Infinite skill system

Chapter 66 Dark Creatures

Chapter 66 Dark Creatures
Mao Huzi was originally a soldier and served in the foreign military.

Originally performed very well, but just two months ago, someone among them suddenly awakened their abilities.

And that person had some conflicts with him after awakening his abilities, and then he fell off the cliff due to some "accidents".

Fortunately, he didn't die.

Mao Huzi knew who was going to deal with him. A friend of his told him in advance that he wanted him to leave the army, but it was too late.

It is said that surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings, and Mao Beard is like this.

After falling off the cliff, he survived by luck and awakened his abilities.

Since then, his body has become stronger and faster, and he also has a special ability - 'environmental fusion'.

Once the special ability is used, he will completely blend into the environment, and even the smell will not escape.

He also gained some fame by relying on this ability.

And now, he just wanted to get this kitten in JS City because he knew about a mission of the Worf family.

So he connected with the Wolf family through some means, and now, the Wolf family is on the way.

He wants to get rid of Lin Yu and Xiao An as soon as possible. He doesn't want to leave a bad impression on the Wolf family. He also wants to take revenge.

Lin Yu felt a toothache when he looked at the beard who thought he hadn't shown any flaws.

He really wanted to just beat that beard who was jumping around by invisibility, but he couldn't.

"Lin Yu, after a while, you will punch according to my instructions, do you understand?"

Xiao An whispered to Lin Yu who was leaning on his back.


Mao Huzi slowly approached the position of Lin Yu and Lin Yu, while his subordinates have been watching their boss's performance. This is a rare opportunity.

"It's now! Lin Yu, fight!"

Xiao An pointed to a line of defense and gave instructions to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu didn't hesitate either, and just punched Mao Huzi in the chest.

Mao Huzi didn't react at all for a while, maybe because he felt that no one could break his invisibility.

Lin Yu's punch was powerful and heavy, knocking Mao Huzhi out of invisibility and flying behind him.

"I didn't expect you to be very strong."

Xiaoan looked at Lin Yu in surprise, Lin Yu said badly in his heart, and got carried away with complacency.

However, Xiao An didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he turned to the direction of the empty woods and said, "Come out, I know you've been watching for a long time."

Of course, Lin Yu knew that there were other people, about five of whom were hiding in the woods, and following Xiao An's words, they also came out.

But the situation of four of them is a bit strange. Lin Yu feels that the abilities in their bodies are very wild, not like the energy that human beings should have.

On the contrary, it is more like the energy of a beast, and the same is true for the fifth figure, but with more rational thinking.

While Lin Yu was still thinking, the strong man had a reaction.


This is the first time for them to see their boss defeated. In their hearts, their boss should not fail, so they only reacted now for a while.

"Brothers! Fire!"

Scarface held the cat in one hand, and took out a pistol with the other hand. Others also took out the guns that were carried behind their backs or in their pockets, and they gave Lin Yu a sudden pause.

"I come!"

With a look of excitement on his face, Xiao An raised his left hand to block in front of the two of them. She seemed to want to block the bullet with this arm.

Scarface can already see the figure of Lin Yu who died under the bullet, but the fact is always easy to be unexpected.

When the bullet flew in front of Xiao An, the watch on Xiao An's left arm lit up, and it actually formed a protective shield in front of Xiao An, blocking all the bullets.

"what is this?!"

Because the bullet hit the protective cover, Lin Yu had to ask Xiao An loudly.

Xiao An also responded loudly: "This is sent from above, and it is still in the experiment! It is a kind of protective cover, just like in a sci-fi movie!"

"I know! But is this something that technology can do now?!"

"It might have been difficult before, but now we have superhumans, so it's not difficult anymore, it just needs to be practiced!"

In this way, Lin Yu already understood that the role of supernatural beings is probably much higher than what he thought.

"Lin Yu, we're leaving!"


"Because the energy of this shield is somewhat insufficient!"

Lin Yu felt it with his own skills. Indeed, the energy in the watch on Xiao An's arm was dropping rapidly, and it was estimated that it would be completely exhausted soon.

Lin Yu was walking towards the outside of the hill behind Xiao An. He was not sure that he could withstand bullets now, even if he could, he would not show it in front of Xiao An.

However, things are always unexpected.

"Wait, did those people move?"

Of course, Lin Yu was talking about those people when he came to Xiao An, but he still asked knowingly, "Who are they?"

"Those people in the dark, they... seem to be all supernatural beings? How is this possible!"

Xiao An was a little surprised. After all, she knew that although the number of supernatural beings in this world increased, five supernatural beings could be taken out in an instant. This is simply a fantasy.

Didn't you see that a country like Huaxia usually only dispatched two supernatural beings?

I saw that the five people who came out were a little strange, and those Asian-faced subordinates also showed extremely strange changes.The body twisted for a while, turning into black wolves with scarlet eyes.

When Scarface looked at it, he also brought it into the attack range, and they shot while saying, 'Monster! '.

They are as strong as calves, and the bullets hit them, splashing blood.

But this didn't stop them, howling one by one, rushing towards the direction of Scarface and the others.

Although Mao Beard's subordinates were all murderous and desperate murderers, they had never been exposed to such a terrifying scene. After being attacked by a black wolf, they all screamed.

Especially the one with the scarred face, he was pale, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity when the others were thrown down, turn around and leave, but was thrown directly to the ground by a black wolf, whoooo bit his neck off in one bite.

But the white man in the lead didn't move at all, turned around and looked at Xiao An and the two of them.

As those so-called "supernatural beings" appeared and turned into black wolves, Xiao An suddenly realized.

"I just said why the name of the Worf family is familiar. It turns out to be a werewolf."

"Werewolf? Is this considered a supernatural power?"

"This is just a simple division. Now in China, basically all people with surreal abilities are called supernatural beings, but it is not ruled out that people with other names will appear in the future."


Xiao An glanced at Lin Yu and said, "A cultivator."

(End of this chapter)

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