Chapter 81
Fairy beans buy their lives?Reasonable price?Childhood without deceit?

Also - dear?

Zhou Xing's yelling behind him made Han Zheng, who was full of fearful intentions, immediately discouraged a lot.

He turned his head and glared at Zhou Xing, then said coldly to the two combatants who looked terrified and bewildered:

"Two celestial beans per person, hand them over, and I'll let you go."


This is what Zhou Xing said to Han Zheng. When he first heard it, Han Zheng thought it was a bit weird, but after thinking about it for a while, he immediately found that it was very promising.

At this time, his combat power far exceeds the current entire dungeon, and the survival mission is useless to him, that is to say, in the current dungeon, he can do anything unscrupulously.

Of course, the current situation is actually a rare and unconventional state. He doesn't need to think about all the scruples and cautions in the normal state of the dungeon at this moment, and with the ability to detect, he can rob everywhere with confidence.

In comparison, killing people only has a 30% drop rate. From this point of view, it is not as beneficial as robbery.

Not only can I search for some things, but also satisfy Zhou Xing's suggestion of "don't kill too much".

Since their own equipment bar is full, consumable items such as [Xiandou] are the best choice. They are practical and necessary. If you rashly ask the other party what they have, it may be difficult to judge whether the other party's answer is true or false.

"What... what..." Shamat asked tremblingly.

"Don't listen to his nonsense!" The tall fat man yelled: "It's nothing more than trying to trick us into handing over things, and after handing over, he will kill us right away!"

Han Zheng knew that he would encounter such a problem, he sighed and shook his head.

In this case, more explanations will be counterproductive. Since the tall and fat man is so unbelieving, he should be killed directly.

He was about to make a move, but Sha Matt on the opposite side suddenly shouted: "I have it! I will give it!"

Afterwards, Shamate ignored the tall fat man's dissuasion, immediately took out two fairy beans, held them in the palm of his hand, and handed them to Han Zheng tremblingly.

Han Zheng took the two celestial beans, looked at Sha Matt who stared in front of him with wide-eyed anticipation, raised his chin, and said calmly, "Let's go."

Sha Matt was taken aback for a moment, then turned and ran away without turning his head.

The face of the tall fat man in front of him suddenly changed drastically. Han Zheng looked at him while putting the two immortal beans into the equipment bar.

In the blink of an eye, his teammates had already run out of sight. Finally, the tall fat man couldn't hold on anymore, and asked tremblingly, "If I really give it to you, will you really let me go?"

Han Zheng nodded impatiently.

"I...I only have one celestial it okay?"

Han Zheng frowned, it was a little difficult to judge the truth of his words, but it didn't matter, he had already fallen in love with another thing about this tall and fat man.

From the very beginning, Han Zheng noticed that the weapon held by the tall fat man was exactly the same [Yajiro Bingwei's Blade] as himself!
"Okay, add a fairy bean to the knife in your hand."

The tall and fat man's face suddenly became very weird. Obviously, he was very reluctant to part with this [Yajiro Bingbei's Blade], but at this moment, his life was at stake, and he couldn't care about so much, so he quickly made up his mind.

The tall fat man quickly took out a fairy bean and handed it to Han Zheng together with the knife in his hand.

Afterwards, Han Zheng once again watched the tall fat man flee all the way.

Han Zheng put away the knives and beans. At this time, in the grid of the equipment column, there are already [Xiandou*6][Yajiro Bingwei's Blade*2].

Zhou Xing, who was behind him, also walked over quickly.

"This kind of thing, you can take advantage of the loopholes to do it in the early stage. When the middle stage starts, more and more people will learn [breath mastery]. It's impossible."

Han Zheng nodded with a smile: "It seems that you are very knowledgeable."

Zhou Xing chuckled: "Actually, many masters in the high-end area have taken advantage of loopholes to do this kind of thing before, and even some who were robbed today will turn to rob others tomorrow when they become stronger. In order to become stronger, at least save their lives." Now, everyone is actually tacitly aware of it.”

Han Zheng nodded again, and suddenly asked half-seriously and half-jokingly: "By the way, should I share some of the spoils with you? After all, I was instructed by you."

Zhou Xing waved his hand, and there was some pretending in his voice: "Do you think I am someone who lacks such low-level resources?"

Damn, the second generation is hanging...

Han Zheng complained in his heart, turned around and walked back: "Go back and call Xiao Gang and Shi Yan. It's time for us to set off and go north."

"Continue to rob?"

"The robbery will be slowed down for the time being..." Han Zheng looked towards the north wind and said, "...go to divination Grandma's palace."



The divination mother-in-law's palace is located in a desert. At this time, there is a long line in front of the door, and many burly men are entering in order.

A flying car came from the south and fell quickly.

Han Zheng and a group of four got out of the car one after another. Looking at the scene in front of the door, Han Zheng was a little surprised.

The dungeon has been opened for almost two days, and the divination mother-in-law palace is still as usual. Could it be that no other combatants have been here during this time?

But it can be understood after thinking about it. After all, it is still in the initial stage of the dungeon. Their F team is too perverted. They killed more than ten people early, and the top eight positions are guaranteed, but the other teams are still in the fighting stage. Competing for ranking is their top priority.

"Hey! Go to the back and don't jump in line!"

"Looking for death!"

Han Zheng and his entourage walked towards the palace as if no one was watching, which caused the displeasure of several big men in the team and roared angrily.

Han Zheng, Zhou Xing, and Shi Yan didn't say a word, and they didn't pay attention at all. Xiao Gang, who was walking at the end, suddenly made a move, and instantly knocked those big men several meters away.

The other people in the queue suddenly fell silent, and obediently stepped aside.

Han Zheng and the others walked straight into the palace, walked through the long corridor, and came to the main hall. In the empty room, a small and old divination woman sat alone on the crystal ball, waiting quietly.

"Hehe, you're finally here... Eh? Who are you? How could it be possible that I couldn't predict your arrival?"

The arrival of Han Zheng and others obviously surprised the divination mother-in-law. Her body began to shake while sitting on the crystal ball, and her tone was full of disbelief.

The divination mother-in-law cannot predict the actions of the combatants. This is the setting of the dungeon. Han Zheng has seen this in his cousin's diary before.

Han Zheng didn't talk nonsense at the moment, he just raised his hand and shot Dong Dongbo.

The fortune-telling mother-in-law widened her eyes, and Dong Dongbo instantly penetrated her body.

[Number N2199 combatant kills the important dungeon character [Grandma Divination], and drops a drop of [Earthling Granny Divination's Blood], whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

After killing the fortune-telling mother-in-law with one blow and bursting out blood, Han Zheng quickly ran towards the palace again.

Several warriors under Granny Divination are still deep in the palace.

These are the goals of Han Zheng's visit this time.

Zhou Xing followed slowly, while Shi Yan and Xiao Gang stayed in the main hall. They also understood the truth. The dungeon characters in the entire fortune-telling mother-in-law's palace are now the prey of Han Zheng alone. There is no need for them to follow up to join in the fun .

Han Zheng rushed into the arena deep in the palace, raised his hand and instantly killed [Batman], and then used the detector to accurately find and kill [Transparent Man].

After that, he continued to go deeper, rushed into the "devil's toilet", and easily killed the [mummy] and [hell messenger] stationed there.

After this bloodbath, Han Zheng obtained [Batman's Blood], [Transparent Human's Blood], [Mummy's Blood] and [Hell Envoy's Blood] successively.

It can be said that this visit to the Divinating Granny's Palace has received a lot of goods. The only thing that makes Han Zheng dissatisfied is that he has not been able to find the No. 5 master of Divinating Granny's subordinates in the palace.

However, Han Zheng was also relieved, and stopped pressing if he couldn't find it, and turned around to leave here.

At this time, Zhou Xing, who had been slowly following behind, came over, looked at the corpses on the ground, and asked, "All succeeded?"

"That's right...there's nothing worthwhile here, so it can be withdrawn."

"Okay, that's right..." Zhou Xing suddenly changed his tone: "Basically, this time the dungeon has no pressure on us, and the rest is time-consuming. In the remaining few days, you can also think about it while robbing." My previous proposal, join me, we will join forces, and we will definitely achieve some dominance in this battlefield in the future."

It turned out that Zhou Xing was still trying to win him over. After becoming a Saiyan, Zhou Xing's attitude towards himself became more enthusiastic.

However, Han Zheng himself was a little tempted by his proposal and promise to Zhou Xing.

"Anyway, we have to go to the second-level area to establish a team. Let's exchange numbers now, and then go to the service station to establish a contact network, so that we can contact later." Think slowly.

Han Zheng nodded in agreement, and the two quickly exchanged numbers, and then walked out of the palace one after the other.

However, the moment Han Zheng turned around and walked out, he noticed Zhou Xing behind him from the corner of his eye, and for some reason, his brows frowned.

His expression suddenly became very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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