Chapter 75

Han Zheng checked the time, shook his head, and quickly restored himself to his best condition.

Zhou Xing on the side was also awakened at this time, stood up and came to the crowd.

During this few hours of rest, it was very peaceful, and no accidents happened.

"What shall we do next?" In the dark night, Feng Chen seemed very excited.

The four looked at Han Zheng in unison. Han Zheng checked the information on the current detector, and after thinking for a while, he raised his finger to the north.

"In that direction, there is a team of three. The position is in a fixed state. It should be in a state of rest, and there are no other teams in the surrounding area. Don't worry about attracting others."

He paused and continued to add:
"In terms of combat power, it is also relatively easy to deal with. They are 109, 105, and 91 respectively. If there is no accident, they can basically be resolved quickly."

Several people nodded one after another. The combat power is low, the number of people is small, and there are no other people around. It is indeed a high-quality target that can be solved quickly.

After making a plan, Han Zheng and the others quickly cleared away the traces of the rest of the team in this area, and rode Feng Chen's hover car towards the northern goal.

The levitation car was driving fast, Han Zheng and Shi Yan each called up the ranking list to check the current ranking status.

The current provisional top eight are:

Team F, Team A, Team B, Team D, Team H, Team N, Team E, Team S

Team F, which currently has 12 kills, still maintains the No. 203 ranking, while Team A, which has a combat power of 2 masters, is close behind and has risen to No.[-].

In addition, the E team and the S team came up at this time and broke into the top eight.

At the end of the list, the names of several teams have turned gray, which means that these teams have been wiped out.

Among the teams that were destroyed by the group, there was even the Q team that was still in the top eight during the day!
During the day, they were still at the top, but at night, they were all dead!
Han Zheng and the others couldn't help but sigh with emotion. This is only the first day. I really don't know how many teams will be left when the dungeon ends on the tenth day.

Maybe, on the last day, the remaining teams may not be able to make up eight teams.

Team F's suspension vehicle quickly arrived at the designated location, which was still a short distance away from the resting place of the 3-member team.

A group of five people quickly got out of the car, Han Zheng still decided to use the transformation technique to sneak over first, and the other four followed closely behind, slowly approaching.

After making arrangements, Han Zheng transformed into a black cat in the dark night and approached the resting place of the target team without a sound.

This 3-person team is composed of 2 men and 1 woman. At this moment, 1 man and 1 woman are resting and sleeping, and the other long-faced male combatant is watching the wind and vigil.

In the dark night, there is silence, and occasionally the night wind blows, and the gentle sound of the wind is very clear to the ears.

Han Zheng stepped carefully on his cat's paws with pads, not letting himself make a sound.

The night gave him great cover from the black cat, allowing him to get close to the night watchman.

At this moment, another gust of night wind blew past. Taking advantage of the sound of the wind, Han Zheng instantly returned to his original shape, and quickly stretched out his hands to grab the night watchman.

The combatant also reacted immediately and turned around in a hurry. Seeing Han Zheng waving his hand to hit him, he subconsciously raised his hand to block it, and at the same time opened his mouth to wake up his teammates.

However, Han Zheng met his raised right hand and grabbed it!
Turn into radish with one touch!

Before the night watch fighter could even make a cry, he was quickly turned into a carrot.

At the same time, Zhou Xing Shiyan, who was ambushing in the rear, also rushed out immediately, and went straight to the two male and female combatants who were still sleeping.

A man and a woman who fell asleep also woke up quickly at this moment, but it was still too late after all.

Shi Yan and Zhou Xing had already rushed forward, and at the same time, two waves of qigong, one thick and one thin, blasted towards the two who had just opened their eyes.

Turtle School Qigong Wave!
The man and the woman, before they had time to react, were hit hard by a frontal blow.

Immediately afterwards, without giving the two combatants the slightest chance to breathe, Shi Yan and Zhou Xing used [Spike Fang Fengfeng Fist] at the same time, killing them quickly with one blow.

On this side, Han Zheng also grabbed the carrot in his hand and crushed it vigorously.

[N2199 combatant kills L7417 combatant without dropping any items]
Bad luck...

Han Zheng pursed his lips and looked to the other side. Shi Yan and Zhou Xing had already solved their target and were walking towards him.

Xiao Gang and Feng Chen also came one after another, and the five members of Team F got together again to discuss the next step.

Killing 3 people again, Team F's total number of kills has reached 15, still sitting firmly in the first place in the instance.

Han Zheng stroked the detector and continued to check various information.

Since there were no other teams in the surrounding area, Han Zheng could only look far away and look for suitable targets from some teams in the distance.

"Huh——" Han Zheng looked at the detector lens and suddenly discovered something.

"What? Could it be that someone else is coming this way?" With the experience of the day, Shi Yan was very sensitive at the moment.

"No..." Han Zheng pointed to the northwest, then slid his hand horizontally to the northeast, and said, "There is a combatant who is moving rapidly from northwest to northeast. It is a single-person operation. According to the speed and distance, I roughly Let’s figure it out, we should rush to the front and lay an ambush on the route that the opponent must pass, and we should be able to intercept him.”

"Only one person? What about combat power?"


"It's not that difficult. It's hard to come across orders, so let's act quickly!"

The five people seized the time, boarded the suspension vehicle again, and drove quickly towards the ambush site that Han Zheng had planned.

"This person's moving speed is very fast. It doesn't look like the speed that vehicles can reach." Han Zheng raised his doubts on the hover car.

"Could it be Wukong?" Shi Yan asked.

"It shouldn't be possible. He only has 121 combat power. If it's Wukong, he can't have such a fast speed." Han Zheng suddenly raised a possibility:
"It might be—Somersault Cloud!"

"Somersault cloud?" Shi Yan immediately nodded frequently: "It is indeed very possible."

"If it's somersaulting cloud, plus the combat power of the combatant 121..." Zhou Xing said quietly, "...I suddenly thought of a possibility..."

"The last combatant from Team M who escaped?" Han Zheng immediately understood what Zhou Xing wanted to say.

During the day, just after entering the instance, the first team attacked by Team F was Team M.

At that time, Han Zheng and the others quickly killed 4 fighters in the M team, but the last fat man with a combat power of 121 escaped at the last moment in a somersault cloud.

"That's right, I think it's probably him. Unexpectedly, he escaped during the day, but at night, he will still fall into our hands."

Feng Chen speeded up, and the hover car quickly arrived at the location designated by Han Zheng.

Han Zheng checked the contents of the detector, and the detection information showed that the energy body with a combat power of 121 was still moving in a straight line at a fast speed, and it should reach them in a while.

"This time, we can't let him run away again!"

Han Zheng quickly made arrangements. Zhou Xing, who can dance in the sky, and Shi Yan, who can use the transformation technique to fly, and himself, found a good position in the air, and used the night to hide himself.

As soon as the opponent appeared, he immediately launched an attack, and he must not be allowed to escape.

In the dark night, Han Zheng stared at the detector closely, and soon the energy body flew over quickly.

[Attention, the target has come, ready to launch an ambush! ]
Han Zheng gave an order in the group video, and at the same time quickly transformed into a black bird, and flew up quietly under the cover of night.

At the same time, Zhou Xing and Shi Yan were also in place.

The fat man of the M team... somersault cloud...

Han Zheng thought in his heart, if he could kill him later, it would be great if he exploded his [Somersault Cloud].

Even if you can't drop a complete [Somersault Cloud], even if you drop a piece of it, it is definitely a good harvest. After all, you still have a [Somersault Cloud Fragment] in your warehouse.

At this moment when Han Zheng was YYing, the 121 energy body had already arrived quickly and entered the field of vision.

Sure enough, it was the fat fighter of Team M who escaped at the end, and what he was stepping on was the somersault cloud!
Turtle School Qigong Wave!
The moment the fat man broke into the ambush circle without realizing it, Zhou Xing and Shi Yan, who had recovered his human form, attacked one after another, and two waves of qigong went straight to the fat man above the somersault cloud.

In the dark night, the fat man was also very vigilant. At a critical moment, he hastily lowered his somersault cloud and narrowly escaped the two qigong waves.

The fat man found out that someone was ambushing him secretly in the air, and he was terrified. He didn't dare to stay in the air, and quickly fell to the ground, trying to sneak into a nearby jungle to escape in the dark.

However, Han Zheng was secretly watching his movements all the time. Even though the night gave him great cover, through the detector, Han Zheng could fully understand the fat man's every move.

The fat man seemed to have just gone through a battle, and he was slightly injured, so his actions were not so fast.

Han Zheng quickly fell back to the ground, and without anyone noticing, he came behind the fat man who was about to sneak into the jungle, and instantly recovered his original shape.

Han Zheng raised his hand and shot Dongdongbo, and the fat man jumped up, but unfortunately he was not so lucky this time. The Dongdongbo passed by his ribs and tore a big hole for him. Wound.

The fat man let out a muffled grunt, and hurriedly turned around to defend against the enemy, while Han Zheng rushed up quickly, stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

This move is definitely a test of all abilities.

Under a series of attacks, the fat man didn't even have time to recognize Han Zheng's appearance, so he hurriedly raised his hand to meet the enemy.

The two people's arms touched, and as soon as they touched, they turned into carrots and showed their power again!

Moments later, the fat man also turned into a carrot in Han Zheng's hand.

"Somersaulting cloud... Somersaulting cloud... Somersaulting cloud..."

Han Zheng silently prayed several times in his heart, and then broke off the carrot.

[Number N2199 kills combatant number L4128 and drops a drop of [Saiyan Blood], do you want to pick it up? ]
Neither the [Somersault Cloud] nor the [Somersault Cloud Fragments] fell out...


(End of this chapter)

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