Infinite skill system

Chapter 7 Really Nothing

Chapter 7 Really Nothing
"Yo, Li, who is this person behind you? I haven't seen it before."

"Oh, this is a relative of mine who came here recently and said that he admires Boss Du Ze very much and wants to work under Boss."

"Well, it's a pretty good life working under Boss Du Ze. Do you still remember that Anna?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu, who was behind Li, raised his head. He has changed his clothes now, and he looks dirty, which meets the standard of a survivor.

Lin Yu held a sharp knife in his hand and pressed it against Li's waist. If Li dared to do anything else, Lin Yu can guarantee that he would definitely stab Li to death.

Lin Yu heard Li say the term Room 225, so he hijacked Li and asked him to lead the way.

"Of course I remember, what's wrong?"

There was cold sweat on the back of Li's neck, but his face was so serious that nothing could be seen.

I have to say that life and death crises are the ones that can best stimulate people's potential.

The man looked at it like a thief, and then said quietly: "Her aunt was sold by her husband."

"is it?"

Li's expression was very surprised, as if he didn't know about it at all. If Lin Yu didn't know that this person was also one of the five people, he would really be deceived by him.

"Can this be false? Let me tell you..."


Lin Yu coughed and passed the knife in his hand forward. He didn't want to listen to their gossip here.

Li felt the cold feeling getting closer and closer to his waist. He knew that Lin Yu couldn't wait any longer, so Li just chatted casually and took Lin Yu to room 225.

But the expression of the person who talked to Li just now was not very good. He looked at the red note in his hand. This is what they agreed at the beginning. If it is blue, it means that he is in danger, and if it is red, it means someone rebelled. up.

But he was knocked out as soon as he turned around, and the red note in his hand was picked up by the world, and the person who picked it up was the black man Lin Yu met first.

He looked at the red note, he knew what it meant, it meant someone rebelled.

"It seems that the plan has to be advanced."

Lin Yu didn't know what the black male's plan was, but he knew that his time was running out, 5 minutes had passed in 3 minutes, and there were 2 minutes left.

"You'd better take me to the 30 high attachment within 225 seconds, otherwise..."

Li Neng felt that a small hole had been opened on his lower back, which made him understand that if Lin Yu was not brought to room 30 within 225 seconds, he would really kill him directly. .

Li didn't dare to dawdle any longer, so he quickly quickened his pace, while Lin Yu was counting behind him.

"Thirty, 29, 28, 27...ten, nine, eight..."


Li wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He could feel Lin Yu's murderous intention growing, but he finally brought Lin Yu to his destination. In this way...


Lin Yu's killing intent did not decrease, he directly covered Li's mouth, and then stabbed Li's chest with a knife in his hand.

Li grew his eyes. He never thought that Lin Yu would never let him go from the beginning.

Lin Yu leaned into Li's ear and said, "I didn't expect that, I never planned to let you go from the very beginning."

Lin Yu's voice was very soft, but it fell into Li's ears like a bolt from the blue. Li struggled, but Lin Yu's physical fitness may not be the peak of human beings for the time being, but he has the dragon blood and the accumulation of rotting corpses. It's not something the survivors in a small base can contend with.

Li's struggle became smaller and smaller, and Lin Yu let him go after confirming that Li was dead.

He didn't feel too much emotion about killing a human life. After all, he killed many creatures in the past thirty days, including zombies with human appearance, although killing zombies would not increase the accumulation of rotting corpses. layers.

Lin Yu looked at the door, it was closed tightly, and there was nothing on it, but the number 225 could be vaguely seen, and Lin Yu knew it should be here.

Lin Yu looked around, there was no one around this room, probably Du Ze gave special orders, so Lin Yu didn't have to worry about the body being found, at least not for the time being.

Lin Yu turned on Dao Guang Spy, and slowly disappeared outside the door of Room 225, and then invoked the magic power in his body. These are some skills he discovered when he was in the forest. Temporarily increase your own strength and speed and more.

Then Lin Yu just raised his foot and kicked towards the door of room 225. Under Lin Yu's great strength, the door was kicked open.

Du Ze likes little girls very much, because he has a little daughter himself, but one day, his little daughter was bullied by a group of white scum, and even killed by them like a beast.

He remembered those people, they were a group of white supremacists, they thought that all races other than whites were inferior, and Du Ze happened to be a Chinese.

Du Ze used to call the police because it was useful, but the result was not as he thought. This is the country of America, and ghosts believe that everyone is equal here, so he simply joined the gang.

After joining the gang, he climbed up desperately, and finally climbed to a certain position. He found those people, and he began to take revenge.

There is a saying in Huaxia called a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

Although this is not strictly a Chinese proverb, how much do you want him to know as a Chinese?
Du Ze was wanted by his gang after taking revenge on the last bastard, because one of the people he took revenge on was the son of a consortium boss, but at the end of the road, the doomsday broke out and he escaped. robbery.
The outbreak of the doomsday made the darkness in his heart completely out of control, and he was ready to take revenge on all white people!
Du Ze looked at Anna's little eyes full of fear and despair, and his heart was filled with perverted joy.

"Yes, that's it, a little more, and I want you white bastards to be punished!"

At this moment, he had forgotten that it was Anna's parents who took him in, but even if he remembered, he wouldn't care.


Du Ze heard a loud noise, someone kicked the door open, Du Ze reacted extremely quickly, and quickly pulled out a pistol and put it on Anna's head.

Then Du Ze signaled Anna to go ahead, while he hid behind Anna, and then the two walked towards the door.

Anna walked out of the room tremblingly, but there was no one here, and no one could be seen.

"Hey, did you see anyone?"

Du Ze's tone was a little disturbed, it seemed that he would also be afraid.


 New works, everyone, please collect and recommend a lot


(End of this chapter)

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