Vault 32

Chapter 55 Snow Scenery

Chapter 55 Snow Scenery
Summer has gradually passed, and Alaska in September has entered autumn.The refreshing air seems to penetrate the soul, exuding its own unique charm in the whiteness of the distant mountains.The cold current from the Arctic Ocean and Siberia has gradually shrouded here, and Alaska, which belongs to the frigid zone, has already looked a bit winter. Compared with the temperate zone of the United States, it can be said that it has entered winter.

Lister walked to the top of a hill. Behind him, more than 50 U.S. federal army soldiers wearing white camouflage combat uniforms were slowly dispersing in formation and walking up the hill with M4A1 assault rifles. Come.Each of them had an extremely cautious expression on their faces, scanning the surrounding dense bushes and the complex forest environment, all of them were quite vigilant.No one knows if there will be Soviets here. The embarrassing thing is that they are in their own country, but they don't know anything now.

But when they saw the huge birch trees forming a luxuriant forest in the distance on the other side of the hill, standing tall and straight in the white snow, they couldn't help but look a few more times, as if they were intoxicated by the nature Among the uncanny workmanship.They are all young men living in the United States, and they only see some ordinary winter scenery on weekdays.

And the snowfields and glaciers like Alaska, as well as the scenery of snow-capped mountains, are as fascinating as coming to another country.But in fact, this seems to be the case. In Alaska, except for Anchorage and the coast, almost all other areas have become under the control of the Soviets.

Slowly exhale, the gas coming out of the warm mouth turns into fine ice slags along with the clear air temperature outside.Liszt subconsciously reached out to fish, but found nothing.Wrapping his body in the camouflage combat uniform with cold protection function, he left the Anchorage defense line. He led the quick response platoon and appeared in the snowy field of Alaska. The area that has lost control is still a little confused.

"All the originally divided war zones were abandoned, and the Alaska defense line was shrunk to Anchorage. If such a genius idea was not proposed by Soviet spies, I would not believe it either."

Stretching slowly, Liszt looked up at the azure blue sky in the sky, the deep blue as vast as the universe, which made him a little relaxed and happy.Slowly shaking his head to get rid of the troubles in his mind, he opened his eyes to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of him, losing the densely populated city and the industrial pollution in the suburbs, this Alaska, where nature occupies the main position, is as beautiful as in a fairy tale Only the ice and snow kingdom.

"This place is really beautiful. Before coming here, General Buner had said something to me."

Sofitel came up behind the hill, stood a little behind Liszt, looked at the vast snowfield in front of him, birch forests and shrubs, mixed with rolling mountains in the distance, forming a painting like the artist's hand. Oil painting also has some emotions.However, he took a deep breath, shrugged helplessly at Liszt and said, "As you know, General Bunar's resentment towards Alaska is really great."

As a supreme commander, anyone who faces the land he was once in charge of being abandoned and occupied by other countries will never feel good in his heart.This can be seen from the conversation between Liszt and Buhner in the bunker that night, and Liszt also knows that Buhner, an old man who looks a bit dry, still has the blood of young people burning in his heart.At least as a patriotic general, outsiders cannot really understand the inner depression when the country is invaded.

"General Bunar..."

While muttering slowly, Liszt only sighed slightly.He took the initiative to change the subject, turned his head to see that the soldiers behind him had basically finished scouting the hill, and were setting up tents for camping with the help of six infantry fighting vehicles and armed off-road vehicles.They have decided to spend the night under this sheltered hill. Facing the sharp drop in temperature in Alaska at night, the most important thing is to set up the camp in time.

And they are also planning to use the back of the hill as a temporary outpost.After all, this hill, which is fifteen kilometers away from the Anchorage line of defense, is still within the control of the US Federation. Even if they encounter Soviets, there will not be many.After all, the current Soviet Union and the United States have maintained good restraint in Alaska. According to international practice, there will never be a large-scale military conflict within [-] kilometers, otherwise it will be the fuse of the war!
Thirty kilometers is not long, and it is not short. For the current war situation, it may only be the distance for an armored group to advance.But this distance is also the extreme limit of artillery coverage. If the two sides did not break out in a frontal conflict, or the two sides completely tore up the superficial hypocritical peace, then the 2059 kilometers would be nothing.But even now, when this false peace still exists in mid-September 9, these thirty kilometers are still a mutual deterrent.

An infantry squad quickly walked up the hill, greeted Liszt and Sofitel, and spread out according to the terrain.Three M249 light machine guns were erected at three slightly higher places on the hill. With the quick swing of the engineer shovel, the soil layer that had not been completely frozen was dug up, forming a temporary shelter after a brief rest. Shooting positions.Two layers of deerskin blankets on the ground, plus a layer of self-heating blankets, are enough for the team to avoid the cold wind when they are stationed on the hill at night.

These are the supplies issued by the military logistics of the Anchorage defense line after arriving in Alaska.The bitter cold of Alaska has been revealed on a September night, and no one can go out into the wild without being prepared, because there will be no result except stupid death.And Liszt also wrapped himself up in the winter clothes, and told Sofitel next to him: "Arrange patrol personnel, and come to the hill every once in a while to ask if there is any abnormality."

"Understood." Sophie nodded. Although he used to be the commander of Company E, he finally accompanied Bunar to Anchorage because of Bunar's promotion and some secrets that he had never said. defense, and became Liszt's current deputy.However, he was not jealous. Liszt's reputation had already spread throughout the military circles in Mexico, and the heroic actions in the underground research institute that night reflected Liszt's bravery and fearlessness, as well as his Excellent command ability.

"I'll leave it to you here. I'll go down and see how the temporary camp is going."

Liszt still has considerable trust in Sofitel, his deputy.In the underground research institute, Sofit also showed his excellent commanding ability, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to ask Sofit to be his deputy.Leaving the Anchorage defense line for reconnaissance is a very dangerous task, and it will be even more dangerous if there is no assistant who is worthy of trust and affirmation.At least he knew that Sofitel was the kind of deputy who was trustworthy and affirmative.

Walking down the hill, Liszt couldn't help but nodded as he saw the soldiers quickly setting up the temporary camp.The soldiers he led this time were all drawn from the active-duty army, and everyone was an excellent soldier among them. In the dangerous and unfamiliar Alaska, these experienced and excellent soldiers were undoubtedly the biggest reliance to complete the mission.

Six infantry fighting vehicles and ten military off-road vehicles with heavy machine gun turrets together formed the outermost perimeter of the camp.Strips of seemingly thin but cold-proof military tents have been set up in the hands of the soldiers. There are inconspicuous green patches on the white mixed patterns, which look like rocks or bushes in the snow from a distance.These are camouflage colors. Even the shells of infantry fighting vehicles and off-road vehicles have already been painted with a layer of white and light green patches.

This is a snow camouflage suit specially developed by the U.S. Federation for the Anchorage garrison, and it looks quite effective.In the large white camouflage camouflage, there is a little green dotted in it. The white and green spots are quite conspicuous at close range. If you look at them from a distance, they seem to blend into this snowfield.

But Liszt looked at the tiny green spots on his hands, and this kind of camouflage with spots as the main body made him shake his head.This is an obvious difference between the Fallout world and the previous world, because in the previous world, the combat uniforms of mainstream countries have already eliminated the plaque camouflage, and all of them were replaced with digital camouflage camouflage combat uniforms in the 80s.

"Although they look a bit the same, it's not exactly the same..."

Liszt raised his wrist, saw that there was still time left on the screen, and retracted his hand into the warm cuff again.But looking at the tall and straight birch trees around him, he didn't know why he suddenly made a comparison between the current world, the real world in his previous life, and the real radiation world in the game.Even though he had thought about it countless times before going to bed, after thinking about it carefully, he still found that there were almost quite a few differences!

PS: Let’s make an update today. A friend will come back from Sichuan tomorrow. I need to pick up the plane and go to bed early... But don’t worry everyone, I’m fine this week, I’ll add more updates!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I KNOW…

(End of this chapter)

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