Infinite skill system

Chapter 67 It's Time for You to Appear

Chapter 67 It's Time for You to Appear

"Okay, straight enough."

Xiao An said to the approaching white man: "You are from the Wolf family, right?"

"Yes, you can also call me Wolf."

Worf bowed to Xiao An. If it weren't for those black wolves killing, he still looked quite polite, even though werewolves couldn't be associated with the word "polite".

"Well then, Wolf, what is the purpose of your coming to China?"

"Well, is our purpose? You can guess."

Wolf turned around, searching for something inside the corpse.

"I don't want to guess what you terrorists are thinking."

"The Worf family are terrorists?"

Lin Yu doesn't quite understand whether the Worf family itself is a terrorist organization or what terrorist organization the Worf family has joined.

Xiao An said in a low voice: "I'll tell you later, this matter is a bit... hard to say."

"Yes, you'd better go back, how about this matter? Xiao An, head of the JS branch of Huaxia National Special Events Planning Bureau, right?"

"What did you do?!"

Beard woke up, looked at the miserable appearance of his subordinates, and couldn't help asking Worf angrily.

"Didn't you see it? Kill people."

"You bastard! They are my people! Is this how your Worf family treats those who work for you?!"

Worf ignored Mao Beard's roar and continued to search among the corpses, but he finally found him.

"Ha! Found it, you little thing."

Wolf found the kitten, held the fur of the nape of its neck, and observed it carefully in front of his eyes.

"What a beautiful little kitten. How do you put it in Chinese terms? You have been practicing Taoism for a few years, right?"

"It seems that you have some understanding of Chinese culture."

"It's a little bit, so I took this little guy away?"

Before Xiao An could speak, Mao Huzi spoke.

"Don't just leave like this!"

Mao Huzi held his breath, then his figure twisted for a while, and the air around his body also twisted, and then, Mao Huzi just disappeared.

"I know you, Deng, we have worked together many times, so I know you very well. You think that an accident, a catastrophe, and then you get a stronger body and this is called 'environmental fusion' ability, but you forgot where you are now..."

The four black wolves beside Worf surrounded Worf, and their blood-red eyes were fixed on the grass on the ground.

Beard didn't pay attention to what Worf said at all. He thought it was just boring words that disturbed him, so he slowly touched Worf's right side. At this time, Worf had no defense at all.

The black wolf didn't pay attention here, but Worf himself continued to stare ahead without noticing the beard at all.


Mao Beard yelled such words in his heart, but just when Mao Beard was about to kill Worf, Worf turned around suddenly.

Worf turned around, facing his empty right side, showing a ferocious smile.

"There's grass everywhere!"

He grabbed Mao Huzi, and on each of his fingers, a half-foot-long sharp claw grew out in a strange way.

Mao Huzi's reaction and speed were not slow either. He swept backwards with great agility, and after landing on the ground, he rolled and dodged.

But Worf is not alone here!

I saw that Mao Huzi was blocked by the black wolf during the rolling process, so he was unable to continue rolling.

The black wolf surrounded the beard, and Worf, his body was still changing, with thick black hair growing continuously, his body arched forward, and the fangs in his mouth stretched out.


A terrifying wolf howl.

Worf, unlike his men who turned into black wolves, remained half-man, half-wolf.The whole body is covered with thick black hair, the muscles are as solid as a rock, the arms are stretched like apes, and the sharp claws extend a full foot.

"We are very interested in this cat, but..." Worf said indifferently, "We also like your special genes."

"Okay, now, let's talk about the next business deal. We need [-] milliliters of your blood, and the price is not lower than the figure we had in the previous business."

Wolfe licked his lips with cold eyes.

Mao Beard was chilled. Of course he knew why Worf wanted his blood. Although it was unlikely, what if he found out his secret?
Do not sell, resolutely do not sell.

What's more, there is nothing to talk about between him and Worf...

"I think you'd better agree, otherwise..."

Worf didn't finish his sentence, but the bearded man certainly knew what Worf wanted to express, if he disagreed...

"We don't necessarily want you to live!"

"It seems that I have no choice?"

Beard put down his weapon, and Worf showed a relieved smile, even though his werewolf face looked extremely creepy.

"Then we should deal with the others, shall we?"

Wolf turned around and showed ferocious smiles at Lin Yu who hadn't left. Two of the black wolves looked at the beard to prevent him from escaping, and the remaining two were preparing to deal with Lin Yu with Wolf two people.

Xiao An ran behind Lin Yu and said to Lin Yu, "Come on, it's time for you to come on stage."

When he said this, Xiao An also pushed Lin Yu, but did not push.

"Hurry up! I don't want to die, I still have so many achievements to complete!"

Lin Yu rolled his eyes and walked out on his own initiative.

"Now it's up to me to shoot, right?"

"Yeah, go quickly, they are terrorists, you can kill them without any problem!"

Are you still a national civil servant?

Just when Lin Yu was still complaining about Xiao An in his heart, Wolff's black wolf had already rushed towards Lin Yu. The beast's attacks were nothing more than a few, pounced on the target, bit with claws and sharp teeth, and swept with its tail. Click on all three.

Maybe there will be more or less due to the physical characteristics of different beasts, but generally there will not be too much difference.

The black wolf pounces on Lin Yu, and the other black wolf is behind him.

As the saying goes, a lone wolf is aggressive, but a pack of wolves is hard to fight.

Once the wolves cooperate, even tigers will have to stay away, not to mention these black wolves, which are as strong as calves, are not ordinary wolves.

But Lin Yu was definitely not included in it. His physical fitness was due to the accumulation of virus dragons and 130 layers of carrion. The attack of this group of black wolves was indeed not enough.

Lin Yu first raised his foot to kick the black wolf who was still in mid-air away, then turned around with this force, landed on the right foot that had just stepped out, raised his left foot, and kicked the other black wolf away up.

Lin Yu withdrew his strength a little, because he didn't want to expose too much now, because he was not ready yet.

(End of this chapter)

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