Vault 32

Chapter 67 Anti-Tank Missile

Chapter 67 Anti-Tank Missile


Lying in the shooting position in the machine gun bunker, Sofitel looked into the distance through the high-magnification military binoculars. The green military uniform did not match the white, black and green appearance of Alaska. Hiding in the forest is also extremely abrupt, but it is this eye-catching green that makes Sofitel grit his teeth tightly, turning his head and saying to Liszt next to him: "That's right, this kind of skillful infantry-tank coordination tactic is also very powerful. Only the Soviets can use it!"

Liszt, who was also in the machine gun bunker, did not answer, picked up his high-magnification military binoculars, and looked at the three T72 main battle tanks, who were bending over and holding the AKM assault rifle, cautiously The figure walking towards them has a more dignified face.

The strength of the Soviet army is just like that in the 80s in the previous life. It was a period of strength against the United States Federation, and it was within the scope of the offensive.In fact, in the Soviet Army, whether it was armored vehicles such as tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and armored personnel carriers, or long-range firepower such as self-propelled artillery, mortars, rocket launchers, and missiles, or even the military capabilities of large army groups, The level of individual cooperation in joint operations is slightly higher than those of the US Federation's equipment and soldiers!
This is also the fact that Liszt's face is more serious.In the previous life "Fallout", China replaced by the Soviet Union, whether it is a powerful nuclear-powered tank or a Gauss electromagnetic rifle for individual soldiers, is it not only a grade higher than the common standard weapons of the US Federation?If it wasn't for the successful development of power armor, I'm afraid the United States Federation would be wiped out by the torrent of steel.

The formation of the Soviets was still moving forward. Three T72 main battle tanks were finished, like the sharp ends of a screwdriver, moving slowly and evenly towards the forest, but these were not the only armored vehicles.Just a dozen meters behind, five BTR-60 armored transport vehicles also followed slowly, and among them were more than 40 Soviet soldiers in military uniforms, carefully concealing their bodies with AKM assault rifles.

"They didn't open fire..."

Sofitel clenched his teeth tightly, and the high-magnification military binoculars allowed him to clearly see the tension on the faces of the Soviet soldiers.But his heart was also beating slightly fast, and he couldn't help but slowly turned his head to look at Liszt, and slowed down his voice to calm himself down: "Shall we open fire?"

"Have you made contact with Anchorage?"

But Liszt did not directly answer his question. The high-magnification military telescope also allowed him to clearly see the Soviet soldiers in front of him, as well as the black muzzle of the T72 main battle tank.This 125mm caliber smoothbore gun was already pointing towards the forest, and the military binoculars in Liszt's hand could even see the black muzzle, which was already aimed at the machine gun bunker here.

Fortunately, this machine gun bunker is entirely constructed of high-standard reinforced concrete.If it was built according to Soviet standards, a layer of two-centimeter steel plates may have been inserted into the concrete layer on the front and above of the bunker.And such a strict and high-quality design still has a good effect on the frontal defense of tank guns.

But Liszt did not dare to put his troops in this machine gun bunker. Although the M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle is an excellent armored vehicle, compared with the BTR that followed the T72 main battle tank The -60 armored personnel carrier is many times more advanced, but in the face of the three real main battle tanks, it seems a bit powerless.

Although the M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle has a BGM-71 "Tow" anti-tank missile launcher and seven anti-tank missiles in its standard equipment, Liszt never thought of it. Within the range of less than [-] kilometers from the strange line of defense, Soviet armored troops appeared majestically in front of them!

"Is this in your back garden?"

There was a certain expression in Liszt's eyes. He turned his head to look at the scouts with extremely dignified faces beside him, but he couldn't help showing a mocking expression on his face.Those politicians abandoned the Bering Strait, but now they need to use their lives to pile up the Anchorage defense line. This is simply the most hearty joke.

The arrogance of the Soviets has been clearly seen in front of them, and there is even a kind of disdain for the American Federation.The three T72 main battle tanks were still moving forward slowly, ten BTR-60 armored personnel carriers were also slowly following behind, and the more than 40 Soviet soldiers armed with AKM assault rifles and wearing green mountain camouflage uniforms, It has also gradually approached.

"Who will endure the arrogant presumptuousness of the enemy in front of him? No one will tolerate it except the soft-bodied!"

Slowly speaking, Liszt's voice sounded in the bunker. The faces of the surrounding scouts were solemn, and Liszt had already made plans.In this world, first of all, he is a soldier. Although he has no feelings for the motherland of the so-called American Federation, as a professional soldier, he is provoked by the enemy country on the land he is guarding.

This is already a kind of disregard. The range of 2000 meters has already reached the distance of tank guns, but the group of Soviets still drove towards them.It was as if the approaching threats and the naked oppression made Liszt's heart seem to be covered by someone.This is not fear, but a kind of anger that arises from being despised and disdainful!
Liszt slowly put down the military binoculars in his hand, but his hands had already lightly touched the walkie-talkie.His voice was calm and clear, allowing the simple order to reach anyone's ears, but the order had already sounded heavily in everyone's heart.Like a nuclear explosion, Liszt's voice appeared: "Fire!"

"Boom bang bang bang bang-"

The BGM-2 "TOU" anti-tank missiles on the six M71 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles have rushed out of the launch pads, and the slender anti-tank missiles flew into the sky with hot flames on their tails. .But even though the track was crooked, the warhead, which was fully loaded and could even explode the armor, followed the crooked track and flew towards the top armor of the three T72 main battle tanks!
The distance of 2000 meters is only a few seconds for the BGM-71 "Tao" anti-tank missile.And in just a few seconds, the 25mm machine gun has already ejected lethal armor-piercing bullets, with some kind of air-splitting scream, easily tearing the thin layer of the BTR-60 armored personnel carrier. The thin armor opened a hole like a trumpet flower, and then beat the unlucky Soviet ghosts in this straight line until half of their bodies turned into blood foam in an instant!
And the 12.7mm heavy machine guns have also fired, and ten armed off-road vehicles have also aimed at the Soviet armored forces at a distance of about 2000 meters, launching violent long and short bursts.The same steel-core armor-piercing projectile made white marks on the armor of the T72 main battle tank, but did not cause the slightest damage, but the ricochets caused caused heavy casualties to the bent infantry around them!
Almost in just three seconds, the anti-tank missile went to the sky to find its target, the 25mm machine gun fired precisely, and the 12.7mm heavy machine gun fired long and short bursts, almost killing the infantry and the armored personnel carrier except for the T72 main battle tank, It was so suppressed that I couldn't even raise my head.All the Soviet soldiers were lying on the ground, and two of the six armored personnel carriers were lying there with billowing smoke. It seemed that the entire body of the vehicle had been swallowed by the flames, and it was impossible to continue. opened.

"Boom--" "Boom--" "Boom--"

But three thunderous sounds appeared in everyone's ears, and even Liszt in the machine gun bunker subconsciously held his breath.But there was a loud noise, and the explosion of some kind of ammunition sounded one after another. Just outside the machine gun bunker where they were, three M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles directly in front of them had already Bloomed into a piece of fireworks.

A large number of small and broken parts have been flying into the sky, and the raging fire has also lifted the turret of the infantry fighting vehicle. The three brand new and intact infantry fighting vehicles have become scrap metal in an instant.The armor of the infantry fighting vehicle is not as good as that of the main battle tank. It was almost hit by a 125mm smoothbore gun and armor-piercing projectile, and the three infantry fighting vehicles were completely destroyed.

As three M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles were blown into scrap iron, the T72 main battle tank continued to drive slowly towards this side in the smoke.With the rotation of the turret, the long and thick gun barrel relocated to the target, and three more M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles were locked by the fire control system.The main battle tank is not only the advantage of the armor, but the powerful firepower combined with the excellent fire control system has turned it into a real land battle king!


However, several rapid phantoms appeared above the turrets of the three T72 main battle tanks, and BGM-71 "Tao" anti-tank missiles had ruthlessly pierced the outer armor of the tanks. The distorted sound of rising flames and some kind of steel friction, followed by a stronger explosion in the turret of a T72 main battle tank. Accompanied by the burst of flames, it deafeningly shook the several-ton turret The whole thing flew out.

The BGM-71 "Tao" anti-tank missile is the nemesis of the main battle tank, let alone the most vulnerable top armor of the main battle tank? !The other two main battle tanks also seemed to have been severely damaged. The tracks moved forward slowly for a few meters, and then stopped, and they just stopped in the wilderness at the edge of the forest!
(End of this chapter)

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