dragon ball battlefield

Chapter 76 Saiyan Blood 44

Chapter 76 Saiyan Blood 44
Is it picked up?

Is there even a need to ask?
Pick it up decisively!

A drop of [Saiyan Blood] instantly entered Han Zheng's [Possess Blood Bar].

What a surprise!
Originally expected to be able to burst out the opponent's [Somersault Cloud], but unexpectedly such a big prize was issued unexpectedly!

It was able to explode the blood held in the opponent's [blood column]!
In this way, his [Saiyan Blood] has gathered 4 drops!
The bloodline can be opened!

The excitement in Han Zheng's heart was uncontrollable, his breathing became rapid, and he immediately opened his [blood bar] to check.

At this time, Shi Yan, Zhou Xing and others also rushed to his side.

Seeing Han Zheng standing there alone, but the fat man had disappeared, everyone still had doubts for a moment.

However, they quickly noticed the two slices of carrots under Han Zheng's feet, and immediately understood everything.

"The action is pretty fast. In this way, the number of kills of our team is already 16. What should we do next? It's going well so far. Will you continue to act tonight?" Shi Yan patted Han Zheng's Shoulder.

At this time, Han Zheng's energy was basically focused on his [blood bar], and he didn't have time to pay attention to it. He waved his hand casually and signaled Shi Yan to wait for a while.

[Have blood: Saiyan blood 4/4, Super Saiyan blood synthetic fragments 2 pieces]
[Number N2199 combatant is satisfied to open the [Saiyan] bloodline, whether to open it now]
[Saiyan blood; required condition: Saiyan blood; required number 4/4]
"What, something good fell out?" Seeing Han Zheng's sudden silence after killing the combatant, Zhou Xing immediately guessed something.

Han Zheng shook his hand, but did not answer.

Choose to turn on now!
[Number N2199 combatant is opening: Saiyan blood]
[Number N2199 is opening the advanced bloodline, the time required to fully open the bloodline: 6 hours, during the opening process, the combatants will maintain the bloodline of the Earthling Rabbit Army boss]
It takes 6 hours to turn on!
I just saw him casually mentioning it from his cousin’s diary before. A certain degree of advanced blood is indeed the same as a skill, and it needs to be activated. It cannot be activated immediately like [Earth Man] or [Rabbit Army Boss].

But I didn't expect that it would take as long as 6 hours.

However, 6 hours is still worth waiting. Compared with the time it takes to collect these 4 drops of [Saiyan Blood], this opening time is not worth mentioning at all.

Han Zheng turned off the blood bar, raised his head and smiled at his teammates:

"Let's go here first tonight. It will be dawn in a while. Find a place to rest first, then have breakfast, and then make plans."

Shi Yan and the others nodded and agreed. Although they were also curious about whether Han Zheng had revealed something, they also knew how to measure each other. We were all temporary teammates, and what we could pick up during the battle was all a personal matter. , there is no need to ask rashly, so as not to arouse others' suspicion.

Only Zhou Xing, who didn't seem to care about these rules and regulations, asked softly next to Han Zheng: "What good thing really broke out?"

"Let's talk about it later, evacuate first..." Han Zheng smiled and fooled, and raised his finger to point in another direction: "There is an area over there, which is relatively safe. Let's go there to rest first."

Zhou Xing didn't ask any more questions, and several people jumped on the suspension car again and headed towards the direction designated by Han Zheng.

On the seat of the car, Han Zheng turned over the pedigree countdown watch from time to time, watching the time pass by second by second, feeling overwhelmed.

In a few more hours, I can become a Saiyan, and I can have a stronger ability to survive in this battlefield.

On the other hand, thinking about the enthusiasm and fantasies of the three words "Saiyan" when I was young, the emotions are extremely complicated...


two hours later.

The sky is dimly lit, deep in another jungle in the dungeon area.

Three male corpses were inserted and hung on the top of the tree branches, soaked in the puddles, and fell to the ground in disrepair.

Five men and women stood scattered around, their faces mostly full of complacency.

These five people are all members of Team A.

"Boss, this night's night raid was really successful..." the bearded driver smiled flatteringly and walked to the side of the man in sunglasses:

"Counting these three people, we have already killed five people during the second half of the night."

The man in sunglasses snorted with his eyelids downcast, and called up the ranking list, his expression a little gloomy.

"It's still second, and it's still behind Team F's ass."

The bearded man immediately turned his head to the side when he heard the words, pointed at a small man and said fiercely: "It's all you! An hour ago, when we ambush Team C, if you didn't complete the task according to the arrangement, the last team of Team C How could the two escape, if the two guys from Team C didn't escape and were killed by us together, they would definitely be the number one right now!"

The little man was very nervous, and shrank a little more, he lowered his head and didn't dare to answer.

"Boss, in fact, with our current results, the top eight is already very stable, so there is no need to care about the ranking so much."

"Team F—that's the team that escaped under my nose yesterday by playing tricks on me. I really underestimated them..." The man in the sunglasses raised his hand and raised his cheek Beard pushed aside:
"...At first I didn't plan to deal with them too deliberately, but now I changed my mind. These people are so unrestrained, and a total of 100 combatants have been released in this dungeon. After all, the prey is limited. He eats so fast and so quickly. If there are too many, there will be less I can eat in my mouth!"

"What does the boss mean...?"

"Uh... the sky is starting to light up..." The man in sunglasses looked up at the sky: "...take a rest first, you guys go to prepare breakfast right away, after dinner I'll catch up on sleep for a while, and then we'll go find Find this F team!"



Han Zheng was leaning under a big tree, resting in a half-asleep state.

I didn't sleep for a long time last night, and in addition to the night attack in the second half of the night, I was really tired in the morning.

Therefore, before eating, the five members of Team F took turns to rest for a while.

"Zheng Han, get up and eat."

Xiao Gang stood by the fire roasting food, turned his head and called out to Han Zheng under the big tree.

Han Zheng quickly opened his eyes, yawned, and walked towards Xiao Gang.

"The sun has risen so high..." Han Zheng came to the side of the fire, grabbed a piece of cooked meat, and started to eat.

"I was really tired after dawn, and we all took a long rest." Shi Yan said while eating:

"We've been staying in this area for too long. For the sake of safety, after dinner later, we'd better evacuate here."

Han Zheng nodded, and ate the meat in his hand in three mouthfuls, then grabbed another piece of cooked meat, and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

However, his hand holding the meat suddenly stopped by his mouth, and his expression changed suddenly.

"What, is there something wrong?" Shi Yan immediately saw the clue and asked hastily.

Han Zheng pointed to the detector on the ear: "There are two energy bodies, which are heading towards this area."

He swallowed the piece of meat in his hand, and then added: "The combat power is 155 and 117."

Shi Yan, Zhou Xing and the others also stopped eating immediately.

Although there were only two of them, their fighting power was not low, especially one of them was slightly higher than Han Zheng with a fighting power of 155.

"Judging from the route of travel, it shouldn't be directed at us. Maybe it just wants to find a safe foothold in this area."

"Then... ambush?" Shi Yan asked.

"Okay, as long as you're well prepared, it's not particularly difficult to deal with." Han Zheng thought for a while and agreed to the proposal.

He estimated the time according to the speed of the target, and the few people quickly ate the remaining food, then immediately entered a fighting state and began to lay out an ambush.

A few minutes later, the two combatants officially entered the F team's ambush range.

[Attention, the target is a man and a woman, the man's combat power is 155, and the woman's is 117. Both of them have blood stains on their bodies. They may have experienced battles before and suffered some injuries. ]
Han Zheng, who turned into a bug, crouched on the tree and watched the two combatants driving past under the tree, and immediately sent a message on the group frequency.

[Got it, do it now? ] - Shi Yan.

[Countdown for three seconds, then attack! ] - Han Zheng

three two----!
Turtle School Qigong!

Shi Yan, who was lying in ambush on another tree, regained his human form in an instant, and hit Kamehae qigong immediately.

"There's an ambush, be careful!" The male combatant in the car yelled, grabbed the female combatant and jumped, jumping high to avoid the sneak attack.

The qigong wave hit the car, instantly blasting it to nothing.

At the same time, two hole waves shot out at the same time, one in front and the other in the back. It was Han Zheng who also instantly recovered his human form, and Zhou Xing who flew out quickly using the Wukong technique.

A male combatant jumping in the air cannot protect himself and his teammates at the same time.

And the female combatant seemed to be still injured, and her dodging movements were very stiff and slow.

A hole wave hit her back heavily, and the female combatant let out a miserable howl and fell to the ground.

Han Zheng seized the opportunity, jumped over immediately, and raised his hand to grab the male combatant.

The male combatant had quite a bit of combat experience. Seeing Han Zheng reaching out to grab him, he seemed to have noticed something, and hurriedly twisted his body in the air to dodge and avoid making physical contact with Han Zheng.

And at this moment, Shi Yan, Xiao Gang, and Feng Chen rushed towards the wounded female combatant at the same time. The three of them rushed forward, and under several successive attacks, they quickly took the female combatant's life.

Zhou Xing and Han Zheng quickly surrounded the male combatant and attacked him from both sides.

The male combatant watched Han Zheng constantly reach out and tried to touch his naked skin, and immediately understood Han Zheng's special ability. He didn't dare to make contact, so he had to keep backing away, and at the same time quickly fired a few small qigong waves to counterattack.

Although his combat power was slightly higher, under the attack of two people, and he had to be on guard against Han Zheng's special ability at all times, he was instantly suppressed.

Han Zheng and Zhou Xing held the [Yajiro Bingbei Blade] at the same time. After more than a day of fighting side by side, the two have cultivated a deep understanding.

With several attacks in succession, the two of them quickly cornered the male combatant, making it impossible for him to retreat.

On the other side, Shi Yan, who had already killed the female combatant, and the other three also rushed over immediately, ready to help.

The situation is very good, the 18th head after entering the dungeon will soon fall into the hands of Team F.

But at this moment, Han Zheng received another message that surprised him from the detector lens in front of him.

Just to their east, an energy body with a combat power of 203 is flying towards their direction quickly.

And behind him, there are four energy bodies, also closely following.

(End of this chapter)

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