dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 79 The copy is the strongest! !

Chapter 79 The copy is the strongest! !

"Saiyans...opened the bloodline...just now...it turned out to be..."

The man in the sunglasses spoke in a disorganized manner, and raised his right hand pointing at Han Zheng, which also trembled a little.

Seeing that Han Zheng, who was easily beaten by him before, suddenly became agitated and killed his four teammates in a blink of an eye. The man in the sunglasses is not a novice who doesn't understand anything, so he immediately figured out the reason.

During the battle, a new high-level bloodline was suddenly activated, which greatly improved the combat effectiveness. The man in the sunglasses never imagined that he would encounter such an extreme situation.

Really won the big lottery.

Having mastered [Breath Sensing], he could clearly sense that Han Zheng's combat power was obviously much stronger than his, and he himself was not an opponent at all!

Must escape!

The man in the sunglasses didn't dare to fight, he ran with all his strength, used the [Dancing Kong Technique] to quickly fly up, and used his flying ability to escape immediately.

The moment after the man in the sunglasses jumped up, Han Zheng kicked his feet on the ground and jumped high like lightning.

He was much faster than the man in the sunglasses. Before his opponent could fly high, Han Zheng caught up and grabbed the man's ankle with his hand.


Han Zheng grabbed his ankle and slammed it hard on the ground. The man in sunglasses, who wanted to fly into the sky, was thrown down hard. He slammed into the soil obliquely like a falling stone from the sky, directly blasting a big hole.

Dust is flying!Han Zheng also fell back to the ground.

The man in the sunglasses jumped out of the big pit by breaking away the broken stones. There were some scars on his arms and face, and the sunglasses on his face were only left with two temples still clamped on his ears.

Fuck the bomb!
He flexed his five fingers, and another qi bomb sprang up from the palm of his hand, and under his control, it quickly attacked Han Zheng.

Han Zheng looked at the qi-bomb, he raised his right arm and raised his index finger without dodging!

His fingertip shot out a beam of light speed in an instant, and this hole wave met the attacking air manipulation bomb, smashing it to pieces in an instant.

And Han Zheng, taking advantage of the blink of an eye, speeded up and rushed to the man in the sunglasses.

He raised his fist and pounded it hard.

The punch was so fierce that the man in the sunglasses raised his hands to block it.


This punch caused severe pain in his arms, and he grinned.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zheng took advantage of the situation with another punch with his left hand, and slammed it hard on the face of the man without sunglasses!

The whole face of the man in sunglasses was deformed in an instant, his head was thrown backwards by a heavy blow, and then his whole body was also taken with him and flew upside down.

The man in the sunglasses who fell fell struggled to stand up covering his face. Seeing this, Han Zheng was about to continue to move forward when he suddenly noticed that the figure of the man in the sunglasses suddenly disappeared.

Afterimage fist! ?

The man in sunglasses appeared behind Han Zheng in an instant, but Han Zheng had already noticed a sign, and at the same time, the detector lens in front of him immediately issued an alarm.

Without turning his head, Han Zheng quickly bent over to avoid the sneak attack of the man in the sunglasses, and at the same time kicked behind him, hitting the opponent's abdomen, and the man in the sunglasses was hit hard again.


The man in the sunglasses who was knocked away was lying on the ground, spitting out a big mouthful of blood. The difference in strength was perfectly reflected in his injuries at the moment, and his eyes were full of fear.

He raised his hand in a panic and sent out an inaccurate little qigong wave, then hurriedly flew up again, desperately trying to escape.

Han Zheng ignored this outrageously small qigong wave, and raised his hand to send out another hole wave.

Dongdongbo shot straight into the sky and pierced through the thigh of the man in sunglasses.

The man in the sunglasses fell from the sky with a scream. At this moment, he was covered in cuts and bruises, and hurriedly wanted to take out a fairy bean to heal his wounds, but before he could do it, Han Zheng quickly rushed to him, and swung his knife again.

Accompanied by screams and the sound of bone cracking, the entire left shoulder bone of the man in sunglasses was smashed to pieces.

The man in the sunglasses subconsciously swung his right fist to fight back, but Han Zheng grabbed him, then grabbed his wrist like a sack, swung it high, and smashed it to the ground.

The consciousness of the man in the sunglasses had begun to blur, and Han Zheng stepped down again. This time, the man in the sunglasses couldn't even cry out, he was moaning and bleeding from his mouth and nose.

Han Zheng clenched his fists, gathered all his strength, and slammed down on the head of the man in sunglasses who had collapsed to the ground!
This team A strong man with a combat power of 203 and who was once unrivaled in the entire dungeon was killed with a single punch!

[Number N2199 combatant kills number K9936 combatant, and drops [Earth Dragon Ball], whether to pick it up]
Pick up!

Drop [Dragon Ball]!
Han Zheng was about to check on the spot, but several teammates were still seriously injured and lying not far away, so he had no choice but to suppress his excitement and hurried to his teammates.

Zhou Xing was lying on the ground at the moment, with blood flowing from his mouth. He had already taken out a fairy bean from the equipment bar. However, since both of his arms were broken, he was unable to eat the fairy bean in his hand.

Han Zheng came to his side, picked up the fairy bean in Zhou Xing's hand, and quickly stuffed it into his mouth.

Zhou Xing recovered from his injuries in an instant. He hurriedly stood up, looked at Han Zheng, and then at the corpse of the man in sunglasses not far away, with a somewhat complicated expression.

Afterwards, Han Zheng rushed to Shi Yan and Xiao Gang again. Shi Yan was the least injured of the two. Han Zheng helped him to sit up. I ate one.

And Xiao Gang was seriously injured, and seemed to be dying. The recovering Shi Yan quickly stuffed another one into his mouth, and finally brought Xiao Gang back to life.

"We...we...were saved?" Xiao Gang looked confused, he almost passed out before, and didn't notice what happened at all.

"Zheng Han, have you activated [Saiyan]?" Zhou Xing walked over and couldn't help asking.

Han Zheng nodded. With the situation at hand, there is nothing to hide.

"Sai... Saiyan?" Xiaogang was taken aback immediately, he hurriedly looked around, and soon found the dead man in sunglasses among the corpses on the ground, "... so you can directly The regiment wiped out Team A?"

Han Zheng continued to nod.

"After activating the [Saiyan] bloodline...then your current combat power...?" Shi Yan asked cautiously.


Xiao Gang and Shi Yan gasped again, 284!In the entire dungeon, it is absolutely invincible.

At this moment, the F team no longer needs to discuss the ranking issue. It can be said that even if they want to push the entire dungeon directly, there is no pressure.

"Zheng Han...unexpected...you are always unexpected..." Zhou Xing admired a few times and wanted to say something, but looked at Shi Yan and Xiao Gang next to him, and finally closed his mouth.

"Okay, let's stop chatting here..." Han Zheng looked up at the sky, the flying car from Team A was still hovering in the air at this moment, and he pointed to the flying car:
"Look at all of us covered in blood and dilapidated, find a place to rest quickly, and use the car left by Team A as a means of transportation."

The four jumped onto the flying car one after another. Feng Chen, who was the driver before, was no longer there. As teammates of the team, Xiao Gang and Shi Yan couldn't help but lament.

The driver had to be Xiaogang, who fiddled for a long time, finally started the car and left the area slowly.



On the speeding car, Han Zheng finally had some free time, and hurriedly clicked on the equipment bar to check his previous achievements.

After eating one fairy bean, I got another one, and the equipment bar is still [Sen Bean*3]

Look at others.

[Movement skill: Dancing Kongshu Martial Art Fragment]
[Attribute: Flying Skill Fragment]
[Collection Status: 1/3]
[Explanation: One piece of Wukongshu martial arts fragment, if you collect all 3 fragments, you can synthesize Wukongshu martial arts for learning, please work hard]
Flying skills!Han Zheng nodded secretly, this is exactly what he needs now.

My combat power has reached 284, but I can't fly yet. It's really a bit serious, and I must solve it as soon as possible.

Look again.

[Equipment props: Earth Dragon Ball]
[Attribute: wishing god-level props]
[Number of stars: ☆☆]
[Description: Collect seven Earth Dragon Balls with different star numbers, you can summon the Earth Dragon, and fulfill your wish, please work hard to collect it]
Dragon Ball!

The entire comic is named after this item, and at this moment, I finally got one of the seven.

Han Zheng was excited. He collected seven dragon balls and summoned the dragon to make a wish to revive his cousin. Now he finally took the first step.

Through the previous conversation with Chen Chen, Han Zheng learned that if he wanted to obtain Dragon Balls, he had to find a way to kill the gods or dragons in order to drop one.

And if you want to make a wish, you need to collect seven dragon balls with different numbers of stars.

When he first learned about this setting, he once exclaimed that the difficulty is really not ordinary. Even if he has the ability to kill the gods and dragons again and again, how can he ensure that the dragon balls dropped every time are all stars? The numbers are distinct rather than duplicated.

However, Chen Chen later told him that there was a hidden setting in the dungeon, which made it easier for those who collected dragon balls.

As long as you carry a dragon ball in the equipment bar, and then kill the gods or dragons, the dragon ball that falls out at that time will definitely not be the same as the one you carry in the equipment bar.

In other words, as long as you take this two-star dragon ball to kill Shenlong, you will definitely be able to burst out other dragon balls other than two-star.

Moreover, dragon balls can be stacked and stored like fairy beans. Even several dragon balls with different star numbers can be placed in one column, which saves equipment space.

It seems that if you want to collect all seven as soon as possible, you will have to bring [Dragon Ball] into the dungeon in the future.

Han Zheng thought for a while, closed the equipment bar, and opened his own status bar.

After opening [Saiyan], the lineage of [Earthman·Rabbit Army Boss] that was retained in the process of opening the lineage before is officially terminated at this moment

This bloodline that accompanied Han Zheng all the way to the fourth round of dungeons since the opening of the second round of dungeons, this bloodline with extremely practical and special abilities, is finally gone forever.

And now, it was the first time he checked his status after changing bloodlines.

PS: Let me talk about the settings here. When I read the comments just now, I saw that some book friends seemed to have misunderstood it. I have to explain here. There is no superimposed bloodline in the battlefield settings. Without Saiyans, rabbits are history.

I guess, there may be the idea that the bloodlines are superimposed, probably because I used the word [Earthman · Rabbit Army Boss] when I wrote the rabbit bloodlines. In fact, I wrote this because the rabbit army boss itself is He is an Earthling, but he has superpowers that ordinary Earthlings do not have, so in order to distinguish him, he is specially written as [Earthling · Rabbit Army Boss]. Army Boss] superimposed.

For another example, Jiaozi also has superpowers, so the lineage of Jiaozi should be listed separately as [Earthman·Jiaozi].

By the way, I will answer a question from a book friend—all characters with special abilities will be listed as bloodlines. In fact, the previous situation has already been mentioned. There have been rabbit bloodlines, Kiron bloodlines, and even great elder bloodlines. Those with unique superpowers in the original work are considered bloodlines.

Finally, I would like to thank all book friends for their support and suggestions, which really opened up my book writing ideas a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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