Vault 32

Chapter 56 The World

Chapter 56 The World
The Earth in the previous life, the pre-war world of the "Radiation" series in the previous life, and the current pre-war world in the wasteland after traveling, although there is a connection in a certain sense because of Liszt, they are different in essence.Especially when Liszt calmed down, the comparison of these three worlds in his mind could instantly judge the difference in certain details because of his personal experience.And these differences in details are the deepest trenches that distinguish the three worlds!

In his previous life on Earth, Liszt's real first world, he had lived in that republic called China for nearly 30 years.And because of his excellent ability, he was promoted to be the company commander of a certain unit. Although he had never participated in a real war, at most he had only won a few medals for outstanding pacesetters and collective meritorious service in several major exercises, but now he can clearly understand Remember carefully, every bit of that world.After all, it was the place where he was born and raised. There are his friends, family, relatives, comrades-in-arms, his honor, and the country he fought for.

In the previous life, the earth was dominated by the five permanent member countries. Although the level of armaments was uneven, most of the weapons did not have much difference in generation and difference. The armaments of almost every country were very similar.Moreover, gunpowder weapons occupy the mainstream, while energy weapons have not made any actual progress. However, beyond visual range combat, long-range firepower delivery, and super air superiority have almost reached their peak.The greatest deterrent, the fissionable nuclear warhead of an intercontinental missile, is also an important factor that scares all countries.

Even in this basically similar world now, whether it is individual weapons, military vehicles, armored vehicles, or military equipment, there is almost no difference from the previous life, but compared to the frightening long-range firepower strikes and beyond-the-horizon combat in the previous life , strong air supremacy, etc., but it is not as good.And this shortcoming made Liszt think of it, and he felt that it seemed to be some kind of level gap between the late 20s and early 70s on Earth in his previous life!

The conventional strength of the United States Federation in this world cannot even compare to the United States Army during the Gulf War in the previous life on Earth.Although the M4A1 assault rifle, M1 "Abrams" main battle tank, M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle, etc. are still the same, the war system, strategic principles, and fire strikes are almost the same as in the early Cold War, and they still remain The combat idea is to use certain World War II armored clusters to hedge against each other and find the right time to carry out large-scale insertions.Even on the Mexican battlefield at that time, Lister improved the existing tactical system and successfully implemented it in his company, which also received excellent results, thus making his reputation spread not only among lower-level soldiers and officers. , It also officially entered the ears of high-level generals.

But when Lister is in the underground research institute, he will find out if he carefully studies the history and armaments of this world.Although this world is not like the "Fallout" series, it directly entered the technology of vacuum tube diodes after World War II. When computers gradually appeared in the 70s, it went hand in hand with vacuum tube technology. Even because of the depletion of oil resources, nuclear energy and Research on genetic technology gradually took over the mainstream in 2059, the 21st century, after the 50s.If you look at the air force in this world, you will find that the main fighter aircraft of the U.S. Federal Air Force are still F4 Phantom and F14 Tomcat. The latest F16 is the latest model fighter that has just been developed. Compared with previous generations, it is also a new type of fighter. It's just the most basic third-generation machine.

Especially the missile system. Although the current Soviet Union and the United States are the most secretive troops, according to some understanding, Lister has also discovered the technology of a missile carrying a nuclear warhead in this world, which is comparable to " The directional missile with vacuum tube technology in the Wasteland of Fallout is stronger. Compared with the intercontinental missile that can easily cross the continents in the previous life and can be split into dozens of real and false nuclear warheads, it is simply too childish!

But the use of nuclear energy in this world is more powerful because of energy scarcity.The miniaturization of Fat Man's nuclear bomb is safer and more reassuring than in the previous life.Compared with the fat nuclear bombs in this radiation world, the similar mortar nuclear bombs on Earth in the previous life are even more ridiculous.Moreover, the genetic technology of this world, those death claws, have proved to be much superior to the genetic research that was restrained by moral condemnation in the previous life.Even the use of nuclear energy in this world, and the artificial intelligence robots developed with the help of more advanced vacuum tube technology, have gone further than previous lives.The pinnacle of robots researched by the American Federation just before the nuclear war, the Pioneer of Liberty buried in the cathedral, is enough for decades of previous earth research.

In the final analysis, each of the three worlds has its own similarities and differences.There are also fundamental differences in the world view. The world where Liszt lives now, after losing Asia and China, the overall world is still dominated by the Cold War.The communist lineup led by the Soviets and the capitalist lineup led by the American Federation are like two frightening behemoths, straddling Northern Europe and North America, deterring any third power that dares to appear in front of them.

The European Union formed by many European countries, and the Allied Forces formed in the Middle East, are more of a buffer for the two major lines of the Cold War.Germany in the European Union colluded with the Soviet Union, and some countries in the Middle East also secretly repaired with the United States, and almost all of them were completely infiltrated by the Cold War camp.

Look at the war between the European Union and the Middle East countries that ended ten years ago because of the outbreak of oil resources and ended a month ago because of the depletion of oil resources. In fact, it is a common proxy war in the Cold War.It is also the United States Federation and the Soviet Union, in order to maintain their own strong strength, to these two second-tier international lineups that cannot even decide on their own positions, large-scale bloodletting and stimulation of the global market economy.

However, it is somewhat similar to the United Nations, which was dominated by the five permanent members in the previous life. A fragile and hypocritical peace still appears in this world.The powerful Iron Curtain of the Cold War continued due to the US Federation and the Soviet Union. The deterrence of nuclear weapons was far stronger and more dangerous than that of the previous Earth. The nuclear weapons produced by the confrontation between the two sides flooded the world, deterring any large-scale war that dared to appear.

But Liszt knew that the countdown to this false peace had begun. From the moment the Israeli capital was destroyed by the nuclear bomb of the Middle East coalition forces, the false peace also revealed the ferocity of war.The increasing scarcity of energy has brought this world, which uses oil as its main energy, into a strange situation, as if it is a Pandora's box that is about to be opened, and will eventually be opened by someone who is desperate, and will eventually spread to the entire earth!
In "Radiation", because of the complete disappearance of oil in 2077, the last force was activated in a situation that neither side knew.Nuclear war has broken out, countless mushroom clouds have risen on the surface of the earth, and the roar of demons has torn apart the hypocritical peace, but it has brought no victory to anyone, only death, destruction, massacre, extinction, the collapse of humanity, and the loss of morality. , the world is completely over.

And the world where Liszt is now is also advancing according to the route set in the previous life "Radiation".He, a little butterfly, can't set off huge waves, and he doesn't even dare to flicker his wings.He understands the United States of America in this world, and he also understands the dark face of scientific research institutions in this world. If he says anything about nuclear war or the future, what awaits him is not heroic treatment, but a series of events in the laboratory. Perverted experiment.

Just look at those shelters with dirty scientific research purposes, and you will know that the scientists in this world have become crazy and perverted to the point of contempt for humanity under the cold war that has lasted for more than a century.For an experiment, they can turn a large number of soldiers into violent and brainless mutants, and they can also conduct some anti-human, human-human experiments in order to test the tolerance of human beings.Some shelters even directly poisoned all the people in the shelters in order to experiment with the latest type of poisonous gas. These all show that the world has become insane during the long-term and continuous cold war, and is not bound by the slightest sense of morality.

"This is the world we live in now, and there are really some differences."

Sighing slowly, Liszt stood in front of a rising bonfire. The jumping flames brought warmth in the cold wind, and he couldn't help but close his eyes.However, the cold wind still blew around him, as if the wheels of the times wanted to crush him underneath. This made Liszt a little depressed. He slowly opened his eyes, but he smiled softly: " Who knows what this world can develop into?"

He clenched his fist lightly, but didn't say anything bold.I just squatted down in front of the bonfire and watched the jumping flames grow stronger under the guidance of the firewood, bringing more fiery warmth.He felt like he was this raging flame, constantly adding wood to resist the cold wind outside.Slowly pursing his lips into a smile, he said softly: "And I have the ability to add."

PS: This is the current world view, you can take a good look at it.Ahem, if there are any specific points, I will slowly reveal them in future chapters, but the book review section is too busy, so I’ll just write them out for everyone to take a look at.

(End of this chapter)

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