Infinite skill system

Chapter 8 Hey, are you the police, there are...

Chapter 8 Hey, are you the police, there are...


"What's your expression like?"

Du Ze saw the surprised expression on Anna's face, and then he suddenly thought that there might be something behind him, so he turned around quickly.

But it was too late, Du Ze's head was grabbed by Lin Yu who appeared behind him, and his mouth was covered.

"Don't move, or watch your head."

Du Ze didn't dare to move, for fear that Lin Yu would suddenly twist his head.

Looking at Anna who was frightened by the fact that he had lifted his invisibility, Lin Yu stretched out his index finger and made a gesture of silence



Anna nodded and covered her mouth.

Lin Yu smiled, and then asked Anna to turn her back. The next scene is not suitable for children to watch.

Looking at Anna who turned her back, Lin Yu said again, "block your ears."

After saying that, Lin Yu dragged Du Ze into the room. Du Ze, who had probably guessed how he would be treated, couldn't help but start to struggle. He picked up the pistol and planned to shoot Lin Yu behind him, but Lin Yu used his hand to After snatching Du Ze's pistol, Du Ze has no power to resist.

Lin Yu pulled Du Ze to a corner, pointed his head at a wall, then exerted force with his hands, the magic power in his body surged towards his hands, and then, regardless of his struggle and shouts, he smashed his head towards the wall ,Then……


Lin Yu took out some collected mineral water from his inventory, then opened the bottle and rinsed his hands. Seeing the dirt on his hands being washed away by the water, Lin Yu felt that he was in a much better mood.

Although he stayed in the forest for 30 days and was almost used to this world full of zombies, Lin Yu still felt a little sick to his stomach, even though it was all caused by himself.

"is everything okay?"

Anna's voice came from the door. Lin Yu thought for a while and thought it would be better to go out and see this little guy.

"Yeah, everything's fine."

Probably because she had lived in the apocalypse for a long time, Anna was very obedient and did not ask how Du Ze was doing, nor did she raise any curiosity about how Du Ze was doing now. She probably already guessed what happened to Du Ze.

Anna blinked her big eyes, and then asked Lin Yu, "Do you have water?"

Lin Yu thought Anna was thirsty, so he took out some remaining mineral water and handed it to Anna.

But Anna didn't drink it herself, but unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and said, "Hold out your hand."

Lin Yu stretched out his hands without knowing why, and then Anna began to wash his hands for Lin Yu, washing them very carefully.

Looking at Anna, who is so well-behaved that it makes people feel distressed, Lin Yu feels that something in his heart has been touched, and he is thinking about how to deal with Anna now.

Now that he has killed the head of the base, if Anna is left alone, Lin Yu is sure that Anna will not survive today. He still doesn't know that someone in the base is preparing to overthrow Du Ze's rule.

If Lin Yu knew, then he would not hesitate, but killed Du Ze and left after completing the task, but now Lin Yu began to hesitate.

"All right."

Just when Lin Yu was still thinking, Anna had washed his hands for Lin Yu, and then said: "I can also wash clothes and cook, so..."


Lin Yu didn't react at first, but soon realized that Anna was asking him for asylum. After all, he saved Anna when Anna was at her most desperate, just like a prince in a fairy tale. Therefore, Anna inevitably became dependent on Lin Yu.

Lin Yuchang sighed, and then said: "let me tell you first, I don't know how to cook."

"I said I would."

Does Anna's expression look like she's saying you're a fool? Didn't I say I can cook?

"Let's go."


Lin Yu took Anna and left the base. If Lin Yu were an ordinary person, they might still attract the attention of others, but unfortunately Lin Yu was not, so Lin Yu took Anna and left the base quietly. , just as he came.

Not to mention the follow-up of Lin Yu taking Anna away, when Lin Yu killed Du Ze, the survivor base rebelled and a revolution took place.

Modu, that is, the black man who was anxiously looking for Anna, has actually been secretly contacting the survivors who are dissatisfied with Du Ze's oppression, and has been planning how to overthrow Du Ze's rule.

Originally, if Anna's accident had not happened, they would have started to rebel in three days. They had already planned it, but because Anna was arrested, Emma, ​​the white woman who was with Modu, was ready to take action. .

In addition, Lin Yu got involved by mistake, which caused Modu to leak out his information, so he was going to act first and catch them by surprise.

The plan went smoothly, and the settings made Mo Du feel a little too smooth.

"Modu, what are you thinking about?"

"I just think their reaction is a bit strange. Did they really notice our actions? It doesn't feel like it."

"That's not good enough. They were killed by us before they could react, and there weren't many casualties among the brothers. Isn't that good enough?"

Modu thought about it, so he stopped paying attention to the problem and joined the battle wholeheartedly.

"Mo Du, do we know where Anna is?"

Modu and Emma looked at each other, and then said together: "Lead the way."

"Let me tell you, if Du Ze wants to do those things, he will definitely go there, and I know the way."

This chatterer is a prisoner of Modu and the others, and he hopes to exchange his life with this news.

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and lead the way."

"I know, I know, but we agreed that you will let me go after you get there..."

Emma was not in the mood to listen to the captive talking nonsense, she only cared about Anna's situation now.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I don't mind punching a hole in your head."

As Emma spoke, she took out her pistol and aimed it at the captive's head.

"Calm down, calm down! Don't go off the rails, or you will have to recruit people again, if that's the case..."

"Emma, ​​this guy is right, the top priority is to find Anna."

Emma knew what they said was right, so she put away the pistol unwillingly, and said through gritted teeth, "Bi is talking nonsense."

"OK, OK."

After such an experience, the prisoner was now completely unwilling to talk nonsense. He was afraid that if this crazy woman really shot him, then he would really be finished.

Because there was no nonsense about the prisoners along the way, Modu and the others quickly came to Room 225.

"The door is open!"

Modu took the prisoner behind him, and then several people took out their pistols, loaded them, and bent to approach the room.

"Du Ze must have run away, right?"

"In that case, Anna!"

"Don't be impulsive, Emma! Something is wrong."

When I walked into Modu, I realized something was wrong. The door had been kicked open, and there was a body lying at the door.

"Who did this? The strength is really great."

"Could it be a mutant?"

"Come on, everyone knows that mutants are a joke. Have you seen any of those infected people become mutants?"

"Du Ze..."

Emma's sound scared everyone, and everyone started shouting where Du Ze was, but no one noticed Du Ze's figure.

"Emma, ​​what are you screaming about?"

"No, Emma didn't lie, you see."

Everyone followed Modu's fingers and found a body whose head was shot. According to their judgment, it should belong to Du Ze.

 New works, everyone, please collect and recommend a lot


(End of this chapter)

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