie-talkie and still issued an order: "All armed off-road vehicles are dispatched, outflank them, and leave them behind!"

"Then I'll be in charge!"

Sofit picked up his M4A1 assault rifle and walked quickly outside the machine gun bunker. As the deputy of this reconnaissance unit, he must be responsible for important tactical operations at critical moments.Seven or eight scouts under his direct command also followed, and his order also came from the exclusive channel of the armed off-road vehicle: "Move quickly, fire to delay the enemy, and no stopping to shoot!"

The weak armor of the armed off-road vehicle cannot even protect against AKM assault rifle fire at about 300 meters, not to mention that there are 12.7mm large-caliber heavy machine guns among the Soviet soldiers.With a distance of about a kilometer, combined with steel-core armor-piercing projectiles, it is easy to turn the armed off-road vehicles, which are mainly reconnaissance and combat, into a pile of scrap iron.

Ten armed off-road vehicles that were still in good condition rushed out immediately with the roar of the engine and exhaust pipes, and rushed out almost instantly with the surging power when the accelerator pedal was stepped to the bottom.And in the simple turret welded on the car, the 12.7mm Browning heavy machine guns have continued to fire. Although the ups and downs of the car made the bullets float to nowhere, the ten heavy machine guns The threat of firepower effectively delayed the retreat of the group of Soviet soldiers!
"All scouts are ready to move forward and cooperate with infantry fighting vehicles!"

The M4A1 assault rifle in his hand was also clenched tightly, and Liszt's eyes were fixed on the Soviet soldiers who were gradually retreating with the BTR-60 armored personnel carrier.The firepower far exceeded that of the Soviet armored force, which made it impossible for them to organize an effective counterattack. Moreover, they were in the wilderness, and it was difficult for them to launch a counterattack against the American federal scouts hidden in the forest!

Pressing the walkie-talkie on his chest, Liszt's order has been issued, and the only three remaining M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles have also moved forward slowly, while the scouts who were still lurking at the edge of the forest, immediately Raising the assault rifle in his hand, he rushed out, carefully followed the three infantry fighting vehicles, and moved forward in coordination.

More than 20 scouts have all dispersed, and the three infantry fighting vehicles have been scattered in more than 1000 square meters, even two or three meters away from each other, all looking ahead carefully.Occasionally, soldiers opened fire with M4A1 assault rifles in front of them, killing the struggling Soviet soldiers more than 100 meters away who were seriously injured and unable to evacuate, and were still counterattacking with AKM assault rifles in their hands.

"Victory seems to come very easily."

Slightly squinting, Liszt looked at the evacuating Soviet troops in front of him, but the military telescope in his hand moved involuntarily, and came to the other two T72 main battle tanks that were quietly parked there.He looked through the binoculars and carefully scanned the turret of the main battle tank. Except for the traces of the reactive armor explosion, he did not find any other wounds.

Perhaps the BGM-71 "Tao" anti-tank missile exploded, and the huge force instantly shattered the inside of the turret, forming fragments and killing the internal members.But Liszt felt a little uneasy, especially when he saw the M800 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle that was gradually approaching, which was less than 2 meters away, and the more than 20 scouts who were scattered and advanced together. But his heart tightened suddenly, he pressed the walkie-talkie on his chest and said loudly: "No, destroy those two Soviet tanks immediately!"

"Understood, the anti-tank missiles have been restocked."

In the walkie-talkie, the commander of the leading M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle answered immediately. At the same time, before the voice fell, two BGM-71 "TOU" anti-tank missiles were launched from the turrets of the two infantry fighting vehicles. The rack rushed out, and rushed directly to the T72 main battle tank, which was less than a kilometer away, with a puff of white smoke.

But before hitting the two T72 main battle tanks, a huge roar appeared in the wilderness instantly.The turret of a T72 main battle tank slowly rotated, and the thick and long barrel was still shaking slightly. The thick gray smoke and fire at the muzzle dissipated slightly.In the direction where the muzzle was pointing, an M2 "Infantry Fighting Vehicle" was instantly penetrated. The flames of the explosion rose up, mixed with the huge shock wave, which directly turned the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters into a sea of ​​fire.

"damn it!"

Liszt's eyes suddenly opened wide. The seven or eight scouts around the M2 "Infantry Fighting Vehicle" were also hit by the shock wave. They flew towards the side as if they were hit hard by a sledgehammer. After struggling for a while, he couldn't stand up anymore.Liszt's hand clenched into a fist, and he smashed it hard on the machine gun bunker in front of him. He pressed the intercom and loudly ordered: "Annihilate them all!"

The BGM-71 "Tao" anti-tank missile immediately hit the two T72 main battle tanks, just like the M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle just now burst into layers of raging flames, opening the The heavy turret smashed heavily to the side.There are even human stumps falling down, scorched black and burning with flames.

The only two remaining M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles moved forward, passing the two still burning tank wreckage indifferently, and the 25mm machine gun on the turret was still firing forward, pouring down a series of dull firepower.And the scouts accompanying them also began to trot, rushing towards the retreating Soviet soldiers in front of them, everyone was full of anger because of the death of their comrades.

On their own land, the enemy's troops appeared in front of them unscrupulously, why did they not dare to fight?They are soldiers who protect their home and country, not politicians who compromise on the podium!Now that they are the first to open fire, they dare to annihilate them all again. Even Liszt has an undisguised murderous intention in his heart!
The war situation has been settled, and the arrogant Soviet army has been defeated, and has even fallen into a situation of being completely annihilated.But Lister was not going to let them go. The ten intact armored vehicles delayed the retreat of the Soviet soldiers. The only two M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles used 25mm machine guns. Exploding the BTR-60 armored personnel carriers one by one, the two are not at the same level now.

The firepower of the BTR-60 armored personnel carrier is only a 12.7mm heavy machine gun, but even the armor of the M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle cannot be penetrated.On the contrary, the firepower of the 25mm machine gun, even if it is not equipped with armor-piercing projectiles, can easily penetrate the thin steel plate, beating the entire BTR-60 armored transport vehicle like a sieve and making it unable to move again.

"They surrendered."

And when all the BTR-60 armored personnel carriers were completely destroyed, Sofitel's voice had already been transmitted through the intercom.And in the wilderness far away, ten armed off-road vehicles have also surrounded the past, surrounded the Soviet soldiers holding up AKM assault rifles one by one, and a few people went down to kill all the remaining 30 Soviet soldiers. Disarm.

But Liszt didn't have the slightest joy of victory, and slowly put down the binoculars in his hand, and he slowly exhaled in the machine gun bunker.Turning around, he looked at the Canadian prisoner who was staring blankly at him under the bunker, and the unshaven Soviet soldier, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but with some kind of deep sarcasm: "We won." He turned to the side After spitting, he said lightly to the person next to him, "Contact the headquarters in Anchorage and ask them to send someone over."

(End of this chapter)

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