dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 82 The end of the second round of dungeons

Chapter 82 The End of the Fourth Round of Instances

Seeing Han Zheng turning his head, Zhou Xing immediately retracted his previous weird expression, and put a smile on his face again: "Why, what are your plans?"

"It's nothing, let's go." Han Zheng watched him respond like this, thought about it quickly, and decided to temporarily suppress his doubts in his heart.

The two quickly returned to the main hall to reunite with Shi Yan Xiaogang.

"Everything is going well?" Seeing the two walking out, Shi Yan went up to him and asked.

"Not bad."

"I have harvested the dungeon character of Divination Granny's Palace, what's next?" Xiao Gang stood behind Shi Yan, seemed to have some thoughts, hesitated and continued:

"...Like other combatants in the dungeon, I think we can still..."

Before Xiao Gang could finish his sentence, Shi Yan, who was standing in front of him, suddenly turned around and gave him a hard look, Xiao Gang stopped talking immediately and stopped talking.

Shi Yan also understood Xiao Gang's thoughts. Everyone wanted to hug his thighs. After passing this village, there would be no more shops. If he hugged his thighs and pushed all the combatants in the dungeon, they could also pick up some heads and earn some benefits.

However, Shi Yan also understood that Han Zheng and Zhou Xing obviously did not intend to do what Xiao Gang said, and if they continued to force them, they would be a little unreasonable and messing around.

Han Zheng nodded at Shi Yan, and then the four of them quickly left the divination mother-in-law's palace.



During the next dungeon time, Han Zheng walked through all the movable areas, and carried out "robbery operations" towards every combatant he could find.

It was different from the first robbery before, in the following several "robbery", Han Zheng locked on the target, and before doing it, he used [Incomplete Transformation] to change his appearance, and then Show up to rob.

Although the transformation time limit is only 5 minutes, with the huge gap between him and other combatants in the middle dungeon, it is enough for him to solve all problems within 5 minutes.

Zhou Xing ridiculed and ridiculed Han Zheng's act of showing people a false appearance, but Han Zheng didn't care about it, and it would be no harm to be more cautious.

In the past few days, Team F has completely lost any pressure to survive. Survival tasks are no longer a problem. In addition, there is a bug like Han Zheng, so there is no need to worry about threats from other teams.

Shi Yan and Xiao Gang have been quite idle these few days, but there are too few people in the entire dungeon area, and Xiao Gang even complains from time to time——why they are not assigned to a densely populated town, why are they not assigned to a densely populated town? You can live a happy life like a [Carnival Dungeon] for a few days.

The time was like this—with Team F doing nothing, during Han Zheng’s repeated robberies, and while other teams continued to fight for the ranking—it came to the last day of the 10-day deadline for the dungeon.



In the desert, in a lonely small house.

Zhou Xing, Shi Yan, and Xiao Gang sat around a table, playing Dou Di Zhu with playing cards that were temporarily cut out of paper.

Han Zheng was nestled in a chair next to him, checking the dungeon ranking list.

Sure enough, as he expected, on the last day of the fight, most of the teams in the dungeon were wiped out. Now only the top eight teams are still alive, and the names of the remaining 12 teams have all turned gray. All died.

Han Zheng sighed softly, closed the ranking table, opened the equipment column and blood column at the same time, and checked his gains during this period of time again.

Although he already knew it in his heart, when he saw these harvests again, Han Zheng couldn't help being a little excited.

Equipment bar: [Sen Bean*35][Yajiro Bingwei’s Blade*2][Capsule Robot Arnold Lieutenant][Shrink Watch*2][Combat Power Detector][Wanguo Shocking Palm Martial Art Fragment][Dancing Kongshu Martial Art Fragment*2]【Earth Dragon Ball】

There are a total of 35 fairy beans, almost all of which can be eaten as food. Han Zheng even secretly wondered if he searched most of the fairy beans in the dungeon, which led to the high death rate in the end.

Of course, among the fighters robbed by Han Zheng, there were also some who couldn't produce fairy beans. For example, a fighter with a [shrink watch] tried to shrink himself and escape, but was easily captured by Han Zheng who had a detector. He couldn't hand over the celestial beans, so he had to pay the bill with this [shrunk watch].

Of course, there were also many people who refused to pay in the face of robbery, and even those who tried to resist. These people all lost their lives and were killed by Han Zheng mercilessly.

The three drops of blood, the barbarian, the monster Keelang, and the artificial man No. 8, burst out from these combatants who "give up their lives and money".

What surprised Han Zheng the most was that among the combatants he killed, one of them even exploded a [Dancing Kongshu Martial Skill Fragment].

In this way, two fragments of the Wukong technique have been assembled, and one more piece can be synthesized into the Wukong technique for cultivation.

Excess blood and equipment, after leaving the dungeon, can be taken to the trading hall to sell. You can also sell some of the more than 30 fairy beans, and earn more points for yourself to continue high-intensity and high-quality Practice.

Han Zheng thought about it, and at the same time closed the equipment bar. He looked at the time, and the time limit for the end of the dungeon was almost here.

Sure enough, not long after, when Zhou Xing held up his newly grabbed playing cards and looked at the two kings, three 2s, and four aces, and was complacent, the dungeon prompt sounded on time——

[End of this dungeon——]
[Number N2199 Combatant Survival Mission has been completed, you can exit the instance safely]
[Number N2199 fighters have accumulated 950 points in this copy, and they have been issued now]
[Number N2199 combatant successfully executes four rounds of dungeons, and the number of slots in the equipment column +1]
Blue light surged instantly, enveloping Han Zheng, Shi Yan, Xiao Gang, and Zhou Xing who was holding a spring card.

Han Zheng didn't want to stay longer in the white room. After saying goodbye to Shi Yan and Xiao Gang quickly, he winked at Zhou Xing, saying that he would immediately go to the service station to establish a contact network with him as agreed. .

After that, Han Zheng quickly teleported back to the living area.

He didn't rush back to the present world immediately, but entered the public area and went straight to the service station.

It is not difficult to establish a contact network between combatants. On the contact establishment page of the service station, just enter the number of the combatant you want to establish contact with.

Han Zheng entered Zhou Xing's number on the board, and then sent a request to establish contact.

The request was quickly responded to and the connection was successfully established.

In this way, he and Zhou Xing can exchange text messages anytime and anywhere in the living area, even if they return to the private living area, this kind of contact network can still be used.

[Brother Zheng, move so fast]——As soon as the network was established, Zhou Xing immediately sent a text message.

[I'm going back to the present world later, so I'll establish the connection in advance]
[Then I won't bother you any more, you can contact me anytime if you have anything to do in the future]
After closing the text message box, Han Zheng suddenly thought of Chen Chen, who he hadn't seen for a long time, and wondered how she was doing, and whether she was still running the dungeon.

Thinking about it now, why didn't I think of asking her for a Wei... number?

He shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and quickly returned to his private living area, and got back his financial subsidy during this period, and at the same time got a reminder that the financial subsidy was once again increased to 500 yuan per day.

With the money in hand, Han Zheng instantly teleported himself back to the present world.

Back in the rented house in the present world, Han Zheng looked around and found nothing unusual.

Walking out of the bedroom, Han Zheng immediately saw Sun Yuqian lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly.

He walked over and patted Sun Yuqian a few times, and Sun Yuqian who was sleeping soundly woke up suddenly, and sat up with a "huh".

When he saw clearly that the person standing in front of him was Han Zheng, Sun Yuqian suddenly became excited:
"Han Zheng, you're back. I figured it should be today. I was planning to wait for you here, but I fell asleep after sitting on the sofa for a while, haha..."

Han Zheng smiled and comforted the excited Sun Yuqian. The two sat down together and opened two bottles of beer. Han Zheng asked while drinking:
"Tai Chi, how is your practice in the training dungeon?"

"During this period of time, I practiced in the training dungeon for 50 days, which increased by 19 points. Now I have a combat power of 24, and there are still 20 days of training dungeons. After a day of rest, I will go in and continue to practice."

Han Zheng made a rough calculation, and Sun Yuqian's growth in combat power and practice was not much different from his own at the beginning.

I have already told Sun Yuqian all the various practice tips in the dungeon, and he is also a person who can endure hardships, so it should be so effective.

The two drank beer and chatted casually about other things. Sun Yuqian suggested that the two could claim to work together and help each other to deceive each other's family members. Han Zheng readily agreed.

"By the way, Tai Chi, you will give me your number later, and I will also send a request to the service station in the living area later. We will establish the following contact relationship, so that we can contact in the future."

Han Zheng paused and continued:

"I'll be in the living area later, so I can contact you. Let's make an appointment and meet in the living area. I have something for you."

Anyway, he currently has a lot of fairy beans in his hand, and Han Zheng is going to give some to Sun Yuqian. This life-saving elixir is indispensable in the dungeon.

"OK!" Sun Yuqian nodded happily, and said his number: "M5901, this is it."


Han Zheng's right hand, which was holding the beer bottle to his mouth, suddenly stopped.

Why is the number like this...

In fact, very early on, Han Zheng already felt that something was wrong, why his number was different from others.

Before the fourth round of the dungeon, all the combatants he killed started with the number L. It was not until the fourth round of the dungeon that he met a combatant with the number starting with K—the dark glasses that he killed male.

According to the alphabetical order, K is before L, and the man in sunglasses has high combat effectiveness, and he may have entered the dungeon a little earlier. According to this logical reasoning, it is not surprising that he has this number.

However, Zhou Xing, who performed the same dungeon round as himself, also had a serial number starting with L——L9850.

Then why does my own number start with N? After L, it should also be M.

And Sun Yuqian, who obviously started to enter the battlefield after he executed three rounds of dungeons, his numbers all start with M, and he entered the battlefield before him, and his numbers start with N! ?
Han Zheng recalled that when he and Zhou Xing exchanged numbers in the divination mother-in-law's palace, a strange expression appeared on Zhou Xing's face.

Could it be because of his own number?

Han Zheng was at a loss.

Is there something wrong here?
(End of this chapter)

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