dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 78 I'm a Saiyan Too

Chapter 78 I'm a Saiyan Too


Seeing that Feng Chen was instantly killed with one blow, leaving only a blood-spitting headless corpse sitting in the driver's seat, Xiao Gang let out an angry roar, and punched him with [Eight Hands Fist].

However, he only saw the disdain at the corner of the sunglasses man's mouth, and a sudden phantom flash of his legs.

Immediately, Xiao Gang felt his chest was heavily stepped on, as if his chest cavity was going to be sunken and shattered, and he flew upside down heavily, spurting blood from his mouth.

The driver was killed in an instant, and the man in the sunglasses stood on the hood and made another move. The suspension car was twisted and twisted, and it was about to fall over.

The man in the sunglasses jumped up instantly, and kicked three times in the air towards Han Zheng, Shi Yan and Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing failed to escape the blow and was kicked away.

Shi Yan hastily raised his hand to defend himself. Just as he was protecting his head, his foot stepped on his arm. He hurriedly jumped back, finally losing some of his strength.

With a quick dodge, Han Zheng turned over and jumped off the suspension car, dodging the heavy kick.

The man in sunglasses hung in the sky and kicked the hover car aside.

"Yo, the two [Yajiro Bingbei's Blade]... really have a tacit understanding." The man in the sunglasses laughed and rushed towards Han Zhengzhi.

Han Zheng gritted his teeth, he must make it through this last bit of time!
He swung [Yajiro Bingbei's Blade], and quickly slashed at the man in the sunglasses, but the man in the sunglasses swayed, leaned forward, and punched Han Zheng in the abdomen.

Severe pain!
Han Zheng snorted, and hurriedly jumped back to distance himself.

A qigong wave shot from the side quickly, and it was Zhou Xing who was already injured.

The man in the sunglasses snorted coldly, waved his big hand, and smashed the hole wave with one punch!

At the same time, Shi Yan quickly ran to Xiao Gang's side. The previous kick almost killed Xiao Gang.

Shi Yan took out a fairy bean, stuffed it into Xiaogang's mouth, and then he put his palms together and made a big move at the man in sunglasses.

Turtle School Qigong Wave!

The man in the sunglasses snorted coldly, and quickly raised his palm, facing the thick qigong wave head-on.

With a "boom", Shi Yan's Kame-style Qigong, which had accumulated enough strength, was actually picked up by the boy with dark glasses.

"The mantis arm is the car!"

After breaking two qigongs in a row, the man in the sunglasses was extremely proud, and then he saw Zhou Xing rushing straight towards him, and the disdain in his eyes grew stronger.

He raised his foot and kicked Zhou Xing, who was pounced on him, and kicked him away. Then he dropped Zhou Xing and rushed towards Shi Yan and Xiao Gang.

Shi Yan and Xiao Gang hastily raised their hands to resist, but the man with dark glasses is much stronger than them, and with one-on-two, the two of them were unable to parry in an instant.

Han Zheng rushed to support, raised his hand and shot a qigong.

The man in the sunglasses was not in a hurry, he dodged the attack perfectly with a flash of his figure, and at the same time took advantage of the opportunity to punch Xiao Gang twice in the back.

Xiao Gang let out a miserable cry, and fell heavily. The punch once again seriously injured him, and he was lying on the ground struggling to get up.

Han Zheng rushed up quickly, raised his hand and shot another hole wave, then swung his knife and slashed.

On the other side, Zhou Xing, who was seriously injured, struggled to get up again, and continued to rush towards the man in sunglasses without saying a word.

The man in the sunglasses lowered his body and flashed. At the same time, he punched and kicked, and struck out quickly, hitting three people at the same time.

Zhou Xing flew out again, he was hit several times back and forth, his mouth and nose were already bleeding, and he was seriously injured.

Fortunately, he hid the celestial beans under his tongue halfway, so the blood didn't rush out.

The man in sunglasses stepped on his shoulder, accompanied by the sound of bone cracking, Zhou Xing was unable to move, and at the same time his consciousness quickly became blurred.

Dying state!
Zhou Xing exhausted his last strength and swallowed the fairy beans hidden in his mouth.

At the same time, the man in sunglasses raised his foot again, intending to take Zhou Xing's life with one kick.

Han Zheng understood that this was Zhou Xing's life-and-death moment, so he jumped at the man in the sunglasses, finally slowing down his movements.

The man in the sunglasses broke through Han Zheng's defense with two consecutive punches, and then kicked his ribs. Han Zheng grunted and backed away.

At the same time, Zhou Xing, who fell on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and the fairy beans he swallowed immediately took effect, and he was resurrected with full blood in an instant!

Zhou Xing jumped up suddenly, and at the same time swung out a punch heavily.

The man in the sunglasses instantly sensed a change in his armpits. With a kick of his feet, his whole body flew up instantly, and quickly dodged the heavy punch.

"You...you actually..." The man in the sunglasses looked at Zhou Xing with surprise on his face, not because Zhou Xing recovered from his serious injury, but because Zhou Xing could clearly sense that his strength had improved at the same time after he recovered. So he understood instantly.

"...So you are a Saiyan!"

Han Zheng fell to the side. Through the detector, he also saw Zhou Xing who had been revived from the near-death, and his combat effectiveness had improved significantly.

His original combat power was 115, but now it is 161.

It has increased by 40%, but this figure still cannot save the immediate deadlock.

"You're so lucky!" The man in sunglasses roared, "I didn't expect to meet a Saiyan! Be sure to give me [Saiyan Blood]!"

He roared, and an afterimage fist flashed to Zhou Xing's side, and he punched.

Zhou Xing raised his hand to resist, and he finally resisted this punch at this moment.

However, there was still a big gap between the two. The man in the sunglasses pressed Zhou Xing all the way and beat him wildly. At the same time, he was able to take the time to raise his hand and send out a qigong wave, which knocked Shi Yan, who was about to catch up with the support, and fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, in the sky, a speeding car drove over quickly.

The other four members of Team A finally arrived at this moment.

"Boss is showing off his might again below, should we go down and help?"

"Don't move around. Are you tired of fighting the boss for the head?"

"That's right, just go down and look around, the boss doesn't say anything, let's not go up and grab people's heads."

The four members of Team A stood aside one after another, as if they didn't pay attention to Han Zheng and others at all, as if they had already regarded them as fish on the anvil.

At this time, both Shi Yan and Xiao Gang were seriously injured and fell to the ground unable to move. Han Zheng raised his knife and prepared to rush up to support Zhou Xing again.

However, the man in the sunglasses suddenly raised his right hand, and a qigong ball instantly rose from his palm.

He stretched out two fingers and waved at Han Zheng, and the qigong bomb quickly hit Han Zheng.

It turned out to be [Fun Qi Bomb]!
Han Zheng flew to dodge in a hurry, and the man in the sunglasses chased and beat Han Zheng with the air bomb in one hand, while he continued to attack Zhou Xing violently with the other hand.

Han Zheng had already been injured countless times at this time, his movements slowed down, and he couldn't dodge in time, and the gas bullet brushed aside, and the side of his waist and abdomen was bloody and bloody, and he fell to the ground in one fell swoop.

He quickly took out a celestial bean, and then he was surprised to find that the gas bomb suddenly stopped attacking him, but changed its route and went straight to Zhou Xing.

At this moment, Zhou Xing was firmly suppressed by the man in sunglasses, so he could only barely protect himself, unable to observe the surrounding movements at all. The ball of air blasted directly on his back, and he let out a miserable cry, and fell to the ground all at once.

Gritting his teeth, he quickly grabbed another fairy bean and was about to put it in his mouth in a hurry.

However, this time, the man in the sunglasses didn't give him another chance. The man in the sunglasses stepped on Zhou Xing's wrist and crushed it hard. With the sound of "creaking", Zhou Xing's arm shattered instantly.

The man in sunglasses pulled out the fairy bean from his hand, ate it into his mouth comfortably, and then stepped on it again, breaking Zhou Xing's other arm.

"Saiyan! Haha, don't let me down!" The man in the sunglasses looked at Zhou Xing, who had been slaughtered by him, and burst out laughing triumphantly. He looked at Shi Yan, Xiao Gang, and Han Zheng who were lying on the ground around him, and suddenly He shouted at his teammates on the other side:

"The labor and management are happy today, those heads are given to you for free! Go kill them!"

"Thank you boss!"

"The boss is mighty!"

Several Team A members cheered, and immediately rushed towards Han Zheng and the other three.

At this time, Han Zheng ate the fairy bean in his hand, and at the same time quickly opened the [blood bar] to check the status.

Finally, only the last five seconds are left for the opening time of the [Saiyan] bloodline.

Han Zheng's eyes widened, and he finally dragged it to the last moment!
"Boss, I'm so lucky to be in the same team as you!" A bearded man walked towards Han Zheng who was lying on the ground, full of flattery.

[Number N2199 combatant has been opened: Saiyan blood]
[Open the advanced bloodline, according to the current combat power base of the number N2199 combatant, increase the combat power by 135 points at a time, and this time the combat power will be increased permanently]
[Combat power: 284]
284! !! !!

The combat power has nearly doubled!
Han Zheng just felt his whole body tremble, as if there was a huge force gushing out of his body, he stood up instantly.

"You..." The bearded man who came to him was shocked.

Just as he was about to say something, Han Zheng suddenly swung a knife in his hand. Before he could see anything clearly with his beard, the head had already flown several meters away.

One kill!

Before the rest of the people on the field had time to react to the sudden change, Han Zheng suddenly rushed forward.

After the combat power was greatly improved, the speed was so fast that it even surpassed Han Zheng's own imagination.

The face of the man in sunglasses who was about to kill Zhou Xing changed drastically. He couldn't care about anything else, and hurriedly jumped back with all his strength, hiding far away.

However, after Han Zheng's charge frightened the man in the sunglasses away, he stopped talking to him and went directly to Shi Yan and Xiao Gang.

The other three members of Team A stood here, preparing to kill the two who had fallen.

"Old..." One of them shouted hastily, but before the word "big" had time to utter, Han Zheng swept it out with his foot, like a knife through a piece of paper, and instantly cut the person in half by the waist.

Two kills!

Among the other two, a fat woman turned around and wanted to run away, but Han Zheng threw out a punch and smashed her head into pieces!

Three kills!

The last little man, taking advantage of the fact that two team members were killed one after another, quickly fled towards the man in the sunglasses.

Han Zheng raised his hand and pointed, and a hole wave was shot out quickly.

At this moment, his Dongdongbo is faster, stronger and more powerful than before!
The little man hadn't run far when he was pierced through the chest by the hole wave, and blood spurted from his chest, even splashing to the feet of the man in the sunglasses in front of him.

Four kills!

In just a split second, Han Zheng killed four members of Team A in a row.

Until now, the slow kill reminder has just arrived.

[N2199 combatant kills L5056 combatant without dropping any items]
[Number N2199 combatant kills serial number L6099 combatant, and drops [Xiandou], whether to pick it up]
[The combatant numbered N2199 kills the combatant numbered L5188 and drops a piece of [Dancing Kongshu Martial Art Fragment], whether to pick it up]
[N2199 combatant kills L7411 combatant without dropping any items]
Pick up!

Han Zheng didn't have time to take a closer look at the harvest, so he jumped straight up to the man in sunglasses whose expression changed drastically.

"You...you too...also..." The man in the sunglasses took several steps back, and the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose also slipped a little, revealing the frightened eyes behind the lenses.

"That's right... I'm a Saiyan too."

 Transformed, transformed, please collect, ask for recommendation tickets, all kinds of requests


(End of this chapter)

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